I coaxed Jeanine and Maya to search for bald eagles with me today. We found two adults and two juveniles on the Merrimac River near Newburyport. Between the cold and wind, photography was a challenge but I did manage a few reasonable photos of these majestic birds.
Any thoughts as to what we have pictured here? If you guessed baby canine teeth from Maya you are right. She braved a trip to the dentist this morning to have these stubborn little fellows extracted. Now that she has been defanged, I will now have the advantage when wrestling with her for the next several months!
Nicolai woked on a video for a science class project this evening. He has taken over my study and computer to edit the footage he shot with his friend Oliver.
Maya is responsible for decorating this Pavlova which we enjoyed for dessert this evening. School was cancelled for a nasty winter storm which deposited a slick combination of snow, sleet and frozen rain. I asked Maya what inspired her to make this creation. She told me she was bored. I am thinking of ways to make her bored again tommorrow.
The entire family was gathered on the couch this evening watching American Idol (not great TV I know, but it is something we all enjoy doing together – we try and predict the stars and the duds before they sing). No one can seem to recall what got Jeanine going (she says it was a story about my past) but she could not stop laughing.
In his opening match, Nico faced an opponent who had beaten him 5-0 just last week. After that match we reviewed the video and learned from each mistake. Nico did not repeat a single one and today defeated the same boy in impressive fashion. Nico almost wins by fall (wrestling term for a pin) but his opponent is saved by the bell.
Nico and I traveled to New Hampshire today for the MVC League Wrestling Tournament held in Nashua. Nico emerged from the 8 hour ordeal with a second place finish. I emerged with some nice photos and a very sore back.-
After dinner, Maya and Kyle set out to create their own culinary masterpiece. By the smell of things, I would venture to guess it is going to fall into the tasty but unhealthy category.
For the last few days the family has been working together to organize and decorate the basement. One section has been devoted to music. We hung Nicolai’s signed Van Halen cymbal over his drum set.
On the way home from work, I was stuck in traffic and decided to take a picture of the Alewife T Station from the window of my car. It is a rather interesting structure that I pass by every day (generally at a very slow speed.
It is the middle of winter with tons of snow and a temperature of 22F at 8PM. What better time to start practicing outdoors for Spring soccer. Kyle’s club team combines with the girl’s club team for two hours of drills and conditioning. Meanwhile, I am back on the indoor pitch after something like a two month break. I managed a single goal despite being totally out of shape and rusty.
Apparently, the marauders had good intentions, and Jeanine captures the result of their efforts. I understand the girls used these ingredients to make delicious omelettes and a fruit salad.
It has been a while since I have had a chance to watch Maya play indoor soccer. Given the holiday, I was able to attend her game this afternoon and was delighted to watch her move with such grace and power.
Winter can be a monotonous time photographically speaking. A fresh snow fall, however, is a thing of beauty and I took a moment late this afternoon to head out to the Sudbury River for a few photographs. The small version of this image does not do the scene justice. Click on the photo for a larger version.
I spent the better part of the day with Nico at a wrestling tournament in North Andover. He won his opening match with his first pin of the season and lost his second two in well-fought battles. Here, he sets up the move that leads to the pin.
I have been cutting the boys’ hair since they were born. From the look on Kyle’s face, you might suspect that I simply pull the long ones out. Given the speed with which their hair grows and the cost of a trip to the barber, I believe I have saved enough money for a new camera.
The winter months have me returning from work after the sun has set and in search of interesting indoor subjects. Jeanine’s hair caught my eye this evening and is now the subject of today’s blog entry.
I left my Santa Barrbara hotel at 5AM this morning and arrived in Boston just in time to catch a magnificent sunset. Even more spectacular than the sunset was its reflection off the water as seen from the air.
Frequent visitors to this site know that my monthly trips to Santa Barbara routinely give rise to bizarre postings. This morning I walked past this scene on my way to work. I am at a loss to explain why there is a dog sitting on this bicycle. It is possibly some new type of security device. Then there is the matter of the bike itself. No answers, just questions.