Treasure Hunt

Maya scoured the beach each day and collected many treasures including sand dollars (only the dead ones), various sea shells and rocks.

Breakfast Stroll

On an early morning walk, I came upon this fellow who was bringing home breakfast for the family.

Cool Dudes

Kyle and Seth hangin’ with their dawgz.

Reigning Champ

Nicolai posing with the highly coveted “Elephant” trophy on which his name is now engraved for last year’s croquet tournament win.

Upside Down

Seth attempting to reach launch velocity on the swing set.

Yellow Beard

Nicolai demonstrating proper corn shucking technique or rather his significant displeasure with this very tedius task (they had to feed the entire camp).

Window View

Maya spent countless hours on the beach and playground connecting up with her friends from last summer.

Last Rays

Dad found adequate time to rest his eyes and allow his nose to recuperate.

Chow Hound

We made sure that Seth was well nourished, although we did manage to sunburn him on the first day.


Carl got up early each morning and went in search of photo ops. This is the seaside village of Scarsborough.


Frank helped pass the time before dinner arrived by lending his nose to Maya who attempted to remove it from his face during some kind of game they had invented.

Grand Pair

Angela and Maya snuggling at dinner on our first night out. We went to a local sea food restaurant which was only mediocre.

Top Gun

Jeanine was in fine form and made it all the way to the tournament finals with some unbelievable clutch shots. Nicolai unceremoniously dispatched his father’s team (which had survived two 90 minute come from behind wins) only to be defeated by his mother, who avenged her loss to him last year.

Croque Monsieur

Kyle took little time to begin honing his croquet skills for the big tournament. Last year Kyle took a rather casual approach to the game. This year he was determined to defeat all opponents. His accuracy was greatly improved as was his power. He took particular joy from smashing his father’s ball into the next galaxy which he did on several occasions.

Nice Dig

Nicolai quickly organized a volleyball match and proceeded to demonstrate a much-improved technique from last year. During day one, we were forced to play with a herniated ball, which added an interesting spin to the game.

Fleet of Foot

Seth and Kyle also decided to test their speed against the ocean.

Wave Racer

Maya made a bee line to the beach where she proceeded to race the waves, winning every heat.

Perfect Weather

Despite forecasts calling for rain and cold, we enjoyed two and half days of perfect weather at Ferry Beach with our friends at First Parish. Joining us this year were my parents and Kyle’s friend Seth.

Father’s Quote

A quote from my father: “I finally get it! The problem is I forget what it is or where I found it. I’ll let you know when I find it again.”

Nana Style

Maya getting the full beauty treatment from Nana this morning.

Phone Date

Kyle is spending a lot of time on the phone these days. I wonder who he is talking to?

Spelling Champ

My mother and father have come up for the weekend and will be joining us at Ferry Beach. Nana helps Maya with spelling as she composes a rap about a fat cat.

Food Deprivation

More goodies that I was not allowed to eat. It should be noted that I am frequently denied food in my own home because it is being saved for someone else. And then, should I be so fortunate as to stumble upon a hidden stash of cookies, for example, it comes as a great shock to the entire family that I feel compelled to eat a great quantity in anticipation of the long period of future deprivation that is sure to follow.

Koffee Klatch

Preparation for a neighborhood coffee. Jeanine hosted an event for the Concord-Carlisle Parenting Initiative to encourage visitors to join. She is a member of the Board of this group which seeks to promote health and well-being and the prevention of risk-taking behaviors among the youth of our community. Nicolai offered interesting ideas on how to extricate this cake from the Pyrex.

Dreamy Eyes

Kyle is hard to get a picture of these days. I had to sneak up on him to get this one. Kyle is rapidly approaching his mother in height and his father in strength but because he lacks any wrestling training, we are still able to keep him in line. He continues to enjoy soccer and tennis and is especially devoted to improving his guitar playing skills. There is talk of his first on stage performance with the band at Ferry Beach.

Dessert Hound

Maya enjoying a little ice cream after dinner. The weather today was cold and rainy with more in store.

Wild Turkey

This morning we were treated to a wild turkey wandering through the backyard.


Last week we captured everyone’s fingerprints. This week we tried to lift them off common surfaces. Maya is using sandpaper to make a fine graphite powder from a pencil. Kyle is dusting the salt shaker for prints.

Safety First

Jeanine taking auto safety very seriously.

Scooter Boy

Family night featured a bike ride around the neighborhood (Nico used his scooter), a friendship circle, a failed attempt at lifting fingerprints, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Kyle won his soccer game, and Carl tied his. The basement is nearing completion, with the painting completed this weekend.