My efforts to lose some weight are really starting to pay off. I am more than half way to my goal of 20 pounds. Normally Jeanine is the one who has to coax me into taking a walk with her. Today the roles were reversed as I was looking to get in an hour of exercise and she was spent from studying for her upcoming finals. Concord is full of secret paths through the woods and Jeanine knows them all. The weather was perfect and all the trees are beginning to bloom. Just a lovely evening for a stroll.
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Royal Wedding
Jeanine and Maya enjoyed watching the royal wedding of Kate and William this morning. They decided to dress for the occasion and turned the event into a party. I will admit to watching as well. All I can say is that the English really know how to do a royal affair and that their men know nothing of how to kiss a woman.
Gobble, Gobble
In an effort to lose 20 pounds I have been exercising for at least an hour a day for the past two weeks. Today on an extended walk near our home I encountered a rafter of wild turkeys including this strutting male. With some patience I was able to approach to within 10 feet for this shot. Low light levels translated to a slow shutter speed and hence it is not quite as sharp as I would have liked.
One Billion
Yesterday, iRobot stock reached an all time high and the company reached a market capitalization of one billion dollars. The occasion was celebrated with a champagne toast and words from our CEO and co-founder. Closing at over $38 per share the stock price has made quite a run from $14 which is where it was on my first day with the company just over a year ago. Many factors have contributed to this success including the efforts of my team which have steadily worked to improve product quality while introducing a pair of exciting new products.
Artistic Impressions
Nico’s Portraits
Concord United
Jeanine and Maya left early this morning for Burlington, VT where they will celebrate Easter and Jeanine’s sister’s birthday. Nico caught up on homework and posted his photos from the trip to El Salvador. I will be featuring some of them on the blog during the coming week. Kyle also used the day to complete homework and to do a quote for his Yard Dogs business. I had a morning soccer match which resulted in a very satisfying come from behind trouncing of Lexington by a margin of 4-1. We gave up a first half penalty kick but recovered nicely in the second half. I beat a bunch of defenders to score a nice left footer and also set up another goal with a diving header that rebounded off the post to one of my teammates for the tap in. After the game I took a new team photo, featured here. The boys and I enjoyed a very nice Easter dinner at Paparazzi’s.
Graduation Party
Mount Monadnock
Maya bagged her first 3000 foot summit today in fine form. We started climbing at 8am using the shortest and steepest White Dot trail reaching the 3165 foot peak by 10am. We enjoyed the views and a small snack for half an hour before starting our descent via the longer White Cross trail. Mount Monadnock is said to the the third most frequently climbed mountain in the world and we were rewarded for our early start by missing the throngs of climbers who we passed on the way down. For lunch we happened upon a local tavern which, according to Maya, make’s the best cheeseburgers in the world.
Base Camp
Timing our departure to take advantage of good weather Maya and I left mid afternoon for New Hampshire’s, Monadnock State Park. Setting up our two person tent took no time. Not so for building a fire. We used a flint and striker which proved a difficult method in light of recent rains and lack of dry tinder. Perseverance paid off and in under an hour we had a roaring fire to warm ourselves by in the sub-freezing temperatures. Our next priority was diner which included a fruit salad appetizer, followed by piping hot chicken noodle soup, with chocolate pudding and roasted marshmallows for dessert. Should Maya read this post in the distant future I will ask her to remember the world’s most perfectly cooked marshmallow that I prepared for her. Night time temperatures dipped into the mid twenties but we both stayed warm and toasty in our down sleeping bags.
The Horseman
We are receiving daily reports and photos from the leader of the church youth group to which Nico belongs describing daily events. Yesterday the group learned about the terrible 12-year civil war that traumatized the nation and took 75,000 lives during the 1990s from a veteran guerrilla fighter. They heard first hand accounts of the human rights atrocities committed by the military government which was funded by the United States. Today the group traveled by horse to the Guazapa region, a guerrilla stronghold during the war, where they saw the trenches and caves used by fighters for protection and housing. The region is essentially a mass cemetery where thousands of souls rest, many of their personal belongings still strewn about. A very sobering experience for everyone and a close up view of the realities of war. Nico was not sure he could ride a horse but apparently it was much harder to convince him to get off than on.
Quacking Duck
Patriot’s Day
Celebrating Patriot’s Day in Concord is something that is taken quite seriously. Accurate reenactments, punctuated by cannon and rifle fire is just the beginning. Jeanine and I planned on an early walk at Great Meadows but instead followed these Red Coats as they marched from the town center over to the Old North Bridge.
My soccer game this morning produced a very satisfying 2-1 come from behind win over Wayland. I played for 80 minutes and had three shots hit the post. Oddly enough, I will be credited with a goal as I was the closest player to an opponent who scored an own goal (accidentally played the ball into his own net off a cross from one of our strikers).
Although the day started with short periods of rain, by afternoon the weather was just gorgeous. I got out for a few hours of photography and decided to find interesting subjects within a quarter of a mile of our home. This Weeping Willow captured my interest and I photographed a nice series of which this is my favorite.
Nico left yesterday for El Salvador where he will spend a week on a service project with his church youth group. We received word that all arrived without incident and were spending the day participating in Palm Sunday celebrations. I expect to post photos as soon as they become available.
With heavy rain in the forecast, Kyle and I decided to arrive early for Candidates Day at Villanova so that we could see the campus before the deluge arrived. Kyle remembered his way around and gave me the tour of this most beautiful campus.
The Villanova Business School was recently ranked 7th in the nation and after the presentations it became apparent why. The faculty is first rate, they make themselves entirely accessible to the students and the programs are highly experiential with significant ties to the business world. I was extremely impressed.
The formal programs ended by late afternoon and then Kyle connected with three other CCHS students who are considering Villanova to compare notes. Kyle really appreciated the academic excellence but felt that the school might be too conservative for him. Time will tell. The 6 hour drive home was grueling. We essentially followed a massive weather system up the Eastern seaboard and remained centered under its fury the entire way.
The Long Drive
After Kyle finished school today, he and I drove to Villanova University, just outside of Philadelphia, so that we could attend their Candidates Day tomorrow. The journey took 6.5 hours with traffic but afforded me a nice opportunity to chat with Kyle about his college options. He has been accepted at several schools but has already narrowed the field to George Washington University, the University of Santa Clara Business School and the Villanova University Business School. He has about two weeks to make his final decision.
Concord River
Before work this morning, in a plan to add exercise to my daily routine, I walked out to the Concord River where I was rewarded with this nice waterscape. In the evening I added 90 minutes of soccer practice. If I am going to compete at the level I want and have my knees hold up this season I am going to need to drop 15 pounds.
iRobot Comfort
In keeping with the success and growth at iRobot we are in the process of upgrading the appearance of our “town hall” area where we congregate every other week for a “huddle” during which everyone in the division learns about the activities of one of our groups. This coffee table creates the illusion of an infinite path to our offices in China. I spent the day offsite in a Quarterly Business Review followed by a nice dinner with the team and then an indoor soccer match where I racked up two goals. A busy but highly successful day.
Birthday Girl
This little girl celebrated her 48th birthday with her family this evening at Paparazzi’s. She is all grown up now but has not lost touch with her inner child. She goes to school and plays for an hour every day. She has her very own dog and three other mammalian pets she cares for as well as a boyfriend who has loved her for more than half her life.
Great Meadows
I left for work early today and stopped by the Great Meadows National Wildlife Reserve to do a little photography. I am not a birder per say but I do enjoy the challenge of photographing these amazing creatures which requires considerable patience and a bit of skill. Most satisfying, however, is the time spent immersed in nature as apposed to zooming by it. As I was leaving I came upon the pictured Great Blue Heron who was hunting for breakfast. I captured a great series of him catching fish and preening. Click on any photo for a more detailed view.
A disappointing start to my spring outdoor soccer season. Despite dominating play and possession (20 shots on goal to our opponents 2) we lost 1-0 on a penalty kick to Ashland. I played midfield and had three solid shots on goal, one a header that rebounded off the post, none that found the back of the net. I can guarantee we will beat this team in our next encounter but for today I will have to draw cheer from Maya’s Spring Dance Recital. She performed in both a jazz number and a ballet piece.
Busy Camper
Maya’s day was chock full of activity. Her first outdoor soccer match of the season was followed by an indoor playoff match (in which she scored her team’s only goal) and then on to a dance recital rehearsal for both ballet and jazz. I was pleased to be her assigned chauffeur for the day and to watch as she demonstrated both her power and grace. In the first photo Maya duct tapes her shorts to her belly to prevent them from sliding off her slender waist. Not exactly the method I would have employed but further proof that Maya has a potential future in engineering. On the field Maya remains one tough cookie who refuses to yield to much larger opponents.
Mother and Child
As I drove into work this morning I came across a family of four deer and was able to get close enough for a photo of the mother and one child. Work responsibilities demanded that I arrive earlier than normal and consequently I had little dawn light to work with explaining why the photo is a bit blurry.
A car makes a good blind for shooting deer as long as you lower the windows before you drive up. Once the car stops you will have their full attention until they are satisfied you do not represent a risk. Moving a second time, however, will generally spook them.
Tough Guys
Pictured here on the left is Martin one of the recent additions to the Product Development team at iRobot. He is a tooling engineer based in China and the first person in my department based outside of Bedford, MA. He has been in the US for two weeks to meet the team and to attend Statistical Process Control training. He has a great sense of humor and has quickly endeared himself to the team. Picture with him are his manager Scott and his manager Doug who works for me. All three are hams and happy to play to the camera.
Bald Eagle
As I began my commute to work this morning, I spotted a mature adult Bald Eagle flying overhead. What a thrill! It was on a path from the Concord River across the Concord Country Club. As luck would have it, I had my 300-800mm zoom lens in the back of my SUV. Unfortunately, by the time I was able to get it out, mount it to a camera body and find something on which to rest this 15 pound bazooka, the eagle was beyond my range. Although I have found and photographed Bald Eagles in the wild, this is the first time one found me, and just a few hundred yards from our home. Had I been a tad faster this photo would be mine rather than an internet download.
Scooba 230

My team recently released a new wet floor care robot into production. Despite or perhaps because of its diminutive size this is one of the most complex products I have ever been involved with. Motorized wheels, pumps, clean fluid reservoir, dirty water reservoir, brushes, battery, cliff sensors, bump sensors, anti-spill mechanism, … There is nothing like it on the market today.
Piano Man
Nico can spend hours at a time playing the piano and I never tire of listening to his music. He ceased taking lessons years ago and has no desire to restart. He plays for his own relaxation and pleasure. When we purchased a grand piano more than 15 years ago it was a big expenditure. Looking back, it has been an incredibly worthwhile investment.
Open Table
Jeanine prepared two Aioli platters for this evening’s Open Table volunteer appreciation dinner. Open Table was founded in 1989 to provide weekly nutritious meals and a food pantry to anyone who wanted them — no questions asked. Their purpose is to address the hunger that exists in our area and to do this in a manner that respects the privacy and dignity of any guests and provides them a few moments of respite from their daily challenges. Jeanine has really enjoyed her service to this organization.
The Fence
I spent the entire day bringing up this website to potentially replace my existing blog site. Problems with image uploading have persisted there for a week and Google has done nothing to address the issues. It took a few hours to select an appropriate hosting service, a few more to select and learn an appropriate web design program (WordPress), a few more to import my existing blog, a few more to settle on a design layout I liked, and a few more to test with different web browsers. It was 1:30am before I was sufficiently satisfied with this site before going live. Work will continue on the site over the comings weeks but I hope to keep the basic blog operating as it has in the past.
No April Fool Joke

This winter has been one for the record books. Just when we thought it was behind us we got what is hopefully a final reminder that nature defines her own calendar. Fortunately the wet and heavy snow quickly began to melt and it was not necessary to take the snowblower out of summer storage. On the positive side, the wet snow made for beautiful snowscapes as it clung to the trees.