New Record

Occasionaly, while driving into work, I will attempt to set a new gas mileage record. This involves very smooth acceleration and minimal braking, conservation of momentum, timing the traffic lights, and drafting large trucks. Today I achieved my all time record of 36.5 mpg. The rest of my work day was equally efficient. Heard from Jeanine who sent e-mail via a friend with a Blackberry. Her ATM card does not work in Tanzania and she is runing out of cash. I offred to fly over with funds, but I am sure she will work something out. 

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Cushion Fabricator

My mom is an amazing woman. Most people would describe her as an artist (sculpture, painting) and dancer. I think she would have made a great engineer (she used to help me rebuild car engines in my youth)and there is little doubt this is where I inherited many of my talents. Never one to be idle, she is making seat cushions for our sun porch chairs. Jeanine picked the fabric before she left and I know she is going to love the results when she returns from Tanzania. 

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Maya In Charge

Today, Jeanine and Nicolai departed for a ten day visit to Tanzania. Nico is returning to participate in the distribution of the wheelchairs he funded by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. The current fund raising total stands at $66,000 (and growing) which translates to 1500 wheelchairs. Whenever Jeanine leaves me to care for the kids she always prepares a list of things I need to do and a detailed schedule of activities. Maya takes great pleasure in reading the list aloud to my parents who have come to ensure that I keep the children alive while Jeanine is away. Why this needed to be done while standing on the kitchen island remains a mystery to me. 

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Air Flow Chamber

The only photos I took today were at work. I have a presentation next week for many of our broadcast customers and I will be giving a one hour presentation on product quality. This is an air flow chamber we use to measure the amount of air that flows through our products. The more air, the cooler they run and the longer they last. 

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Cover Photo

I mocked up a cover for Choices Magazine before submitting to the photo editor. They were delighted with the result and I am fairly sure they will go to publication with this photo. 

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Holiday Card Photo

Today, family night took the form of making the holiday card photo. This year what is normally a challenge akin to herding cats was further exacerbated by the desire to include Nala in the photo. After many failed attempts involving the use of cheese to coax her into the frame (invariable with butt to camera) I took matters into my own hands. Within 10 seconds of initiating the camera’s timer, I had to remove my hat (it was freezing cold outside), run down from the deck, catch the dog, get into the frame, and smile. Although Nala still refused to face camera, the rest of the family found these antics so hysterical that we decided to use this version for our holiday card. 

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This weekend, I need to shoot a cover photo of Nico for a magazine called Choices. He will be featured in the February or March issue of this scholastic publication. The book was prepared to send a professional photographer up from New York City to take the photograph. Jeanine convinced them that I could do it and I will be spending a good part of Sunday attempting to make a compelling image. I shot this one in the Quinn’s backyard while Nico was resting from his soccer exploits. It is just a warm up but I am starting to get excited about the possibilities. 

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Slap The Deck

The kids played this card game which involved slapping the deck to win the cards below. Amazingly, no dislocated fingers or contusions resulted. 

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Today we spent most of the day at the Quinn’s house and were introduced to their new puppy, Harpo. Nala did not take as quickly to her new cousin and required a slow introduction to prevent confusing the little Daschund for a bite size snack. 

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Thanksgiving Dinner

This morning we drove to my parent’s home in Schenectady, NY where we were joined by my sister Alissa and her family for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Nala was not feeling well before we left for the trip. After the 3.5 hour drive she looked even worse. When she started wobbling and falling over, we rushed her to an emergency animal hospital where she was put on intravenous hydration and stayed for overnight observation. She was as good as new in the morning. The same can not be said of the father (me) who was ready for hospitalization after receiving the $500 bill. Jeanine and I could have stayed in the Ritz-Carlton sipping Champagne for less! 

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Head Shot

I needed a head shot for a presentation I am doing at work next month. All of the other executives have file photos taken by a professional using the standard format, suit and tie in front of a medium gray background. Having grown to despise suits and all they represent, I opted to pose in what I normally wear to the office. I picked the background to match my sweater and set up my lights. Jeanine induced the smile (I will not share what she whispered to me) and released the shutter. I used a less toothy version for work but liked this one the best. 

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Intense Movie Watchers

Kyle had a number of friends over this evening including Chloe. Normally the kids watch movies in the basement theater. Perhaps due to the abundnance of pre-Thanksgiving Day cookies and pies the group watched Fly Boys on the family room TV. 

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Brooklyn Bridge

We caught an early flight back so Kyle could finish his homework. I think this may be the Brooklyn Bridge, captured on approach to LaGuardia. 

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Tough Loss

A very disappointing 1-0 loss for the boys this morning against a team which by all rights they should have defeated. Kyle played even better than yesterday, little surprise after a good night’s sleep. These away tournaments are very expensive. I calculated that it costs $10 a minute to watch Kyle play in such an event. That said, the opportunity to spend a couple of days alone with Kyle away from friends and distractions is priceless. 

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Mayela with her baby. Jake is a very powerful little guy who can hold his own with a dog four times his size. He is very well behaved and does not eat his owners out of house and home. Perhaps he can be a mentor for Nala. 

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Why Did The Deer Cross The Road

Fortunately for this deer, Jake was on leash when she crossed our path. Otherwise, we would have enjoyed venison rather than an exquisite Italian meal later that evening. We were joined by my cousin Heather and her husband Burton while Kyle joined his teammates for dinner. 

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Umstead State Park

After Kyle’s second game, we all went for a 2 hour hike in Umstead State Park. It was a real treat to experience fall colors all over again. Sometime after I retire, I would love to start in Maine and follow the fall colors south in an RV. 

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