Mother Hen

2015-01-31 071429 001

Jeanine departed for California this morning where she will be spending a couple of days visiting Kyle. Every time one of the children moves into new living quarters, mother has to fly in to make sure the nest is properly feathered and the chick is sufficiently cozy. So as not to disturb his social scene, Jeanine is staying at a nearby airb&b run by an Islamic woman and plans to watch the Super Bowl with friends from Las Madres, a new mother’s group she joined when we moved to California when he was one year old.

Kyle has an ambitious course load this semester, having added a computer science minor to his finance major. Although it will be significantly more effort and delay his graduation by a semester, I think the decision will improve his attractiveness in the job market enormously.

Nordic Skiing

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Maya, having never before been on nordic skis, decided to join her high school team this season. Today, for the first time, I was permitted to witness and photograph a race.  Up until now, I have been banned because she felt too inexperienced.  To my eyes, she looked pretty damn impressive and finished the 7km event with a great sprint.  The season is very short and I only hope I have another chance to see her in action.
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Bitter Cold

2015-01-29 083458 003

How do you top a couple of feet of snow? How about sub-zero temperatures? Without a doubt, it has been a week of weather extremes here in Massachusetts. I was planning on shooting a couple of snowscapes on the way to work this morning but thought the better of it when the hairs in my nostrils froze when I walked outside. My new electric car has handled the snow and cold temperatures quite well and I could not be more thankful that I changed my order at the last minute to include heated seats.

Skinny Teachers

2015-01-29 184538 004

This juxtaposition of doors at the Concord Carlisle High School struck me as very funny. In just a few months, students will move into our newly constructed high school building and this hallway will be no more.

Blizzard of 2015

2015-01-27 100609 081

There was a travel ban in effect for the entire state today as a Nor’easter dumped a couple feet of snow across the region while winds gusted to 50mph inland and to hurricane strength on the cape and coast.  Concord was spared the 33 inches of nearby towns with an official total of 20 inches which I had to clear in two separate passes. Fortunately the snow was light and fluffy which made the job easier than it might have otherwise been. The same cannot be said for the high winds and mid teen temperatures. Maya captured this image of me half way through my first run. This is definitely a job made easier by the right equipment and clothing and I was fortunate to have both.
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Hunkered Down

2015-01-27 070317 062

With a major blizzard bearing down on the North East this evening, the family made suitable preparations. Jeanine made sure we had an adequate supply of food, Maya invited over an adequate supply of friends (school has already been canceled for tomorrow) and I built and installed a windscreen for our automatic electric generator. Winds are forecasted to be very high and snow to reach 3 feet in some areas. The natural gas-powered generator has a history of failing to start in high winds and I did not fancy a repeat of that scenario.

Finally Snow

2015-01-25 090410 006

For the first time this season we finally received some decent snow, about 7 inches in total.  After weeks of drab winter weather, the snow and blue skies provides a welcome respite from the mundane. This year, with Maya competing in Nordic skiing, it holds the additional promise of better groomed courses. I think Nala enjoys the new scenery as much as we do as she surveys her kingdom.
2015-01-25 090727 014

May I


This poem was written by my sister Mayela who has been a hospice social worker for 17 years and is now moving on to a new chapter in her life. It so eloquently captures her essence and her approach to end of life care, that I felt compelled to share it and her photo here.

A poem by Mayela Calabria Harris

May I

May I stand here beside you?
I will listen to whatever you feel you have to say, to any words that may have never been spoken, to whatever doubts or questions, worries or needs, instructions or demands.
Will I remember to hear you with my heart, inhale your every word, and hold them in my hands…

May I sit with you?
I will share the moment with you in silence or as witness to your joy, your rage or pain. There is nothing that you can do or say that will make me waver. I will be at your side.
Will I remember that this is your journey and I am merely beside you on the path…

May I hold your hand?
I will hold it gently or give it a squeeze to let you know that I am with you. You are not alone. We can do this together but you will lead the way.
Will I remember to let it go when you are ready to move on…

May I bear witness to the beauty of life with you?
I will do my best to comfort you and your loved ones. I will speak your words if you are no longer able. I will honor your wishes and remind others that this is your time, your road, and your way.
Will I remember not to judge and simply let it be…

May I have the strength and knowledge to see you through the gate. I will let compassion guide me. Will I not be the better for it?

First Selfie

2015-01-23 163636 019

In my many years of photography, I have made many self-portraits, all from a timer-released shutter on a tripod. While at dinner this evening with Jeanine, Maya, and her friend Maddie, I made my first selfie (own arm used in lieu of tripod). Everyone at the table was howling with laughter as Maya instructed me in the art, explaining the nuances of proper angles, aiming, and lighting. I was able to follow her instructions well enough to obtain this image which I am quite happy with.



For the past two years I have been serving as a director-at-large on the board of the American Amputee Soccer Association (AASA). This evening during our first meeting of the year, I was elected to the office of Vice President. I want to see the organization take a much more aggressive posture towards growing the sport and believe that will happen fastest if we focus on building a world class national team. To do that we must raise $100,000 to cover team travel and training costs and by recruiting four more “A” players. I believe if we do these two things the US National team will reach the medal rounds of the 2016 World Cup. Game on!

The Last Supper

2015-01-21 185724 002

Attempts to schedule a holiday party for my staff last December proved unsuccessful due to calendar conflicts. Instead we held the event this evening in the library of the Stonehedge Inn in Tyngsboro, a setting as elegant as it was cozy. The theme of the event, in light of my recent resignation, developed into more of a farewell party than a holiday fete. None the less, I was able to express my appreciation and gratitude to my staff and their partners for all they had done in support of iRobot’s success. I was honored and humbled as each in turn shared their sentiments and kind words with me at this time of transition. Receiving such gifts with Jeanine by my side (actually, spouses were seated at opposite ends of the table by design) made the experience that much more meaningful for me and I felt truly blessed.

DVNP Selfies

2015-01-09 124600 614

A 12 hour day in the office left little time for photography today so I am posting a couple of selfies from my recent visit to Death Valley National Park. I had a late indoor soccer game this evening during which I struggled mightily. A couple weeks off from the sport is all it takes to get seriously out of shape. I was fortunate to score a goal in the early going helping my team to a 5-3 win over the only squad that threatens our first place standing.
2015-01-10 114214 407

Winter Color

2015-01-19 143447 015

Winter minus snow in New England can leave slim pickings for nature photographers. I did manage to find a bit of color amid the grey while out for a nature walk. I ran across a downed tree trunk covered in fungi from head to toe. The groupings featured here were the most interesting to me but I could have easily spent hours continuing to explore.
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Colorado Bound

2015-01-18 074319 003

When I dropped him off at the airport this morning for his return to Colorado, Nicolai was carrying more luggage than I would have thought possible. He insisted on carrying it all, pointing out that he would have to do it on the other end without assistance in any case. We spent a good bit of the drive to the airport kicking around ideas for our next adventure together. High on the list is an ascent of Aconcagua in Argentina, the highest mountain outside of Asia standing 22,837 ft above sea level and considerably higher than Kilimanjaro. Based on my research thus far I am positive Nico could complete the climb and fairly certain I could as well. We are considering many other possible expeditions but this is the current leading contender.

Farewell Dinner

2015-01-17 201355 020


Nico and Maya joshing around while we wait for our dinners to arrive. The family dined out on the eve of Nico’s return to Colorado College. He did an independent study for his fourth block so he could participate in the Amputee World Cup.  I think it is safe to say he is anxious to get back to school but will also miss his family and girl friend, Karuna.

I spent the bulk of the day working on a name for the company I am thinking about forming.  When I co-founded Truevision, the Internet did not exist and the challenge of securing an available .com domain was not an issue.  Now it is a huge challenge and something you need to consider early in the naming process.  I purchased about 12 domains and have already narrowed my choices down to four.  Next I need to do a little user group testing for appeal while searching the trademark database to make sure the name will not infringe on another entity.

Pet Relief

2015-01-18 090833 001

Until it stops working, you often do not appreciate how important a particular bit of technology can be. In the case of our electronic pet containment system, which ceased to function earlier this week, we have learned that lesson all too well. When the system went down we had to deal with an escaped dog gone on a walkabout and once re-captured having to bundle up several times a day to take her outside to relieve her aging bladder. A new system arrived today, not a moment too soon. It features a new capability that I hope Nala will appreciate. When she enters the boundary zone at the edge of her play-safe area, her new collar will beep to warn her that a shock is imminent if she does not retreat. The old system would simply zap her when she went too far afield. Whether she is smart enough to figure out the connection remains to be seen.

Focaccia Supreme

2015-01-15 201352 004

Jeanine has raised three kids who really know how to cook. This evening Nico prepared focaccia that was out of this world.  Photographed here prior to the application of a balsamic vinaigrette drizzle they were absolutely scrumptuous. I too have grown in my mastery of the culinary arts and am routinely entrusted to toast bread or boil water.

Model X

2015-01-07 092306 008

While at CES I happened upon a Tesla Model X prototype. Last summer I placed a $5,000 deposit on this all-electric car, sight unseen. The plan is to eventually convert all our petroleum fueled cars to electric powered. The BMW i3 has proven to be a fantastic commuter car but the Tesla offers the promise of long range touring and much greater cargo capacity. Seeing the falcon-wing doors in person left me with significant concerns about the practicality of this design in the presence of driving rain or heavy snowfall. I will reserve judgement until I have had a chance to take one for a test drive, presumably about a year from now.

Ninth Inning

2015-01-13 073507 077

I have never found it easy to tell the people I work with that I am leaving the company. I managed to do so this morning with a mildly humorous ice breaker to start the meeting during which I made the announcement. Being late (even by a minute) for my staff meetings will earn you a $1 fine. If I am late, the cost for me is $2. Over the last five years these fines have been placed into an envelope which is guarded by my administrative assistant. At the beginning of the meeting, I collected a buck from a straggler and asked my assembled staff to guess how much money was in the envelope. Today’s photograph captures their estimates. I then announced that the person with the closest guess would win the entire pot which was being disbursed because I had decided to leave the company in pursuit of a new opportunity.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working at iRobot which is an exceptional company filled with extraordinary individuals. When I joined the company, my original plan was to stay for four years. Last December when my first boss left, I made a commitment to stay for an additional year. Having achieved the results I was hired to deliver, the time has come for me to climb a new mountain. I have another opportunity in hand and others on the horizon but I am leaning towards starting another company of my own. This has been a dream of mine ever since creating Truevision and I have a very exciting idea in mind. For the moment, however, I am focused on a smooth wind down of my responsibilities and have agreed to stay with iRobot through April. I am also toying with the idea of a 6-month adventure-travel-photography sabbatical before jumping into the next cauldron!

Bell Labs, AT&T Epicenter, Truevision, RasterOps, Pinnacle Systems, Avid Technology, Sonos, iRobot, the ninth inning.


2015-01-08 131440 431

While at CES I came across these Rocketskates (electric-powered skates). I thought they might be something that would interest Nico for zooming around campus. He was intrigued, but not enough to have me place an order. He is still after me to invent a shoe that converts to a proper roller blade at the push of a button (not like the flimsy roller shoes that are currently available).

Furnace Creek

2015-01-11 120022 570_552_229

Furnace Creek is aptly named if you visit in the summer. Temperatures here have reached as high as 134F.  This morning it was in the low 30s when I emerged from my tent. Despite overcast skies and a slight drizzle I made good use of the morning hours before having to set out for the airport in Las Vegas. Had I known my flight would be delayed by five hours, I would have hung around much longer.

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2015-01-11 110611 161

I could spend days in the Badwater Basin alone. The salt crystal formations are as unusual as they are beautiful. I travelled through Twenty Mule Team Canyon on my way out of the park using my own trusted steed, a Jeep Wrangler that did more than earn its keep over the last three days.

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Panamint Springs

2015-01-10 102648 213

My plan for the day was to explore a very remote area of Death Valley called the “Race Track” where the famous sailing stones can be found. Unfortunately, I missed a turn last night while making the three hour journey and found myself a hundred miles off course in Panamint Springs before I realized my mistake. It was late and I was tired so I decided to make camp. In the morning, I was up several hours before sunrise and decided to visit the Panamint Sand Dunes. Thirty minutes of driving and an hour of hiking had me well positioned for sunrise but cloud conditions only afforded me a 3 minute window for decent photography. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes not. The trek was not a total loss as I passed an interesting pair of abandoned cars on my return.

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After breakfast I enjoyed hiking to Darwin Falls where the color green appeared for the first time. Later I drove to the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns and Aguereberry Point. The ten beehive-shaped kilns were built in 1876 to provide fuel to process silver/lead ore.

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By late afternoon I arrived at Stovepipe Wells and the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. Here I had better luck with the setting sun and got some nice shots before driving on to Furnace Creek for my final night in the tent.

2015-01-10 180628 157

Death Valley

2015-01-09 154145 245

Last night I rented a Jeep Wrangler and headed to Death Valley National Park for a weekend of tent camping, photography and exploration. I met my colleague from Truevision (he prefers to keep his name off the grid) this morning and we hiked up to Zabriskie Point through aptly named Golden Canyon.   Later in the day we explored the  Devil’s Golf Course, Natural Bridge, and the Badwater Salt Flats, the lowest point in North America at 282 feet below sea level. Winter temperatures in the park make this the perfect time of year to visit although lighting is hit or miss as the clouds rapidly evolve from great backgrounds to obstinant blockers of the sun. Here are a few of the hundreds of photos I took.

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2015-01-09 122613 045

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High Roller

2015-01-06 154351 080

The view from my room at the Westin Hotel looks on to the recently completed 550 foot tall High Roller, the world’s tallest observation wheel. High Roller features 28 spherical passenger cabins which can accommodate up to 40 passengers each, and is illuminated with dynamic multicolored LED lights nightly. I briefly considered going for a spin but I was too tired to wait in line after another long day at CES.
2015-01-06 203250 103

Creepy Robot

2015-01-07 161147 063

I spent an exhausting day touring the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  For some reason I can trek continuously for 12 hours at a stretch with no problems but am left with an aching back and blistered feet after an 8-hour trade show.  My focus at the show is all things robotic.  The robot pictured above is by far the creepiest one I have ever seen.  It is an animatronic “communication” robot that features facial gestures and movements that are very human-like but not quite.  It is the not quite part that makes this thing very disconcerting to be around.  The day is coming when such a robot will be mistaken for a human and despite my love of technology, I am not sure that is something I want to witness.

Head of the Charles

2015-01-06 084441 195

It was not a great day for aerial photography as I flew from Boston to Las Vegas but I did manage a nice shot of the mouth of the Charles River.  After arriving at my hotel, I had an opportunity to reconnect with a former Truevision colleague who I have not seen in 21 years. He has been photographing the deserts of the world for the last three years and has created an exquisite collection of beautiful one of a kind images. He was kind enough to share his post processing workflow with me as we reviewed selections from his portfolio.  My work responsibilities limited our time together but we made arrangements to meet in Death Valley National Park for a day of shooting together later in the wee

Fly Away

2014-12-31 151848 011


For twenty years I attended the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) trade show in Las Vegas.  Let’s just say that it is one of my least favorite travel destinations and yet that is where I am headed tomorrow.  I will be attending CES, the Consumer Electronics Show, for the rest of the week where I will be surveying whats new on the competitive and technology horizons and meeting with colleagues.  I will have new posts when I return on Sunday.


Snow White

2015-01-04 152211 006

It was with mixed emotions that Jeanine and I dropped Kyle off at the airport early this morning. He is returning to Santa Clara University where he will resume his senior year after spending a gap semester at home with us. We are pleased that he took a break to focus on his future and that he has decided to add a computer science minor to his finance degree. On the other hand, we have really enjoyed the extended visit with him and are going to miss him more than usual this time. The hectic scene at the airport thwarted my effort to get a decent photo of him as he was leaving.

Today’s photo features Maya following precisely in her friend’s footsteps as she navigated an inch of slushy snow and frigid temperatures in a pair of flip-flops and shorts. Why does a child attempt winter snow traversal in flip-flops and shorts? That is a very good question for which I have no good answer.

Ice Capades

2015-01-03 135008 019

A visit to the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in search of a bald eagle recently spotted there netted an altogether unexpected photographic outcome. When it became apparent that the eagle was hanging out elsewhere, I walked down to the Concord River whose banks were lined with some of the most interesting ice formations I have ever seen. The combination of temperatures vacillating around the freezing point and a gradually decreasing river height resulted in fascinating patterns and ice structures.

2015-01-03 134440 011

As rare as the ice formations were, I encountered something even more surprising after having ventured a mile into the refuge. Understand, for context, that during the entire course of my two hour visit, I only encountered a half dozen people willing to brave the sub-freezing temperatures, and most of them within a few hundred yards of the parking lot. Just as I reached the furthest extent of the trail I was on, I noticed, approaching from the opposite direction, two human figures. Soon it became apparent that one was on crutches and a second later I realized it was Nico with his friend Raz. I estimate the probability of this chance occurrence as roughly equal to the likelihood of running into Jeanine at a fast food restaurant, one in a million.

2015-01-03 143110 057

Vermont Guests

2015-01-02 094713 001

The holidays are never as happy without a visit from Jeanine’s sister, Susan, and we were fortunate that she was joined this year by her friends Ikey and Jean. Before moving to Concord, our Christmas holiday was spent with Jeanine’s other sister, Lauren, and her family in Indianapolis. We are lucky to have lived so close to one or the other since starting our family. On my side of the family, only my mother and sister, Alissa, live within driving distance. It would be nice to one year spend the holidays with my other sister, Mayela, who lives in North Carolina and my brother, Mark, who lives in Minnesota.

It was back to work for me today but not before bidding farewell to our Vermont house guests and capturing a group portrait.

Fresh Start

There is something wonderful about the start of a new year.  For me it is a time of infinite possibilities and fortified resolve.  With each passing year, I find myself increasinlgy  motivated to live deliberately  and in balance with the people and world around me.  Today I will take the first steps in the journey that is the rest of my life.  Some of these steps will cover familiar ground but I hope that many more will lead me in new and as yet unexplored directions.

2015-01-01 125601 004

Jeanine’s recent decision to purchase a deep fryer can, I believe, be directly traced to our breakfast menu this morning. Behold the beignet. These powdered sugar dusted fried doughnuts have their origins in France but migrated to New Orleans in the 18th century where they are often featured in Creole cuisine. A questionable choice to start a healthy new year, there were no objections heard over the munching sounds that quickly consumed the delicious fritters.

2015-01-01 125328 002

By evening, after a day filled with various card and dice games, the family once again found itself organized around food preparation in the kitchen.  Kyle is seen here sautéing lobster tails and shrimp to be served over bow-tie pasta being cooked by Nicolai while Jeanine prepared a kale salad with fresh lemon, anchovy, croutons and candied pecans.  Yummy!

2015-01-01 182158 005