
With ten minutes to go before reaching the airport, I decided that I needed a picture which included me for posterity. No sooner than the thought occurred to me, so did the perfect location. All in all this was a wonderful way to conclude my first 50 years. I am truly blessed and will return home knowing that and looking forward to sharing stories of my adventures with the people I love.

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Coyote Hunting

I watched this coyote hunt for almost twenty minutes while I photographed him. Although he made several attempts to pounce on various prey he had still not made a kill when I had to pack up and head south for the airport.

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Tower Falls

As the sun sets I seek out a tent site above Tower Falls. I bypass the campgrounds for a nice back country site where I can hear the sound of the falls, the wolves howling and the elk bugling while enjoying a starfield on a moonless night that surpased any other I have ever witnessed.

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Harem Battle

There are some photos you will have an opportunity to shoot but once in a lifetime. Fighting to win a harem of some 20 cows, these massive bull elks engage in deadly combat. I have a sequence of some 20 photos depicting this all out battle. Trust me when I say these are very dangerous animals and you need to keep your distance.

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Bald Eagle

After many years of trying, I captured an image of a mature Bald Eagle, in flight no less. It was the only one I saw during my entire stay and it was in view for less than 20 seconds as it cruised the Yellowstone River in search of a meal.

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Elk Convention

One of my favorite wildlife photographs of the trip, perhaps because I had to hike so far to get it. One heard of elk has occupied the town of Mammouth Hot Springs where they enjoy resting on the manicured lawns and showering when the irrigation sprinklers burst into action. It is a total side show as the tourists jockey for position to take pictures with their cell phones. I prefer photos where I can capture wildlife in their natural habitat even if it means lugging my 15 pound 800mm lense and tripod up the side of a mountain.

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Fire Scars

During my four day visit I log about 600 miles of driving as I seek to explore every corner of the park. One incidental benefit of the forest fires is that they have open up vistas that would be otherwise obscured by the very tall pine trees.

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Elk Silhouette

As night falls, I spot this bull elk and his harem high on a ridge. By the time I am finished photographing the elk it is very dark and I decide to stay in the campground at Norris rather than stumbling through the wilderness in search of an open area to pitch my tent. The chatter of the other campers, however, convince me that I will find a back country site tomorrow evening. Each night I heat a can of soup on my portable stove for dinner which warms me up in advance of the very cold night.

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Infernal Beauty

The park was ravaged by fire in the 80s but I can not tell you how many beautiful scenes this has creatd throughout the park.

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Old Faithful Geyser

My next stop is the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park. I intentionally include my shadow for something of a self portrait. Eruptions occur approximately every 90 minutes and I was fortunate to observe 3 during my investigation of the geyser basin.

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Moose Traverse

By 6AM I have eaten breakfast, broken camp, returned to the car and driven to the perfect overlook from which to photograph the Tetons by morning light. I am rewarded for my effort when a moose decides to traverse the river exactly at the moment the sun has started to illuminate the peaks. Click on the photo to see a larger version.

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Bridger-Teton National Forest

As evening approaches my attention turns to finding an isolated campsite. I drove off the main highway for a couple of miles and then hiked another 1.5 miles up to the top of this hill in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. I estimate my altitude at 7500ft and night time temperatures reaching 22F. Armed with a hunting knife and bear repellent I settled into a restless sleep, all the time worrying about a visit from a grizzly. I woke up at 4:30AM and was completely amazed by the star field. By far the most dramatic I have ever witnessed in my life.

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I spotted this magnificent male Pronghorn from the road and was able to hike in close enough with my big lens for a nice close up.

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Solo Vision Quest

Day one of a four day solo vision quest in Wyoming. I turn 50 next Monday and thought I would celebrate the milestone with my own coming of age adventure.

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Back To School

We attended Maya’s back to school night this evening. Jeanine tears up as she reads a story written by Maya about her mom. Maya is in a small class of 14 with a fantastic teacher and the curriculum looks very exciting. I am leaving for Wyoming on a solo adventure vacation and hope to return with many great photos which I will post next week.

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Low Light

Last night after work the software team did a little bowling at Jillian’s. Not much available light but I was able to capture a few good images.

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Coding Project

Today our entire software team has assembled in Cambridge for a two day planning/team building meeting. Here a group works together on a coding project which they have the morning to complete.

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Back On The Horse

Today’s photo is courtesy of Jeanine who captured Maya during her riding lesson. Does this look like a girl who broke her collarbone the last time she was riding?

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Verrill Aflame

Today was a very sad one for Concord. Our beloved Verril Farms store was badly damaged by fire. The famiy owned 200 acre farm has been a fixture in the community for decades and the source of much of the food we eat every day. The Verril family has been very generous in their support of our community and I have no doubt that Concord will rally to their aid.

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The Scorpion

Nicolai just misses an aptly named kick called the scorpion in his game today. The maneuver involves playing the ball blind behind your back off your heel hooking the ball over your head.

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