
Caught this little fellow this morning. Click on the photo for a more detailed view.

Lime Squeezing

The squeezing of the limes. This operation lasted for several minutes and I believe every ounce of juice was extracted. I was allowed to sample the finished concoction, and it was quite good.

Best Pals

Best friends. Click the photo to enlarge and check out Maya’s hair.


Maya and Lydia compare sunburns.

Maya’s Path

“Maya’s Path” The first step is for love, the second is for the heart, and the third is for happiness. The Kobos’ added this path to their garden specifically so Maya could come and visit.


A pre-breakfast Monopoly game including Nico’s sleepover guest, Jeremy. It is hard to tell who was winning at this point, but Nicolai seemed to be amassing the most property.

Baby Tooth

Nico curled up on the couch this evening enjoying “A Series of Unfortunate Events” with his friend Jeremy who is sleeping over. During the movie he extracted one of his last baby teeth and immediately forbid me from photographing it. One day after the close of the spring soccer season, Carl played his first game of the summer season in the Open Division. His team played a man short against a much younger team with a roster of 20 players and managed to squeak out a 2-1 win despite another day of grueling temperatures. Winning is nice, but beating a team of young bucks makes up for all the aches and pains.

White Pond

Upon completion of a date night dinner at Dino’s, Maya declared she wished to go “exploring.” After determining she understood the meaning of the word, we embarked on a search for the elusive White Pond. I am the only member of the family who has never been to the pond (in Indiana this would be called a lake or reservoir). Typical of New England is the total lack of signage or the slightest clue to demarcate the entrance. We used the navigation system to systematically try every road which approached the pond. Finally, we came upon an unmarked road behind a strawberry field which did not show up on the navigation system. Maya made a bee line for the beach and began sand castle construction. We were not permitted to leave until the moat was completed.

Magnetic Wall

Maya takes care of her own breakfast this morning as the boys prepare for a full day of soccer. Our magnetic art wall has worked out very nicely and our featured artist this month is Maya. A mixed day for the Calabria men on the soccer pitch made unpleasant by record high heat and humidity. Nicolai’s team lost twice, Kyle’s won twice (Kyle with the lead off goal) securing a first place finish in the Commissioner’s Cup, and Carl’s team dropped a close 2-1 decision in the Divisional finals finishing in second place for the second year. Jeanine is making the five hour round trip to drop off Kyle at camp, Maya is learning to spell on the computer, and Nico and Carl alternate between moving slowly and sleeping off the effects of today’s games.

Cool Hat

Jeanine was by far the most fashionable soccer mom at the Commissioner’s Cup tournament. It was so hot that I had no desire to photograph the boy’s playing (that’s a first).

In The Shade

Maya and her little friend sit underneath a huge umbrella to protect them from the sun while they watch the boy’s soccer tournament in 95F temperatures. Kyle’s team won 3-1, and Nico’s team dropped a tough 2-1 loss. Nico took a free kick late in the game and served up a perfect cross, which the forwards failed to convert.


The peonias are in full bloom right now, adding luscious color to ourĀ garden.

Summer Vacation

Nicolai supervising his mother as the planting continues. This is the first day of summer vacation for the kids and I am sure they will have worn Jeanine ragged by the time I return from work.

Morning Gardener

Maya was up early this morning watering the garden.

In Flight

Here, Kyle flies by a defender looking for an opportunity to put the ball on net.

Head Strong

After his party, Kyle has a soccer match. Kyle dominated the midfield and had several nice headers, including this one. The 0-0 tie was good enough to qualify his team for Division 1 play next season.

Joint Birthday

Kyle and his friend Nick celebrated their birthdays jointly. Klye does not turn thirteen (a bonafide teenager) until August but wanted to have his party before all his friends went off on their summer vacations.


Yesterday, we celebrated Kyle’s birthday at the Heritage pool. Despite several valiant attempts, this was the closest the boys came to building a pyramid.

Tennis Pro

Maya already looking like a pro with her new tennis racket, a birthday gift from aunt Susan & Rose. Maya insists that the “W” (Wilson) on her racket is actually an “M” for Maya. Who can argue with that logic?

Birthday Girl

Maya thinks about her wish before blowing out the candles on her cake.

Happy Father

All in all it has been a fantastic Father’s Day and I think Maya will dream of chasing pigeons into swimming pools while nibbling on waffles as she enters her sixth year.

Street Music

Later, we found a very talented street musician who mesmerized the kids and left the parents singing to the oldies.

Girl Talk

I have no comment about this photograph other than to say it scares me.

Pigeon Hound

Maya kept the entire square clear of all pigeons for the duration of our stay. Seriously, not a single pigeon dared enter her territory.

Chess Duel

Kyle took a shot at the big cheese for a two dollar fee. Five minutes into the game he had this guy looking very worried. By the twenty minute mark Kyle was the one squirming. After his match Kyle started juggling a soccer ball in the square and within ten minutes had a couple of adult men juggling with him. Only in Boston.

Back in the Saddle

After the pool party we went to Henrietta’s Kitchen (Cambridge) for brunch. Each member of the family discovered a best they had ever had favorite dish. Maya and I found the Belgian waffles to be without equal. I was showered with Father’s Day gifts at the end of the meal and received several badly needed shirts, a compendium of soccer photographs from around the world, and tickets to attend a professional soccer match with the boys. After brunch we ventured out to explore Harvard square. The boys discovered the local chess masters and tested their rusty skills against them. Neither was victorious but both gave their opponents a run for the money.

Chilly Maya

Maya turned 6 years old today. The day has been chock full of activity. Carl’s soccer team finished second in their divsion and qualified for play-offs. This morning was the semi-finals where we faced Marblehead, the first place finisher in the Northern division. We played to a 0-0 tie and then a 0-0 overtime. We finally won the game in a penalty kick shootout. After the game we went to Rob’s house for an end of the season pool party. Maya is seen here taking a brief break from her aquatic activities.

Steel Drums

The block party featured a first rate Steel Drum band and before the night was out all the kids and some parents were up and dancing.

Star Lane

After Maya’s party and Nicolai’s soccer game (his team won 2-0 and is headed to the Commissioner’s Cup tournament), we spent the evening at the Star Lane block party.

Cake Eaters

The birthday girls getting ready for cake.


Maya executes a front flip in pike position.