Time For Bed

Another great sunset to cap off a perfect day.

Wild Butterfly

There were butterflies everywhere. I counted at least 8 different species. This is my first photograph of one in the wild which is far more satisfying than shooting them in a butterfly garden.

Tired Out

All the fresh air and sand made for one tired baby.


Aliza and Win frolicking in the water.

Sugar Enticement

The horses were scared to cross the water in the foreground. Mark offered to help by tempting them with a sugar cube. Here they receive their reward.

Beach Surprise

You never know what you are going to see on a private beach.

Brave Marie

Marie is not like the rest of us. She was the only adult to brave the icy water and taught the kids a thing or two about body surfing. I believe Irish people have a different kind of blood that makes them impervious to emersion in bone chilling liquid.

By My Self

“I can do this all by my self.”

In She Goes

In she goes, happy as a clam in mud.

First Ocean Experience

Sophia under the supervision of her papa and the protection of her sun hat had her first exposure to the ocean. Posted by Picasa

Temptation Over Temperature

Cold water or not, the waves were just too tempting to resist.

Pristine Beach

A more pristine and isolated beach I have never before seen.

Brave Souls

Naturally, the water was freezing but this was of little consequence to the kids and Marie.

Rare Treat

Today we enjoyed a rare opportunity. Our good friend Aliza and son Win, invited us to join them on thier private beach. Most of the Maine coastline is rocky so this massive sand beach is quite an exception. The slope of the beach is so shallow that the waterline shifts by several hundred yards between low and high tide.


Brother and sister with their daughters.


Rachel and Maya were inseparable.

Happy Couple

Although we did not get much time alone, both Jeanine and I thoroughly enjoyed this vacation.

Round Dancing

After the lobster bake, the kids all participated in round dancing.

Nico and Sophia

It is clear to me already that Nicolai is going to be great fathers one day.

Lobster Feast

Marie enjoys her very first lobster this evening.

Lost in Thought

A penny for her thoughts.

Sebasco Harbor

Each one of us found something to enjoy at Sebasco Harbor either in groups or by ourselves.

Moon Worm

Before dinner, one of the naturalists shares items she has collected during the day. Shown here is a moon worm, one very slimy creature.

Mysterious Discovery

Mario discovered these creatures while tide pooling. We have no idea what they are.


A genuinely happy child.

Pre Bake

Marie and Sophia hanging out before th lobster bake.

New Friend

Maya never misses an opportunity to make friends.

The Agony of Defeat

The frustration of a a near miss after several attempts is captured nicely in this photo.

Careful Catch

Catching the very heavy ring on the rebound is risky business and I am please to report that no teeth were dislodged during the course of this game.

Ring Game

Maya and Rachel spend a lot of time playing a game whose object is to get a suspended ring onto a post on the pole. Easier said, than done.

Relaxing in the Sun

Alissa finds a moment to relax in the sun.