Business Neighbor

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I am trying to settle back into a routine of daily exercise and decided to take advantage of the brilliant weather for a lunch hour walk. Rather than taking my normal route into a nearby conservation area I decided to walk through the business park across the street from iRobot. The anchor business there is Mitre (a defense contractor, I believe). To my surprise I discovered a magnificent cooperative garden and then the jackpot. Each Wednesday and Friday about a dozen or so folks get together for a lunch hour soccer scrimmage on the massive front lawn of the facility. I approached one of the guys and was invited to join the group which I will definitely plan to do.

“Lake” Sudbury

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The Sudbury River has swollen significantly as it strains to accommodate the torrential rains from Hurricane Irene. It is looking more like a lake today than a river. When the water is this high it is impossible to kayak because the clearance under the various bridges in the area has become too small. If the weather permits I am hoping to get on the water this weekend with Maya and/or Jeanine.

Peach & Raspberry

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Irene has come and gone leaving many areas flooded or damaged. Other than a few downed tree limbs and one dislodged and punctured window screen we were spared any real damage. It was nice to be back in the office again and I was pleased that there were no major problems during my absence. I have literally hundreds of e-mails to wade through and by the end of the day am still not fully caught up. Jeanine prepared this amazing peach and raspberry tart for dinner last night and I enjoyed what remained for dessert again this evening.

Hurricane Irene

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The family has spent the day largely indoors due to Hurricane Irene which is passing through Massachusetts today. The barometer on my watch registered the lowest pressure ever as the front moved through. We experienced very heavy rain and high winds but sustained no major damage and only a brief loss of electricity. It has been a good day to catch up on my blog and take care of some lingering tasks around the house.

Sailors Take Warning

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Red sky at night, sailor’s delight, red sky at morning, sailors take warning. This was the scene over our field this morning confirming that Hurricane Irene is on its way. I spent two hours playing soccer and felt great. Unfortunately, our season opener scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed due to the expected storm.

Tektronix Oscilloscope

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I recently received a 4 channel digital oscilloscope from my brother who picked it up as his wife’s company was winding down their medical device business. I have owned the 2 channel analog scope pictured here since I was in college and am now preparing to sell it. When I purchased it, with assistance from my parents, more that twenty years ago it cost in excess of $3000 dollars. Today, although it is in pristine condition, I will be lucky to get a tenth of that. I may elect to simply hold on to it until it becomes a collectible if there is a market for such things.

My Boss

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I spent last night at the Stonehedge Inn with my colleagues. We got an early start on our strategy planning which went very smoothly and produced a good outcome. At one point I captured this funny image of my boss which I will surely feature in a future company wide presentation. I am already thinking about possible witty captions.

Team Cooking

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My first day back in the office was actually spent offsite at the Stonehedge Inn at an executive strategy planning meeting. The event commenced with a team building event which involved preparing appetizers that would later be served during a wine tasting. Jeanine would have been very impressed with the results both from a taste and presentation point of view.

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Returning Home

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Today is largely spent traveling from Wyoming to Massachusetts. Our flights take us from Jackson to Denver (over some very pretty landscapes) to Cleveland and finally on to Boston where the kids are happy to sleep in their own beds again.

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Grand Prismatic Spring

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I used the rising sun this morning to backlight Old Faithful for an interesting series of photos. When the kids woke up we enjoyed a breakfast buffet at the Old Faithful Inn, the largest wood log structure in the world. We departed for the Mid Geyser Basin and hiked the Fairy Falls Trail and then bushwacked to the top of a hill for optimal views of the Grand Prismatic Spring. 99.9% of visitors to the spring see it from the ground level perspective of the boardwalk which simply does not offer the right vantage point for appreciating this feature, one of the most dramatic in the park. Our final destination within Yellowstone is the Fountain Paint Pot trail where we are entertained by the bubbling and spewing mud cauldrons.

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By early afternoon we begin our return to Jackson Hole by way of the Grand Teton National Park. We make several stops along the way including Lake Jackson, Jenny Lake and a horse ranch which we use as a backdrop for another family portrait (and gymnastic apparatus for Nico.

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Upon arrival in Jackson we indulged in a Mexican dinner at the Merry Piglets, a restaurant that Jeanine and I had discovered on our last visit. With full and happy bellies we relaxed around the pool, played cards, and the boys learned a camp drumming activity from Maya which proved to be highly entertaining for all involved.

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This vacation has had something for everyone. Jeanine has long dreamed of going to a dude ranch and this was certainly the highlight of our adventure. I really wanted to do some family camping and introduce the children to the wonders of Yellowstone. The kids say that is has been one of our best family vacations and they all were fully engaged in the experience. My only hope is that we will be able to continue to vacation as a family after Kyle leaves for college this fall.

Geyser Basin

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Our first order of business this morning is breaking down our camp. Many hands make quick work of the task and a nice fire helps to take the chill off the crisp morning air. Our next destination is the Upper Geyser Basin where we spend several hours surveying the enormously varied thermal features concentrated in this part of the park. My favorite, pictured above, is the Morning Glory Pool.

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We were lucky to catch 5 eruptions of Old Faithful over the course of the day which included brief excursions to the Black Sand and Biscuit Geyser Basins. Even more fortunate, we were able to secure two cabins at the Old Faithful lodge for the evening. These are usually booked a year in advance but occasionally you can pick up a cancellation if you present yourself in person. No one was looking forward to a third sub-zero night in the tent so we were all happy to spend the evening at the lodge.

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Grizzly Bears

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The family departs shortly after sunrise for Hayden Valley where we hope to encounter wildlife. Our timing could not have been better. With steam still rising off of the Yellowstone River we spot four Grizzly bears fighting over a bison carcass in the water. I have a full series of the brawl in which the strongest bear establishes his dominance and sole rights to gorge himself on the bison before the 2nd place bear takes his turn. Between my long lens, our spotting scope and binoculars we all enjoy a front row seat to the amazing spectacle.

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We also spotted a bison fording the river, elk, and Nico was lucky enough to see wolves before they disappeared over a hilltop. Feeling quite fortunate we continue on to Canyon Village where we have breakfast and take in the Yellowstone Canyon before continuing on to Tower Falls.

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The Lamar Valley is next on our circuit and here we see something like ten herds of bison numbering 2,000 beasts. For the first time I understand why this place is often referred to as the Serengeti of North America. Encountering far less traffic than we expected for this time of year we backtracked the valley and continued on to Mammoth Hot Springs for lunch and some ice cream.

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On to Yellowstone

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Our last day at Heart Six included a ridge ride on which we paused for a family portrait which will in all likelihood be this year’s Christmas card photo. After returning, the boys and I decided we would like to finish our visit with some high speed loping (cantering). Our wrangler led us down to an open field where the horses could run without fear of injury. What a thrill. When a horse moves from trotting (very jarring on the body) to loping the ride smooths out considerably and you can just tell the horse is having fun. On our last run we really opened the throttle. In order to stay on the horse, Nico would grip the saddle with both of his hands leaving the reins loose. His horse easily reached 35 miles per hour and when it ran out of field, Nico had to release one hand to gather the reins and brake the horse. Absent a grip on that side, Nico flew off the horse when it decelerated and completed a rolling dismount which terminated with him standing upright. He would have received a perfect ten if he was competing at the Olympics. The whole thing was so funny that Kyle and I laughed uncontrollably for at least five minutes. After our wrangler realized that Nico was not injured and the color returned to her face, she also could not help but laugh along with us.

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After checking out we drove up to Yellowstone stopping at Flagg Ranch for a hike along the Snake River. Kyle and Nico opted out and Maya drove a blistering pace on what proved to be a rather unrewarding trail. We completed our day’s journey at the Grant Village campground where we pitched our 6 person tent and home for the next two nights. The star field was simply amazing and Nico remained up to do some celestial photography while the rest of us chose to jump into our sleeping bags. The temperature dropped below freezing and Kyle (who had a sleeping bag not rated for this degree of cold) was none too happy (he traded with Nico for his warmer bag the next night).


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Our Heart Six cabin could not offer a more magnificent view of the Grand Tetons. Each morning I rise before the sun to position myself for the golden hour when the quality of light is optimal for photography. This morning I did a series of landscapes with the Buffalo River in the foreground and the mountains in the background. I also encountered a couple of deer that were kind enough to pose for me.

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Early each morning wranglers round up the horses from their pasture and drive them up to the ranch. Normally each rider is paired with a unique horse and is not permitted to switch over the course of the week. Toad, my first horse, was limping on the second day and I was given a new mount, Big Red. On our morning ride I discovered that Red had a problem with his back. Every time we went down hill he would start bucking. While this added a measure of excitement I had not bargained on, it was also extremely unsafe (see yesterday’s comments regarding rodeo riders). Our wrangler walked Red back to the ranch and I rode his horse.

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During the afternoon the boys and I participated in paintball. In the first round Nico and I were on a 5 person team pit against Kyle, Sam (the wrangler in charge of the event who played weekly and was a hard core expert) and three others. Early in the round I covertly secured high ground and positioned myself to take out both Sam and Kyle. Neither one knew I was there and I had a perfect bead on them. I opened fire on Sam missing with at least 4 shots. He turned, located me and hit me with his first paintball. Sam, however, was no match for Nicolai who climbed a tree near our base and waited patiently until he was directly below him. Sam never knew what hit him and confessed later that he had been out maneuvered. In round two I was dispatched by Sam in the first minutes when I chose to hide behind a tree which was one size too small and left 1 inch of my backside exposed. Finally in the third round I redeemed myself as the last man standing with three tags including both Kyle and Maya. I shot Kyle in the hand just after he was also hit from behind (he cried foul but war is hell). I felt bad shooting Maya but she is a sharpshooter and pelted my hideout relentlessly and was advancing with her teammate in a 2 on 1 scenario. Fortunately I hit her gun and caused her no pain. Kyle had several bruises (one shown here) which demonstrate that getting shot can be very painful.

In the evening, we took another trail ride to dinner. The wranglers felt very bad that I had received two lame horses so I was given Rocket, the best horse on the ranch. He was powerful and responded perfectly to my commands and I felt lucky to ride him for the rest of our stay.

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After dinner we rode back to the ranch and were treated to a magnificent sunset. I also captured a slow shutter speed image of a couple of horses on their way back to the pasture for the evening.

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Snake & Rodeo

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The family was up early this morning for a trail ride to breakfast alfresco overlooking the Teton range. Our horses spend each evening in a huge pasture and the wranglers coral them each day. This mother and foal have their own special pasture where they spend all day grazing and nursing.

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The afternoon is spent floating down the Snake River in an inflatable raft.

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We encountered four Bald Eagles and enjoyed a panoramic view of the mountains. Maya was given a chance to guide the raft and gained an appreciation for just how difficult this job is.

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Another exquisite dinner is followed by an excursion to Jackson Hole for the rodeo. Our very own wrangler, Drew, is one of the bull riders. This is a sport for people who enjoy being injured. Virtually every rider limped out of the arena including Drew who was kicked in the leg after a very impressive ride and a high-flying angry bull.

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Grand Tetons

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Our day begins with a terrific breakfast in the Rustic Inn dining room. It becomes immediately apparent that sticking to my diet is going to be difficult in the face of such yummy food. Next I make a quick excursion back to the airport to rent a van which provides us ample room for our luggage and comfortable viewing of the breathtaking scenery every where. We spent the morning leisurely making our way into the Grand Teton National Park by way of Mormon’s Row (pictured above). Along the way we spotted Pronghorn and Bison as well as this burrowing ground squirrel.

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By noon we arrive at the summit of Signal Mountain from where you can survey the entire park with exceptional views in all directions. Here butterflies and wildflowers abound adding to the serenity and beauty of this place. Next we move on to the Heart Six dude ranch where we will be spending the next three nights. We have a 3 room log cabin to ourselves and mingle with other guests during meals which are served in the main lodge dining room. Over the course of our stay we will get to know the three other families staying here very well.

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Immediately after unpacking we make our way to the stables where we are introduced to our horses and set out on our first trail ride. Maya and Kyle have had riding lessons. Jeanine and Nico have been on a horse once or twice. For me it is the first time. Appropriately I am paired with a horse named Toad and Jeanine with Kermit. Our first ride takes us onto a ridge overlooking the Buffalo River and Teton range. This is one of the most spectacular vistas I have ever seen and I will be sure to return for some early morning photography and as a backdrop for a family portrait.

We return just in time for dinner and it becomes clear that food is going to be another highlight of our stay at the Heart Six. Much of the evening is spent playing cards or pool with Maya deciding she is going to learn to play the guitar. Kyle shows her a few chords and in no time she is able to play a few simple songs. The evening ends with a campfire and smores making for a very full first day.

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Jackson Hole

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Today the family flew from Boston to Jackson Hole, WY where we spent the night at the Rustic Inn, a collection of luxury log cabins adjacent to aspen-laden Flat Creek. After settling in we quickly made our way to the heated pool and hot tub. A very relaxing way to unwind after a day of travel.

Homeward Bound

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Jeanine and I surprised Maya, arriving at her camp by way of kayak to great her this morning. The secluded camp is reached easily by water and the early morning paddle was most enjoyable featuring a close encounter with a family of loons. When we returned with the car, Maya introduced us to her many friends and counselors and then gave us a tour which included the new chicken coup she had helped to construct during her stay (smaller structure next to the barn). We also got to see her open air living quarters and were introduced to many of the domesticated animals. Tomorrow the family leaves for a ten day vacation to Wyoming and I will not have a chance to post again until we return.

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Farm & Wilderness

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Jeanine and I made the three hour drive to Plymouth, Vermont where Maya has been attending Farm & Wilderness Camp for the last three weeks. Our first stop was at the Coolidge State Park where we took advantage of day light to setup our tent before completing our journey. We could hardly wait to see Maya and the reunion was wonderful. She was full of exuberance and stories about her adventures and her new and old friends.

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The day is structured around a fair which starts at noon and goes until dusk featuring many fun activities (water flume, hand build Ferris wheel, zip line, pie throwing, music, food, and arts and crafts. A camp tradition involves cracking a confetti filled egg over the head of your parents and friends. Jeanine gave as good as she got.

Campers will spend one last night together before they are gathered by parents tomorrow. Jeanine and I enjoyed an intimate dinner at a slow food restaurant in Woodstock followed by an outdoor concert and fire dancing.

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Team Building

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There are few things I enjoy more at work than designing team building events. I have done close to a dozen over my career and today’s was one of the best for sure. The challenge involved building boats out of cardboard and duct tape and then racing them to determine a grand champion. The rules governing the competition were designed to focus the teams on designing for durability and robustness (characteristics we are seeking to improve in our products). The winning boat would have to complete, in the least time, a total a six 100 yard laps with six different paddlers in head to head rowing. The weather could not have been more perfect and the Abe Bashara Boathouse in Lowell proved the perfect venue. Construction of nine boats took the entire morning with racing and debriefing occupying the balance of the day. More than half the boats finished all six laps with at least one photo finish and a few highly entertaining capsizes.

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Feedback from the team was extremely positive and I am confident that the lessons learned about robust design will not soon be forgotten.

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I rarely get attached to a piece of technology but when I discovered that my HD camcorder was no longer working properly I must admit to a tinge of sadness. This is the unit I used to record Nicolai’s coming of age adventure on Kilimanjaro. It produced all of the original content for the documentary about our climb which we got to see projected on the big screen at several film festivals. It earned me my first film credits. Normally I am quite unhappy when such a device fails. In this case, however, I feel like it has left us with irreplaceable memories and performed admirably under extremely harsh conditions.For the time being I am not going to replace it since all of my still cameras are also capable of shooting HD video (although not as seamlessly). It will probably go up on eBay where it still has value as a replacement parts donor. The biggest problem is that I will need to re-shoot both Kyle and Nicolai’s most recent birthday videos which did not come out. Getting the original interviews was like extracting teeth. I can only imagine the resistance I will get on a second round “of the same dumb questions”.

Missing Maya

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Today I am missing Maya more than ever. It has been 24,480 minutes since she left and life around the house is just not the same without her. I think the boys are even starting to miss her. I can hardly wait until the weekend when Jeanine and I will leave for Vermont to retrieve her. Her letters indicate that she is having a fantastic time with not the slightest hint of homesickness. I wonder if there is such a thing as childmissingsickness? It is nice having both boys here but they are in and out with the wind so I hardly see them either. Perhaps I can coax Jeanine into making another baby (her current position is that we can have another child as long as it does not come out of her body).

Big Fly

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I stepped out to enjoy the early morning light today and ran across this little fellow. He was quite content to let me photograph him and even waited while I returned with Jeanine who helped me by holding a sheet of white paper up as a reflector to create some additional fill lighting. On the back end of the day I took in the sunset while escorting Nala on a 3 mile walk.

Rain Day

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Today it rained for the better part of the morning and most of the afternoon. I drove to Fort Devens where my soccer tournament was being held well in advance of the 9AM start to ensure a good warm up. It became immediately apparent, however, that my quad was not going to hold up. I played for 15 minutes before tweaking it again, thus ending my day on the field. It was painful watching my team lose that match 0-3 while I sat idled. We went on to win the final match for a final tournament record of 3-1. I spent the afternoon recuperating before enjoying a date night with Jeanine. We saw the new Harry Potter film which we both enjoyed.


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Jeanine completed a 22 mile bike ride today using my GPS tracker allowing me to create this plot of her journey. Meanwhile I played in the opening two matches of a soccer tournament being held this weekend. We won our first game 2-0 and the second 3-0 in which I scored two goals. Unfortunately I re-injured my right quadracep and I am not sure if I will be able to play tomorrow. My mother turned 83 today and the boys and I called to wish her well. Naturally she has plans to go out dancing with friends later this evening.

Kyle’s Birthday

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This evening we had a small family celebration for Kyle’s 19th birthday. Hannah took Maya’s place and Nico drove back from Vermont to be here for the occasion. Kyle enjoyed fresh corn on the cob and steamed lobster and then two different types of birthday cake, a key lime cheesecake (out of this world) and a peanut butter chocolate pie (divine but a little too sweet for me). Earlier in the day we completed a birthday video interview, something I have done for each child from the time they could talk. One day I will compile the footage into a single time capsule of their childhood. Today I also sold the kayak that Jeanine has been using for the past few years now that we have a pair of home built boats. I purchased it used for $300 and sold it for $525, not too shabby.

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My brother has always been concerned with safety. As a pilot he conducts the most thorough aircraft pre-flight inspections of anyone in the business. He simply will not compromise safety which on occasion has put him at odds with other pilots and his employer when he refuses to fly an aircraft that has an unresolved issue. His concerns with safety extend to his family and earlier this week he convinced/coerced/bribed me to invest in a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) given my frequent solo excursions into the back country and on the seas. This device, the size of a cell phone, once activated anywhere on the planet will send a distress signal to a network of satellites which will relay exact GPS coordinates to the appropriate search and rescue organization within minutes. It is a device I hope I never have to use but if that day comes I will have my brother to thank for saving my life. The antenna is shown deployed in the photo and normally warps neatly around the exterior of the case. Battery life is 5 years and the device is waterproof although it does not float. I plan to tether it to my kayaking PFD (life jacket) when on the water and throw it in my backpack when trekking.

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Jeanine spent the evening sailing in Boston Harbor with members of her book group on the Edward’s boat while I had a soccer scrimmage, our last tune up before the big tournament this weekend.

Q2 Celebration

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In recognition of another record quarter my division celebrated at the Border Cafe. Our new products have been well received and the systematic improvements we have been making to quality are beginning to pay dividends. I am very proud of my team for the work they have done to contribute to our success. iRobot still face challenges with the price of raw materials and labor on the rise but our prospects remain bright as we continue to expand our channels into Latin America and China.

Yellow Boots

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I have always wanted a light weight pair of soccer cleats. Before my recent weight loss, however, I could not bring myself to spend the money just to save a couple of ounces on each foot when I had dozens of pounds spread out everywhere else. Now that I am at a good fighting weight I treated myself to these boots made of a synthetic leather. They are practically weightless. It remains to be seen whether I play any better in them. Jeanine joined me on the shopping excursion and we did a little house hunting for an investment property afterwards.

Mail Call

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We received our first letter from Maya today and learned that she is having a wonderful time at camp. She apologizes for not missing us yet explaining that it is still too early. We sent her to camp with Nicolai’s camera and I am hoping that she will return with many photos to share.