I left California at 6:30 am and arrived at Logan at 5:30 pm, not the best way to spend a day. My flight connected through Phoenix and flew over the Great Sand Dunes National Park which the pilot called to our attention. Naturally, it was only visible from the other side of the plane. My disappointment of missing that photo was somewhat offset by this shot of Castle Island and Fort Independence which I took on our approach into Logan.
Monthly Archives: July 2013
Avila Beach
A suggestion from a colleague had me hiking the Sycamore Crest Trail overlooking Avila Beach after work today. With the sun still above the horizon after 8 pm, I had plenty of time to reach the peak of this trail which affords expansive views of the California coast and foothills. It was a nice way to end an otherwise stressful day.
Work took me to San Luis Obispo this morning and as is often the case when flying cross country I noticed some very interesting features on the ground. My only theory on these multi-colored pools is that they are being used to grow algae or bacteria from which dyes are made. If anyone knows the answer to this mystery I would love to hear from you. UPDATE: A follower of this blog at work assigned solving this mystery to the iRobot intern pool in his regular Pop Quiz series. These are actually evaporation ponds at a potash mining facility near Moab, Utah. Potash is, essentially, a generic name for several different potassium-laden salts. It’s most commonly used as an ingredient in fertilizer, as potassium (along with nitrogen and phosphorous) is one of the three key nutrients plants need to grow. The second image, I am fairly sure, is of three solar farms used to generate electricity by reflecting sunlight off an array of thousands of mirrors to a centrally located collection tower. Looking out the window for these sorts of things makes a long flight pass quickly.
After work I drove 15 minutes up the coast to Morro Bay where I have come frequently in the past to photograph Morro Rock. One of nine volcanic plugs in the immediate vicinity it is sometimes called the “Gibraltar of the Pacific” and stands 581-foot above the ocean which surrounds it except for a causeway connecting it to the shore. A volcanic plug is created when magma hardens within a vent on an active volcano. Erosion over the millennium can lead to exposure of the plug as the softer surrounding rock is removed. It was named El Morro, meaning Crown, by the Portuguese explorer Juan Cabrillo in 1542. Visitors who take the time to investigate the base will no doubt encounter a virtual army of ground squirrels who live among the rocks.
Bear Essentials
Farm & Wilderness Camp has no electricity. The cabins are more roof than walls and there is a strict “no candy” policy. Rather than sending his sister a letter, Kyle will be adding a small stuffed animal to the care package Jeanine is preparing. He has carefully opened a seem and removed some of the original stuffing and replaced it with Skittles, a favorite of Maya’s. He plans to send her a coded message informing her of the treat within. I am very impressed by this act of brotherly love and I hope Maya appreciates the gesture.
I will be travelling to California on business and will probably not post again until Thursday.
Drunken Dragon
I took a break from work on the deck to capture this photo of a dragonfly who seemed very enamored with the ends of freshly cut composite post sleeves (used for the railings). He was so engrossed that I was able to approach to within a few inches for the shot. I took a much longer break at noon to attend the iRobot summer picnic at Kimball Farms, one of our favorite family outing destinations. Earlier in the week I had been asked to captain one of the volleyball teams that would vie for the coveted iRobot Cup in tournament play. Unfortunately, team member assignments were random and I did not get to play on the same team with Nicolai. My attempt to influence the officials with a $100 bribe proved fruitless. Instead, I was forced to face Nicolai and his team in the final match. His team won the cup and my team had to settle for second place. I am hoping someone at the picnic took photos of the volleyball action and will add to the post if I can obtain one.
Odd Sky
Normally I try to take advantage of iRobot’s summer half day Friday benefit but today had too much work on my plate to leave early. Light rain when I did return made it difficult to lay the final deck boards which I was determined to do this evening. Eventually I managed to complete the work and was very pleased with the results. We received a wonderful letter from Maya who seems to have lucked into a great set of bunk mates, wonderful cabin, and got her first choice of activities which includes a 30 mile, multi-day canoe/camping trip and assignment to a construction team that will be completing several new structures over the next few weeks. As the sun was setting the sky took on some very unusual colors so I went out on the newly completed deck and snapped this shot. I am trying to decide if I should fabricate one of the railing posts into a surrogate tripod platform given how often I shoot images from this location. I will have to think of a way to do this in a way which can be converted back to a normal configuration so as not to impact resale value.
Ice Cream
Every now and then the landlord of iRobot’s Bedford facility sponsors a free ice cream social. Needless to say, I found time in my otherwise very busy day to build a delicious ice cream sundae and visit with colleagues. In general, it is very easy to ply engineers with food so I consider this to be a very effective tenant appreciation gesture.
John William
My nephew John has spent part of the summer living with us and we are thrilled to have him. He is preparing to spend a term abroad in the fall and will stay for one month in each of Russia, India, and China. He needed a passport-style photo for one of his travel documents so we grabbed this shot last night.
Truevision Revisited
In February I had dinner with Cathleen Asch, my former partner and co-founder of Truevision, and Jim Dadmun, formerly the President and CEO of Techex, Truevision’s international distributor. Cathleen had just landed a short-term CFO gig for a local company. Her assignment is winding down now and she organized another dinner get-together, this time at the Macaroni Grill in Burlington. Once again it was wonderful to catch up on old times. Our conversation was largely focused on travel and international politics. Jim recounted his exploits during the fall of the Berlin Wall, sneaking across the border to drink with a group of East Germans, and the complications of trying to return the next day without the proper travel documents. Cathleen shared details of her recent trip to Russian Georgia and me about my exploits on Mount Fuji and plans for Nepal. Although we missed the window to organize a Truevision 25 year reunion I am hoping we can start planning now for one next year.
I can honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my 33 year career in the high tech industry (even my last few months at Sonos while clashing with its CEO). Even so, my experience at Truevision stands above all the rest. As Cathleen and I discussed this shared feeling, we agreed that it was our naivety about running a company that contributed to the amazing culture we were able to foster. We were motivated by a desire to revolutionize the then analog world of film and video through the introduction of digital imaging rather than the goal of maximizing profits and grooming our finances for an IPO. The Truevision board had no venture capitalists. We were simply a group of intrepid adventurers looking to redefine an industry. What a grand journey we enjoyed as we pursued that vision.
Saw Jig
I am almost ready to move on to installation of the railing for the deck project. There remains, however, one more decking board to lay. Unlike all the other boards which are 5.25 inches wide, this one must be 8.5 inches wide to fill the remaining space perfectly and to create the right amount of overhang for the top stair. Conceptually the solution is simple. Rip two boards down to 4.25 inches wide and glue them together. In practice, however, this is not such an easy thing to do when dealing with a board that is 20 feet long and limp as a noodle over that distance. Normally one rips a board on a table saw. Mine is located in my basement shop and I do not have space for the 20 foot in feed and 20 foot out feed that would be necessary. Rather than taking the board to the tool, the solution is to take the tool to the board. In order to get the accuracy I want using a my hand held circular saw I spent an hour this evening constructing a jig to assist me. The jig is essentially a sled with guides on the bottom which slides over the top of the board holding the circular saw in exactly the right position to give me a correctly spaced and perfectly parallel cut.
Camp Bound
I made an early morning run to the airport for Rory and made it back to Concord in time for an 8 am soccer practice where I was joined by Nicolai and Johnie. I have not practiced in almost a month which has given my various injuries time to heal but left me distinctly out of shape. After scoring a rather nice header in the opening minutes of play my performance for the rest of the practice was rather lackluster. I returned home just in time to say goodbye to Maya who is leaving for Farm & Wilderness camp. She will spend the next three weeks in the Vermont woods continuing to learn about harmony with nature and reliance on herself. Jeanine made the 6-hour round trip while I worked with Kyle, Nico, and John to essentially complete laying the deck. One board remains to be placed but it requires a custom width and I need to build a jig to make the cut accurately.
New Stairs
My objective for the day was to finish the stairs to the deck from our backyard. Oppressive heat throughout the day did not make the task any easier. Neither did the fact that the lumber yard was one stringer shy of my needs requiring that I fabricate the final one myself. Despite my slow pace, I was pleased with the outcome.
Nephews x 2
My sister Alissa’s son, John, arrived this evening just in time for dinner and an evening ice cream run to Bedford Farms. I spent the afternoon working on the deck which is taking shape nicely. The bulk of my effort today was correcting poor workmanship by the crew that initially installed it. The header which supports all the joists is composed of a lamination of two 2x14s (pressure treated) and two 3/4 inch fascia boards (pine). A 4-1/2 inch wide 30-foot long beam if you will. Ideally, the tops of these four boards want to be flush so that the decking that will rest on top sits level and even with the rest of the deck. It took three hours with a hand plane to achieve the needed result. By the time I was finished, I could scarcely move my hands and wrists but did manage to eat my cup of ice cream unassisted.
Kyle interviewed and was hired for a well paying accounting internship here in Concord. We are thrilled as this will keep him home for the bulk of the summer rather than returning early to California as was his plan.
Surprise Visit
Last night my nephew, Rory, called to ask if he could visit for a few days. Such questions are never required of family or friends and we were thrilled when he arrived early this morning from his home in the Minneapolis area. Rory is a highly accomplished tennis player but showed up without his racket for fear of having to face his uncle on the court. He was so flustered, in fact, probably at the thought of me rushing the net, that he missed a spot while shaving. It took little time before the cousins were comparing feats of strength or in this case filthy feet. Nicolai seems much taller only because he is closer to the camera as both boys are about the same height.
On the Water
At Kyle’s request, we went out for an early morning paddle on the Concord River. It is hard to believe but this was my first kayak outing of the season and it was great to be on the water again. Although he has had little kayaking experience, Kyle was looking like a pro by the time we finished our one-hour tour. We put in at Egg Rock and explored both up and downstream.
Rare Sighting
It is rare these days when all three kids are in the same place at the same time. Realizing this as we sat down for dinner together I coerced them into posing for a photo. Although I take more than the average share of photos of the family, I find that I have very few groupings that include either all of us or all of the kids or a kid and a parent. No doubt that they will one day cherish their solo portraits. That said, I think the group shots will be of even greater emotional significance to them.
Last week I had a chance to see one of iRobot’s latest products in action. Our CTO injured his back camping and was unable to fly to Massachusetts for an important strategic planning meeting. Instead, he attended via Ava, our remote telepresence robot. He “walked” about the front of the room and “looked back and forth” across the audience as he gave his 45-minute presentation from the comfort of his office in Pasadena. Until now, I have assumed that the value proposition of this robot would be autonomous mobility (just tell it where the meeting is supposed to be and it navigates there all by itself). Now, however, I have come to fully appreciate how the humanoid dimensions and ability to move and look around while presenting create a much more immersive and engaging experience. I wonder if I could attend the next offsite from say Barbados using Ava.
Steady Progress
Had it not been for the need to rebuild portions of the framing I suspect I could have finished setting all the deck boards today. Nevertheless, I am pleased with the results thus far. Maya provided major assistance including several very astute suggestions for joist reconstruction. Jeanine has put the finishing touches on every countersunk screw I drove by tapping in a matching plug to complete the blind fastening system. The boys returned this evening, Kyle from NYC and Nico from upstate NY, allowing us to enjoy our first family dinner in ages. Both have offered to help with the remaining work and I look forward to their assistance. The problem with a desk job is that it is very hard to stay in shape. Every single non-soccer muscle in my body (most of them) is as sore as can be. I will need a few days to recover before getting back to the project.
Young Buck
Jeanine noticed a hawk hopping up and down in the field behind our house this morning. I grabbed my camera and went out to investigate. It was trying to subdue the larger-than-normal prey secured in its talons. By the time I got close enough for a decent photo the combat was over and the hawk was off with its dinner. As I turned to return to the house I spotted this young male deer a few hundred feet away. One of the things I like most about living in Concord is the abundance of wildlife just outside the door.
Deck Woes
I had hoped to make a significant dent in my deck rebuilding project this afternoon. The decking material was delivered on schedule but as I got set to fasten the first board it became apparent that the deck framing was poorly constructed. I found variations in height of up to two inches across the deck and an amazing difference of 1 inch between two adjacent joists. I considered tearing all the framing out and starting from scratch but after further study determined I could correct the major issues by replacing just four joists. Unfortunately this will turn a weekend project into one that will probably take several to complete. Few things irritate me more than having to deal with poor workmanship of so called professionals. I decided I needed a mental cooling off period before starting the joist deconstruction and postponed work until tomorrow. I used the balance of the afternoon to book air travel to Nepal for my next solo trekking adventure. I am all set to depart on Thanksgiving evening for a 3 week traverse of the Annapurna Circuit. I joined Jeanine and Maya for an evening stroll downtown and was happy I dragged my camera along.
Birthday Video
Each year, on or about their birthday, I interview each of our children on video. I think they will one day enjoy seeing how they changed from year to year as they grew up. This year, I am very late initiating the process for Maya who turned 14 last month. The boys, having reached the age of majority, are no longer subject to this father-imposed “requirement”. Kyle was kind enough to conduct the interview this year which led to a more casual conversation and created a nice two-for-one .
Kyle Returns
Kyle is back from California where he has completed his sophomore year at Santa Clara University. After enjoying a road trip to Las Vegas for the Electric Daisy Music Carnival he returned in time to celebrate his brother’s 19th birthday. He is currently pursuing internship opportunities in Los Gatos, CA, and NYC so it is unclear how long he will remain in Concord. We are happy for every day we get.
Strategy Retreat
Open Table
Starting in September Jeanine will take over as President of the Open Table organization replacing Peter Hilton, pictured here with her. This photo will run in the local news when the transition is announced. Offering weekly community supper programs and food pantries in Concord and Maynard to more than 300 guests since 1989, Open Table’s mission is to provide healthy food, friendship, and support to those in need while respecting their privacy and dignity.
Sleepy Day
I am usually quite active and always looking for something new to do. Occasionally, however, I just need a day to “veg out”. Recent travels to Japan and NYC have left me exhausted and behind on sleep. I only left the house once today to watch a movie with the family. Nicolai requested Monsters University which was a nice intellectual match for the day I spent lounging on the couch. Can’t say that I fully recharged the batteries but I recovered enough to be fit for work tomorrow.
Junior Olympics
At the last minute, Maya’s good friend, Sarinnagh Budris, found herself without a ride to the USA Track and Field Region 1 Junior Olympic Trials being held at the Icahn Stadium in New York City today. The three of us decided to make a road trip of it and set out at 5:30 AM. I folded down the back seat and placed sleeping pads and bags in the back of my SUV. Both girls slept for the entire 3-and-a-half-hour journey. The Region 1 event includes qualifying athletes from all over New England. We arrived early and devoured the lunch that Jeanine prepared for us before checking in. Sarinnagh received her numbered bib (1176) and I received a coaching credential which gave me access to the field area. Maya was able to join Sarinnagh for warmups on the adjacent soccer field but had to stay in the stands during the actual competition. Shortly after 11 AM, Sarinnagh participated in her first event, the 100m sprint.
Her second event did not start until 1:30 PM and took an hour and a half to complete under the blistering sun and oppressive 95-degree heat. Despite the long wait and difficult conditions, she did very well advancing to the finals where she placed 8th overall (the top five finishers advance to the Nationals). After the competition, we surprised my mother, who is living with her sister and brother-in-law in nearby Little Neck Bay. We shared a delightful dinner at my Uncle’s club before returning to Concord.
Butterfly Garden
Metzold Fourth
Our flight back to Boston is not until this afternoon leaving us the morning to explore Kobe on foot. The Ikuta Shrine is thought to be one of the oldest in Japan dating to the beginning of the third century. Our walking tour covered about four miles and included a lovely park near the waterfront where we met a Japanese woman who was all too happy to guide us in my pursuit of some ice cream.
My body clock had me up very early this morning and as soon as the sun rose, I decided to explore the area around my hotel. Less than half a mile away I found the lovely Takushima Central Park. There are few things I find more relaxing and pleasing to my senses than a Japanese garden. I share this passion with my mother who created an exquisite version of her own in the backyard of my childhood home. I was able to spend 2 hours exploring the park before returning to the hotel and preparing for my business meeting.
I don’t often feature stylized photos on this blog but am making an exception for the one below. Somehow this version conveys the feeling of the place more genuinely than the more accurately rendered original.
Examples of fine Japanese woodworking and design aesthetics were to be found at every turn. I took hundreds of pictures despite the gray skies and poor light.
After completing what proved to be a very fruitful day of business, all but one of my colleagues headed off in different directions. My traveling companion and I were chauffeured to Kobe where we would spend the evening before traveling on to Osaka for our flight home tomorrow. We arrived with just over an hour of sunlight remaining and decided to make a quick tour of the Nunobiki Falls, a short walk from our hotel. In Japan, Nunobiki is considered one of the greatest “divine falls” and includes four separate falls: Ondaki (top fall pictured below), Mendaki (bottom fall pictured below), Tsusumigadaki, and Meotodaki.
Aerial Perspectives
I am in Japan to meet with battery vendors and to learn how both nickel-metal hydride and lithium-ion batteries are made. After completing today’s meeting in the Shinagawa area my colleagues and I flew to Takushima for our meeting tomorrow. The flight took us past Mount Fuji whose peak could be seen poking through the cloud cover and over an oil tanker which was being docked to an off-shore depot pipeline.