Farewell Maine

A parting image of Maine as I head back to Massachusetts for a soccer match at Easton. The heat was brutal and the field was terrible. No one played well, but we managed to come away with a 1-0 win secured by a goal in the last 10 minutes.


Birds and the bees ….. minus the bees.


A solitary Sandpiper out for his breakfast stroll.

Double-Crested Cormorant

Here we paddle past a fine Double-Crested Cormorant drying its wings.

Seal Pup

Later in the day, Jeanine, Maya and I kayaked out to a small island about 1 mile off shore. We were treated to dozens of seals popping their heads up and splashing around the kayak. Here is a pup checking us out from his perch on the rocky beach.

And the Catch

And here is the catch. Yum yum.

Taking the Plunge

Here is the plunge. This one is rare because he had just flown to this location and his wings were still spread. Usually they strike with their wings folded.

Fishing Machine

I spent more than an hour early this morning following this Great Egret as he enjoyed breakfast on the marsh. These birds are simply amazing. This one could catch a fish every five minutes and his miss rate was zero.

Kite Pilots

Kyle and Seth team up to launch a kite on the beach.

Kitty Castle Wins

Maya and Maddison won the sand castle building contest with their “kitty” castle.

What’s Up

Nicolai does some birding of his own.

Sand Piper

My little sand piper.

Big Pot Chef

Jeanine seems to be happiest when preparing food for hundreds of people. Here she is getting started on a wonderful meat sauce.

Best Buds

Kyle and his buddy Seth relaxing on the porch.

Beach Time

Maya wasted no time connecting with her friend Maddison and making a bee line for the ocean.

Croquet Coach

Ferry Beach is practically synonomous with croquet. Here, Nicolai coaches one of his friends from last year. For two years running, Jeanine, paired with Seth, was the top Calabria family finisher in the tournament making it to the semi-finals.


I believe this is a Willet, also from Plum Island.

Great Egret

Memorial Day weekend means the family is off to Ferry Beach for our annual weekend retreat with members of the Concord and Lexington UU churches. On the way up to Maine to join Jeanine the kids and two bonus kids (Seth and Cray), I stopped at Plum Island National Wildlife Preserve and came across this Great Egret.

Bumper Boats

The evening concludes with motorized bumper boats. A terrific time was had by all.

Proud Mama

Jeanine congratulates her baby.  Nicolai also expressed his heart felt happiness for Kyle’s recognition. We are both very proud of his courage and determination as well. Maya was primarily focused on her ice cream.

Healthy Dinner

Maya enjoys a well balanced dinner.

Just One More

Nicolai enjoyed the driving range immensely. He kept telling me he just wanted to hit 2 or 3 more balls. He emptied two full buckets before I finally dragged him away.

Player of the year

This evening Kyle’s soccer club held its end of the year celebration. Kyle was selected by his teammates to receive the Player of the Year Award. His coach recognized Kyle for his “never give up” attitude before presenting Kyle with his plaque and gift.

Northern Water Snake

A little something different on the way into work this morning. This is a Northern Water Snake swimming in the marsh. I would say it was about 42 feet long. Perhaps it was somewhat smaller than that but it seemed very big to me. This snake is not poisonous but will bite you if you get too close. Real nature photographers own waders and go into the water to get closer to their subjects. After this mornings encounter, I have decided that I am not that serious.

Hooded Merganser

Jeanine initially thought this might be a wood duck but now is not so sure. I shot this yesterday near the Oxbow Nature Preserve while Kyle was warming up for his match. Technically not a great photo because of the extreme magnification (they were out in the middle of a big pond) but I could not resist the family grouping. >> Our friend CJ has made the ID. This is a female hooded merganser.

Today was my first opportunity to watch Kyle compete in track & field. Concord had a meet with Tyngsboro which is not too far from where I work. I made it to the track just in time to see him run but not enough to set up my camera. Kyle won the 400m in a time of 59 seconds. It was amazing to watch. Kyle broke open a 30m lead in the first 150m and held it for the remainder of the race. Second place was a full 4 seconds behind him. Jeanine, based on her track experience in high school, is claiming full genetic credit for Kyle’s talent in this sport.

Break Away

Kyle had an opportunity to play forward in his game this afternoon. Here he has a nice little breakaway that resulted in a solid shot on goal.

Out Front

Nico captures some of the action during my game this morning. We defeated Wellesley 4-2 and I had one assist on a nice cross from the end line.

Scorpion Kick

Nicolai attempts a very dificult scorpion kick (you strike the ball with the back of your heel as it passes over the small of your back). Although he missed this attempt, he played very well and helped his team to a hard fought 1-0 win.

The Bow

Our little entertainer takes her bow after a wonderful performance.

Piano Recital

Maya had a piano recital immediately following her soccer game. Can this be the same girl that had mud caked on her knees half an hour ago?

Easy Bet

Kyle asked if I would pay him $1 if he could juggle the ball 200 times without letting it hit the ground. How could I say no? I would wait each time until he got to about 150 and then started saying things to make him laugh. Free entertaiment.