Last Day, First Snow

The year ended with the first snowfall of the season. Although it did not last very long, there was plenty of time for the kids to get out and frolic.

Yum Yum

I was unable to photograph a complete waffle due to the rate at which they were being consumed, but I did manage to get this remnant before it too was devoured.

Belgian Waffles

We left Indiana very early this morning to arrive back in Concord by mid morning. Jeanine treated the crew to Belgian waffles putting her new waffle maker to the test. The results were delicious. Please note the small head in the lower right of the photo. Maya studied every aspect of the process.

All Grown Up

Erica has turned into quite a beautiful woman.

Animal Attack

Luke, unsure how to respond when attacked by a by one of the zoo animals.

Aeriel View

Maya, with Bradley in tow, had to check out every last layout and could have stayed for another hour.

Zoo Train

We finished the day with a trip to the Indianapolis Zoo which features a huge model train layout during the holiday season.

The Basile’s

The Basile’s asked if I would take a family portrait. I was more than happy to oblige.

Good Bokeh

Nicolai let me photograph him as I set up for a family portrait of the Basile’s. I wanted to make sure that the aperture I selected would throw the background out of focus and was pleased with the result.

Reading Time

Gabriel reading to his son with Maya just out of frame listening in.

Meridian Hills CC

Jeanine and I enjoyed a nice long walk to the Meridian Hills Country Club.

My Man

This morning I got to hang with my man Bradley.

Last Bed

With something like 47 people staying at Lauren’s house, Maya was asked to sleep in Bradley’s crib. She fit perfectly and reported the next day that it was the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in.

Not Dead

Later in the day, Aunt Susan treated Maya to her first real manicure. Naturally, I had to capture the results. For the record, Maya is not dead, just posing peacefully for her father.

Female Cardinal

I did not have my telephoto lens with me, but I did manage to sneak up on this cardinal.

Lake Walk

Before leaving Larry’s house, Jeanine and I went for a birding walk around Lake Holiday.

Glacial Features

The park’s features were formed by the recession of the glaciers and include many deep gorges and overhangs. All totalled, I think I covered about eight miles and took hundreds of photos.

Turkey Run

Today, I made a solo venture to Turkey Run State Park for several hours of hiking and photography. This suspension footbridge takes you across Sugar Creek into the heart of the park.

Hot Hand

Lauren quite pleased with one of her better rolls.


No visit to Indiana would be complete without a game of Greedy. This game, played with 7 die, was a favorite of Eunice. You can roll the dice as long as you want, winning points for certain combinations, but if you do not roll a one or a five you lose everything. This year featured not one, but two epidsodes of passing the dice to the next person by way of their filled drink cups.

Lake Holiday

Today we travelled to Lake Holiday in Crawfordsville to spend a few days with Larry.


Two and half year old Bradley was the center of attention. He is the sweetest little boy and at that perfect age for enjoying the wonder of Christmas.


Gabriel, our other nephew and father of Bradley, featured in the next photo.

Erica, Luke & Bob

Our niece and nephew, Erica and Luke, with our brother-in-law Bob.

Sister Susan

Jeanine’s sister Susan, visiting from her temporary home in Austin, Texas, is thanked by Nicolai for the present he received.

Hostess Lauren

Sister Lauren is our host and has prepared a feast for the family.

The Patriarc

Jeanine’s father Larry, one of this web sites most frequent visitors, looks on as the children exchange presents.

Christmas in Indy

In the afternoon, we flew to Indianapolis to join Jeanine’s family for the remainder of Christmas day.

Men In Black

All the men received black sweaters which was sufficient reason for an all too rare father and sons portrait.

Bass For Kyle

On a more serious note, Kyle received a bass to add to his collection of musical instruments.

Smelly Shoes

Kyle received a pair of used, smelly indoor soccer shoes from his father. Kyle now wears the same size shoe as I do and has frequently absconded with my shoes (he even wanted to lend them to his friend after one of his games). Kyle appreciated the humor of this gift and I bought myself a new pair which will remain under lock and key.