The boys are old enough now that they are left on their own recognisance and we do not expect to see either before midnight. It is a perfect Halloween night. A full moon, dark storm clouds moving very quickly across the sky and rain threatening. This pumpkin carved by Maya completes the picture perfectly.
Maya, with limited assistance from her parents, constructed her own costume this year. I always consider Maya good enough to eat, but this evening, she looked more tempting than usual.
As if this night will not see enough consumption of undesirable calories, the girls participated in this contest, which rewards the first to eat a donut suspended from a string without using your hands or letting any part of the donut hit the ground.
Maya has become quite a little soccer beast. In this photo she executes a flying full volley. She leaps in the air and clears the ball over three attackers. Brothers take note, it won’t be too much longer before your little sister can take you to school. Maya played the full match and her team settled for a tie against Sudbury.
The product is called the S5 and it is a fully contained wireless music system. Plug it in and you have music anywhere in your home, controlled from the palm of your hand. Response to this product has been overwhelming and we believe it will be the most popular in the companies history.
I would be hard pressed to remember a more intense day at work in my last ten years on the job. My team and I had to track down potential problems with our newly released product. We received a batch of 30 units at 10AM from Santa Barbara and had to test, sort, diagnose, and repair them all by 3:30PM so they could be shipped to Europe where they are being distributed to the press for review. It took ten of us every second of the day and in the end we were able to ship 26 units which met our quality standards. The teamwork was amazing and reminded me of my Truevision days. I trimmed woofer gaskets and transported boxes from the 6th to 7th floor for shipping.
We use an electric containment fence for Nala so that she can stay outside as much as she wants to. She has literally worn a path along the perimeter which she patrols relentlessly and at very high speeds. Part of this path goes through one of our gardens and we have learned not to plant anything along her race track. When she reaches one of several observation points she pauses to survey her domain.
With Halloween around the corner, all the farm stands are displaying their finest pumpkins. The one pictured here is among the strangest I have ever seen, featuring peanut shell-like protuberances over much of the surface of an otherwise normal albiet pink pumpkin.
My team worked around the clock and into the evening today to find this workmanship defect in one of our new products that failed in the field. The device labeled 4703 is a resistor so small you could fit 50 on the face of a dime. The left hand side was not properly soldered to the pad below it and caused the unit to fail. My only contirbution to the effort was in capturing the photographic record for the failure analysis that will go back to our contract manufacturer in China.
For those who have never experienced a fall in New England, there is really nothing like it. The intensity of color variations that can be found is extraordinary.
My soccer game was cancelled this morning due to all the rain last night. I opted to skip an optional practice to enjoy a spectacular fall day. Jeanine and I drove Nicolai around town to gather the last of the leaves he needs for his science project and then spent several hours in the garden.
It has been cold and rainy all day. Between showers I took a few shots in the backyard. This bouquet of color is from our Japanese Maple tree. On an unrelated note, Nicolai set a new high school pushup record for freshman, sophmores, and juniors yesterday. Testing is done on a machine which ensures consistent form and adequate hold time. With 87 pushups he was two short of beating the senior record as well. Given how sore he was today I am sure it will be some time before he makes another attempt on the senior record.
President Obama delivered a speach on clean energy at MIT today. Given that MIT is just around the corner from my office and that the speach took place over the lunch hour, I decided to stroll on over and see if I could get a glimpse of the President. Through a combination of good strategy and a bit of luck I did mangage to get a photo of our Commander and Chief. The route of the presidential motorcade is kept confidential and it travels at very high speed, both for good reason. Unfortunately this does not facilitate photography. A quarter mile security perimeter when Obama was out of the limo made a good photo impossible.
Some days are more photogenic than others. Today was one of the best in recent memory. It began with a very sublime sunrise which I enjoyed with both Maya and Nicolai.
This photo is from my morning commute. Does anything about it seem unusual to you? If you guessed that it has been posted upside down you are a winner. Please use caution if attempting a headstand in order to confirm this claim.
In dog years, Nala is roughly the same age as Maya and these two girls could not be closer companions. I must admit that despite all the extra work required to keep this dopey canine it is worth the joy she brings to Maya and Jeanine and to a lesser extent the boys. It is not that I don’t like Nala. It is just that she has the disposition of a cat. A real cat has the advantage of weighing about as much as a soccer ball and therefore makes for a very useful training aid.
On my way into work today I had to stop by a shop in Harvard Square. Parking was next to impossible because a film crew was shooting on location and their equipment trucks were everywhere. Apparently the movie stars Ben Affleck and is about a bank robbery. Since this is directly on my route to work, I may stop in again to see if I can get some better photos.
Nico makes a full volley off a corner kick look easy. Unfortunately, this effort was just over the crossbar. CCHS fell to Bedford 1 to 2 despite dominating the game from start to finish. Bedford scored both their goals on penalty kicks, one of which was highly questionable.
This website is dedicated to sharing, with family and friends, the day-to-day adventures of the Calabria family.