My beautiful wife drew my eye more than the parade she was positioned to watch. We also enjoyed fireworks from inside the Finagle a Bagel store which afforded us warmth, food and the entertainment of the conveyor belt bagel slicer.
Over the course of the evening we enjoyed Italian sausages, Philly cheese steaks, Bavarian pretzels, bagels and various warm beverages. Jeanine happily conficasted all my cash for the food purchases. Fortunately, all mass transit was free after 8PM allowing us to return to Concord without funds.
We walked from the North Station to the Boston Common passing the state house along the way. First night draws 1 million people and we were happy to be on foot without the encumberance of a car.
We were treated to about 4 inches of snow on the last day of the year. I took a different route into work this morning and was rewarded with this tranquil scene.
Maya and Sarinaugh sledding in the backyard. Recent warm temperatures and rain followed by sub-zero nights have left an ice coating on top of a 12 inch base. Perfect conditions for sledding.
Welcome my new niece Rose Calabria born on the 28th at noon weighing in at 7 pounds 5.5 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. Mark and Marie have now duplicated our parents’ family, 2 boys followed by 2 girls, and made me an uncle for the ninth time. Mario, Rory, and Sophia are reportedly thrilled with their new sister and I have three kids here who all want to know when we are going to Minnesota to meet their new cousin.
I made a one day excursion to California today to evaluate an investment I am considering. Delays on every leg of the journey made it an arduous voyage and my itinerary left little time for sleep (2 hours in 36) let alone photography. I was able to grab this shot on final approach.
Nala also received several gifts including these rawhide sausages. Although she did seem to enjoy them, she favored gnawing on our firewood kindling until we had a rug covered with small toothpicks.
By mid morning, the adults were exhausted. Just in case you think we appear too relaxed I should point out that the lump under my left hand is Nicolai’s foot. When I ceased to rub it for more than a 3 second interval he would move it about until the massaging resumed. In the spirit of full disclosure, I must confess I did the same thing with my head to coax more rubbing from Jeanine. Like father, like son I guess. Photo courtesy of Kyle.
Jeanine received her very own camera selected for its user friendliness. I was inspired to make this gift by complaints that Nicolai monopolized the camera I sent them to Tanzania with. Jeanine mastered the unit within five minutes and then proceeded to photograph everything in sight. I may have created a monster.
The boys received a Sonos whole house music system with a subscription to Rhapsody. Basically, they have immediate access to any song ever recorded and internet radio stations from around the globe. To say they were enthralled with this gift would be a huge understatment.
Christmas Eve would not be complete without Zeppole Balls. I have forgotten the actual name for these fried dough balls bathed in honey and sprinkles but we make them every year just as my Italian grandmother did when I was a child. Jeanine made the dough, Maya was in charge of rolling it out into long strips, Nico cut the strips (with unusually high precision) into marble sized chunks, I cooked them, and Kyle cleaned up the mess. Our team effort resulted in one of our best batches ever.
The girls pose with the statuary as we depart the restaurant. I like the notion of sword bearing soldiers standing guard over these two and may call them into service once they become teenagers.
Here the girls take special care to ensure that their drinks are at exactly the same height. Why this is important, I can not say, but then I am not an eight year old girl.
After the service we enjoyed another holiday tradition, diner out at our local Chinese restaurant. This year we invited the Budris family to join us. Sarinaugh is Maya’s soul mate and her two sisters are the same age as Kyle and Nico. It was a great meal spent in the company of great friends.
This evening the family attended the Christmas Eve service at First Parish which culminates in the singing of Silent Night by candle light. Despite the fact that only one and a half members of the family can sing to save their life, everyone participates to the best of their ability.
Jeanine shows Kate our photo wall which features enlarged black and white versions of our Christmas cards going back for a decade. We are going to have to start another wall to accommodate this year’s photo.
Kyle was invited to dine with Chloe’s family. Knowing that Chloe’s mother enjoys peanut brittle he made a batch using Jeanine’s family recipe. It should be noted, that at no time during his life has Kyle ever made peanut brittle for his father who is also known to enjoy it.
This evening we had the Yoder family over for dinner. Nicolai takes great pleasure and pride in being the official punch master. His concoction, as he refers to it, was outstanding and included freshly sliced fruit and frozen rasberries.
This website is dedicated to sharing, with family and friends, the day-to-day adventures of the Calabria family.