The morning began with sleepy cousins getting reacquainted over one of Jeanine’s special breakfasts. Mario and Rory are off to Albany/Schenectady for a week-long visit before they return to Concord.
Monthly Archives: July 2005
Synchronized Croquet
Marie + 1
Big Dog
Limo Service
Kyle is enjoying limo treatment with the Metzold boys Evan (rear) and Edmond doing the work. This vessel made several unsuccessful attempts to better the canoe containing Carl, Tom, and Nicolai. Problems with erratic piloting and apparent use of the wrong end of the paddle contributed to their problems.
Lunch Break
Female Crew
Karen Manor
Karen, who shares the same birthday as Carl, is an outstanding volleyball player and here demonstrates her proficiency at piloting a canoe. Jeanine first met Tom and Karen at their wedding where Carl assisted Tom, clad in his tuxedo, into the hotel swimming pool. Fortunately on today’s outing all parties remained out of the water despite some close calls in the kids boat.
Tom Metzold
Canoe Outing
Today the boys learned they could earn money by weeding the flower beds. Maya enjoys weeding and does so for free. Nicolai has spiked a fever every day since his return to Concord. A trip to the hospital and then to his pediatrician have eliminated many possibilities, but the cause is still a mystery.
Floral Standout

My favorite shot of the abundant flowers.
Father & Daughter

Father treats daughter to a tour of the gardens.
To Sting or Not to Sting
Garden Visitor
Captain Roche
After leaving Bayside we returned to Indiana and spent 2 days with Larry. We were treated to an excellent home made dinner (who knew Larry could cook? – reportedly he is a big fan of the Cooking Channel) and a full tour of the lake. Larry and I also partnered to challenge the boys to a number of pool matches. The fact that I shall not discuss the outcome should make the results apparent.
Favorite Portrait
Bayside Moma’s
Happy Camper
Tie Dyed Tee
Master Braider
Super Girl
Beach Beauty
Monkey Queen
Big Dogs
True Grit
Each year the OneStep camp (for children who are battling cancer) has several participants in a swim across the lake (1.6 miles one way) and some who go over and back. This year one of the boys was blind, in past years a girl with one leg and a boy with one arm made the crossing. It is without doubt one of the most inspirational events I have ever witnessed and I do so religiously each year. I wait on the dock as long as they are in the water (3 hours this year), I contemplate their courage and spirit, I cheer for them and congratulate them when they emerge victorious. Nicolai joins me each year and I cherish this time together with him.
Chess Masters
Chess made its debut at Bayside this year and both Kyle and Nicolai revived their passion for the game spending hours playing one on one or bughouse. It must be reported that for the first time in several years I was able to defeat Nico in a head to head match. My superior wisdom was also responsible for declining all rematch challenges. I also took on Kyle in what turned into a 3 hour epic battle ending in the early morning hours. I played the best game of my life and gained an early and well earned advantage. I made no mistakes throughout the entire game and yet Kyle was able to work his way back into the match and eventually defeat me with a brilliant sequence. In this case I lacked the wisdom to send him to bed at midnight while I was still winning.
Nicolai passed his swimming test with ease this year and helped several first timers pass theirs by swimming beside them to provide encouragement. Nicolai also organized the first ever volleyball matches at Bayside which were well attended. Nicolai has become passionate about the sport and has developed excellent passing, spiking, and serving technique. Once again his athletic ability defies imagination.
Sailors Return
Semi-responsible parent that I am, I dispatched a rescue vessel to ascertain their whereabouts and to return their bodies. Oddly, when the rescue mission returned with sailboat in tow, Kyle was partnered with Jesse. Apparently they had transferred Michael to another Bayside boat stranded down wind (for four hours) in the hope he might be able to help them return to the dock. Shown here is the second boat with Anna and Zach paddling to shore after being rescued by a passing motor boat. All five kids seemed quite pleased with their sailing adventure until they learned that being stranded down wind did not stop the meter on their $20 per hour rental.
Growth Spurt
Moving up from the toe, I ask you to compare this version of Kyle to the previous photo from two years ago. Everyone could not believe the changes and it is quite clear that Kyle has become a young man. Consistent with his increased maturity and graduation from sailing camp 3 years ago, Kyle was allowed to rent a sailboat and take it out with his friend Michael. I watched for several minutes to ascertain that they knew what they were doing. Hoist the sail, trim the sail, go very fast, tack, go fast, capsize, right the boat, repeat. Seemed about par for the course. I returned to the dock two hours later to learn that they were an hour over due on their one hour rental.