Aliza’s 50th


Jeanine’s dear friend Aliza (center) celebrates her 50th birthday with a potluck dinner. Jeanine prepared an almond espresso chocolate cake which was simply out of this world (we got to sample the left overs).

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Training Run


I changed up my commute this evening and took Memorial Drive which follows the Charles River. While stopped in traffic I grabbed a quick shot of two women crew teams training on the water. Telephoto compression makes it appear that they are very close and that the river is very narrow. Just the opposite is true.

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Spring in New England

Although we get four distinct seasons here in New England, spring is by far the shortest. In a matter of a few weeks we enjoy an explosion of color before everything turns green. This scene is of the horse farm that is across the street from our house.

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Floral Arrangements


Strategically placed throughout the museum were some 50 magnificent floral arrangements created by local designers to complement their surroundings.

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With Jeanine and the kids returning from Minnesota this evening I elected to stay in Boston until their 10pm flight arrived. The Museum of Fine Arts was celebrating Arts in Bloom with a special evening open house and I am really glad I took advantage of the opportunity to visit the museum for the first time.

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Down For The Count


Last week, we both scored goals for our teams. This week, we both left our games with injuries. Late in his match, Kyle went down after being kicked in the shin. He blocked a hard shot on goal but got tagged by the shooter’s foot on the follow-through. He wears flimsy, lightweight shin pads, believing he has better touch with them. I may have to enforce his use of a more protective guard in the future.

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Snake Sighting

It’s been a while since we have had a good snake sighting. I am pretty sure this little fellow is harmless but I kept a safe distance just in case. I saw him on the way to Kyle’s soccer game. Three shrieking girls made for a pretty good homing beacon.

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Toe Damage

There are some days when you are better off simply staying in bed. My left foot is still bruised from last week’s game and despite the discoloration I felt it was not going to affect my play. Ten minutes into the game, I managed to roll my left ankle. I decide to play through the pain but ten minutes later was taken out entirely with an injury to my right knee (on a late tackle which earned the other team a yellow card). Left toes, left ankle, right knee. It is starting to get easier to list the part that aren’t injured. With a little luck and rigorous PT I might be back for next week’s game. More than likely I am going to miss a few while I mend. We lost 3-1 and every goal of the game was scored off a penalty call which should give you some idea of the quality of officiating (or lack thereof).

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Cone Killer


Kyle and I both had a great time and significantly improved our driving skills. The course is not inexpensive but I can honestly say it was worth every penny and was another shared adventure Kyle and I will look back on with fond memories. For the record, which would otherwise be distorted over time, the father performed all events at full speed and did not take out a single cone all day. The son did a very admirable job for a newly minted driver but racked up a small family of dead cones.

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Kyle In The Driver’s Seat


Kyle almost lifts his left rear tire on this manuever. After accelerating to 50mph our instructor hits, at the last possible moment, one of two buttons on a box in his lap which illuminates one of two lights above the dash indicating when we may initiate braking and to which side of the obstacle we must steer. This is about as realistic a collision avoidance scenario as I can imagine and I can tell you that it produces an adrenaline rush similar to a high speed near miss.

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Skid Course


After a pit stop at home for lunch, Kyle and I completed his indoctrination into the world of driving by attending a 5 hour skid course. To qualify as an instructor for this program you must be a licensed race car driver. Much of our time was spent in car where we practiced emergency braking, high speed slaloms, and collision avoidance. To give you a sense of the intensity of the driving, tires on the cars are replaced every six days.

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New Driver


Kyle passed his driving test this morning and is now a licensed driver in the state of Massachusetts. This is a bittersweet milestone for his parents. On the one hand we are very proud of him and feel he has learned to be a good driver. On the other, we know this brings him one step closer to leaving the nest and we enjoy having him in our nest.

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Meet Nora

Several months ago I was asked to serve as a mentor in the MIT Gordon Engineering Leadership Program which seeks to help develop the next generation of technical leaders. Meet Nora, the student I have been partnered with. We meet every couple of weeks for an hour or so to discuss the challenges of leadership, her aspirations and goals, and the obstacles in the way. Usually we meet indoors at Starbucks. The weather this evening, however, was so nice that we decided to chat outside.

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Bull Rider

Late this afternoon Kyle had a tournament match. His ankle is feeling much stronger and it was apparent from the level of intensity of his play. Here he wins a nice header but is ultimately called for jumping over his opponent. Despite missing just about every other call in the match I have to agree that the ref got this one right. Regrettably, after a 1-1 tie in regulation time, the boys came up one goal short in the overtime period despite playing an extremely strong game.

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MIT Tour


Kyle joined me for lunch today and we did a campus tour of MIT which is about a ten minute walk from my office. Despite his initial trepidation, I think Kyle really had a good time and especially enjoyed learning of the “hacks” perpetrated by MIT students. Perhaps the most notable was the dismantling and reassembly of a MIT police cruiser on the top of the dome pictured here.

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Kousa Dogwood

Replacing the Burning Bushes will be this Kousa Dogwood. Complicating the excavation/transplantation is the proximity of our water line, power line, telephone line, cable TV line and irrigation system. So far nothing has been damaged.

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Burning Bushes


Landscapers arrived early this morning to begin transplanting a pair of Burning Bushes from the southwest corner of the house to an area adjacent to the garages.

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Minnesota Resident

Nicolai is ready to move to Minnesota permanently. He is having a great time with his cousins and really enjoys playing with all the neighborhood kids. This group, apparently, also includes a number of girls who seem to fancy our young basketball player.

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Maya was in heaven equally enjoying her younger girl cousins as well as the older boys. She assisted with her first diaper changing and also perfected the invaluable football hold. Rose is a feisty ball of energy and gives no quarter to her older siblings.

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This morning, Jeanine, Nicolai, and Maya left for Minneapolis, where they will be visiting my brother Mark and his family for the next several days. Mark and Marie have four children: Mario (14), Rory (12), Sophia (3 – pictured here), and Rose (15 months).

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Troop 2665


The British, in a little know fact, where not defeated by the Minutemen with their muskets and cannons but rather by Girl Scout Troop 2665 which is honored each year in the parade. The scouts depleted the British war coffers by selling the Red Coats an endless supplies of Thin Mints.

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Twelve Musket Volley


In addition to a twelve musket volley from the Minutemen observers watch the Concord Artillery Company fire a 3 pound projectile brass cannon. It is a sound you are unlikely to forget (ever).

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Patriot’s Day


Patriot’s Day is not something that is taken lightly in Concord, the birthplace of the American Revolution. “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World” was taken here at the Old North Bridge and each year we commemorate the occasion with an early morning parade that literally shuts down the town. When you ask someone from Concord how long they have lived here they are more likely to answer in generations than in years. To say that it is a community steeped in history would be a huge understatement.

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Barber Shop

This evening Kyle had his haircut, apparently pleased enough with Nico’s new look to let me proceed. With Kyle a haircut is measured in pounds of hair removed rather than inches. I estimate this was a two pounder. Kyle and I both played with injuries today (Kyle’s ankle and my hamstring)and yet managed the only goals for our respective teams. My team came away with a hard fought 1-1 tie and Kyle’s team had a disappointing 2-1 loss.

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Before And After


Nico asked me to give him a haircut today. He requested a buzz cut but I suggested we try something a little less dramatic since we could always go shorter if he was so inclined. Kyle has an appointment for tomorrow. Maya and Jeanine will still not let me cut their hair.

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Counter Punching


It is not clear to me whether this is a soccer or a boxing match. If the later, Maya seems poised to deliver a nice jab to her much larger opponent. Kyle is still nursing an injured ankle and saw limitted action in 2 matches today. The first a dissappointing loss to a team they should have beat and the second a definitive 5-1 win.

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Maya samples the peanut butter chocolate milkshake she made in the new blender. My attempt at a strawberry shake was just shy of a failure, closer to a thick smoothie than a shake.

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Porch Dining


My parents drove in from Schenectady to join us for the weekend. It was warm enough to dine on the sun porch for the first time this season.

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One of the class projects was to design a windmill using a milk carton for a base and to experiment with different style vanes. Maya’s windmill produced the highest torque (measured by lifting weights in a cup supported by a string wrapped around the shaft) of any in the class.

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