Lighthouse Retreat

Maya and Sachi returning from our final lighthouse after defying the “No Trespassing” sign.

Clay Cliffs of Aquinnah

Our morning destination was the Clay Cliffs of Aquinnah.

Turtle Rescue

On the way to Gay Head, Eric took time out to escort a huge snapping turtle off the road. This took a great bit of courage as this turtle demonstrated why it is called a snapping turtle. I have no doubt that he could have liberated a digit in one quick bite.

Boat Builders

Eric and I wandered into the traditional boat-building shop of Gannon & Benjamin. One of the craftsman took timeout to explain some of the materials and techniques used in their shop.

Tired Kidos

The kids were all exhausted after the day at the beach.

Black Dog Tavern

We enjoyed breakfast at the Black Dog Tavern this morning.


This guy looks like he would make a nice Thanksgiving day meal.

Turkey Rafter

Martha’s Vineyard also features several wild turkeys, which I was lucky enough to sneak up on.

Raptor Overwatch

On the way home, I was able to get a shot of the Osprey that nests at the entrance to the parking lot. I estimate his wingspan was three feet.

Sibling Competition

Football was the other major pass time. Despite the great defensive effort by Kyle, Nico completes the reception for a touchdown.

Excavation Site

Between excursions into the ocean sand, construction was the order of the day. Nicolai was sitting neck deep in a hole he had excavated.

Boogie Boy

Nicolai surfing with a “boogie” board.

Big Waves

One of the larger waves cresting over Kyle’s head.

Surf Dude

Kyle spent hours in the surf body surfing.


Jeanine was in the water for less than a minute before being totally knocked off her feet.

Fearless Maya

Maya was fearless, as usual. We had to keep an eye on her at all times because the waves were huge and the under tow very strong.

Long Point

Today, we spent the day on the beach at Long Point. The waves averaged three feet with an occasional five footer.

Vineyard Haven

After dinner, we went to downtown Vineyard Haven for ice cream and book shopping.

Dining Al Fresco

We dined on the porch, enjoying a cool summer breeze.

Lemon Entrepreneurs

Later in the day, Maya and Sachi set up a Lemonade and Craft stand. They made several dollars using a variety of aggressive sales tactics. Saying no to these two girls was simply not an option for most passers-by.

Polishing Off Potter

Today, Nicolai did not feel well, so I stayed home with him while the rest of the crew went sea kayaking on Chappaquiddick. Nicolai polished off the latest Harry Potter book.

Days End

The group huddles for a group shot before we head back. Pictured here is Irene with her children, Oliver and Sachi.

Sunset Sail

The sunset was spectacular.

Red Hooded Rascal

Nicolai bundles up as the temperatures drop with the approaching sunset.

Lobster Fest

We enjoyed dinner on the beach. Jeanine makes quick work of her lobster.

The Catch

In total, I would say that at least a dozen crabs were captured. Two are pictured here in the holding bucket.

The Hunt

The boys spent hours hunting for crabs, fish, and eels. Oliver. a future marine biologist for sure, provided expert guidance.

Menemsha Beach

After settling in at the Ward’s we set out for the beach at Menemsha where we stayed until the sunset.

Ginger Bread House

After lunch we made a quick tour of the “ginger bread” houses of Oak Bluffs.

Pizza Time

The first order of business was feeding the kids. Nicolai and Maya shared a pizza.

East Chop Lighthouse

And finally, the lighthouse in East Chop.