Motivated by the failure of my plywood prototype bike rack carrier bracket yesterday, I completed a design for a bracket that I hope to print at work when time permits. It looks nothing like my prototype because I wanted a design that would not require a left and right version and also one that would accommodate a wide range of bicycle handlebar grips. Only time will tell if the new design fares better than the wood model.
Very pleased with the bike carrier I created for my car, I decided to take my bike into work with me today for a noon ride. Less than 2 minutes into my commute, one of the two handlebar grip brackets failed catastrophically. The plywood I used to build the holders delaminated along a plane containing a wood knot. Fortunately, I had the foresight to add a safety strap to my design which prevented my bike from spilling into traffic. It was my plan all along to replace the rather crude looking prototype wood blocks with an elegant 3D printed part from a MarkForged printer. Looks like I will need to do that sooner rather than later paying particular attention to part strength which is clearly going to be an issue.
Today’s post takes the form of a short article I submitted to the Concord Journal.
In a dramatic come from behind win, the Concord United Over 50 Men’s Soccer Team won the New England Over The Hill Soccer League (NEOTHSL) Division 1 Championship in a penalty kick shoot out this past Sunday in Taunton. Concord trailed the Stoneham Spartans, last year’s champions, by one goal at the half. Minutes into the second half the Spartans scored again making the score 2-0. The Concord men remained composed and earned a goal late in the second half. With 30 seconds remaining in the match, Concord pushed everyone forward on a final corner kick including goalie, Rob Morrison, who scored the equalizer, forcing a penalty kick shoot out. Morrison went on to save three sudden death penalty kicks before his teammates won the shoot out 5-4 in the ninth round.
I started at left wing (midfield) and had a strong first half, playing with the intensity you would expect in a championship match. I did not play as well in the second half and was thankful I was not on the field for the penalty kick phase. A smart man of my age would graduate to the Over 56 division in the fall. I am not that smart. My last D1 championship was in 2008 as a member of the Concord United Over 40 team and I would like to win another before moving up another age group.
I have owned my BMW i3 for more than half a year now. I love everything about it except two things; the coach-style rear doors and the fact that there is no decent way to transport a bicycle (no factory roof rack or tow hitch available.) As of today, I only hate the rear doors. Based on a product I saw on the internet, I fabricated a vacuum cup mounted carrier which looks like it is going to work perfectly.
Two weeks ago I had never done any engineering work in 3D. Last week I designed my first part using a 3D CAD program called Onshape after a couple of hours with their excellent tutorials. Today my boss sent an e-mail asking if we could figure out a way to help customers align our printing plate during installation. Five minutes later I had an idea for how this could be done. In less than an hour, I had an alignment guide designed in CAD (most of that time spent taking measurements and entering dimensions). An hour and 18 minutes after that, I had a physical part in hand ready for testing on the printer that made it (it is the white colored component in the photo below, taped in place). It is hard to describe the creative empowerment that comes with the ability to make prototypes so quickly. The time from concept to component has never been shorter and if I knew it before intuitively, I know it now concretely, that 3D printing is going to change everything.
Incidentally, the design worked perfectly and the part won second place in our regular Part of the Week show and tell, held each Friday afternoon over beers. On my drive home, I thought of a good way to attach the guide to the plate and will refine my design this evening.
This evening was my last soccer practice of the season. We play for the Division 1 Championship on Sunday and then we are off until the fall season begins in September. During competition I wear contact lenses but for practices I generally wear my glasses. While up for a header, a rather nice one at that, my glasses did not fare so well when I played a well struck ball off the side of my head. Play was suspended while the entire team combed the field looking for the detached temple which flew quite a distance from the crash site. Fortunately, I have a back up set of glasses and the damage looks like it can be repaired.
Note for my mother in anticipation of her next email: No head damage was sustained by your son.
One of the things I appreciate most about living in Concord is the amount of open green space. Mattison Field is located just down the street from our house. It was particularly beautiful this evening as I passed it on the way home from work. For the first time in the 12 years we have lived here, the farmer who cares for the town-owned land has planted wheat, probably as a matter of good crop rotation.
While the commute to Somerville is a major pain, the neighborhood where I work is a very interesting place. The variety and number of places to eat are staggering. Jeanine quizzes me nightly on where I had lunch and what I had to eat. Everything is within walking distance of our facility and you never know what you are going to see along the way. MarkForged is growing very rapidly and we will soon be out of space. This afternoon I met with our commercial realtor to review options for a new building. We will probably move in November which gives me several more months to explore Somerville.
I have photographed many spider webs over the years. I am usually attracted by the beauty of their symmetry. This morning I discovered one which was remarkable for its lack thereof, but a natural work of art nonetheless. At work, the windshield wiper motor bracket from my BMW i3 partially pictured below was used as the model for a 3D print we will make to illustrate potential high volume automotive applications for our technology. One of our talented interns was working on a CAD model when I left work and I expect to see an actual printed part tomorrow morning.
Despite torrential rains this morning, my soccer team played against Napoli in the D1 Championship semi-final match. The game was scoreless until the very end of the first half when we made a very pretty goal which shifted the momentum for the rest of the match. We went on to win 5-0 against a team that scored 32 goals in their ten game regular season. We will face Stoneham in the finals next weekend for all the marbles. Jeanine and Nicolai joined me for “apres” at the home of Rob Morrison, our goalie. Nico’s soccer exploits are well known to my team and it is always fun to watch him interacting with them. In celebration of Father’s day, we picked up Maya from the library where she was studying for finals and went to see Inside Out, Pixar’s touching new animated film (highly recommended). We conferenced Kyle in on the car’s speakerphone while en route to the theater completing our family circle. The movie was a perfect choice for Father’s Day (see it and you will know why) as was the decision to head into Harvard Square for dinner at Felipe’s, one of Nico’s favorite restaurants.
Based on an earlier post I made regarding Janet Echelman’s aerial sculpture over the Rose Kennedy Greenway, my mother, a talented sculptor and painter in her own right, was interested in seeing the installation. When we visited this morning I did not have with me the circular polarizing filter which I used the first time to make the artwork stand out from the background. It was a very nice outing and gave my mom and I chance to catch up on the ride in and back.
I spent the balance of the day teaching myself a new 3D CAD program which I hope to make use of at work. My first part is nothing to write home about but a step in the right direction.
It is hard to believe that our little girl is now 16 years old. She is growing up to be a remarkable young woman but I am having difficulty watching as our last baby gets one year closer to leaving the nest. If ever there was a sweet sixteen year old, we can lay claim to her. She is also a very hard working and exceptional student. When it came time to select a gift for Maya, I knew in an instant what it would be (even if a busy work week forced me to acquire it at the last minute). I suspect that few other fathers would select such a present for their 16 year old daughter but then they do not have Maya. She received a toolbox (barely visible in the photo) containing a full set of high quality tools. When I left work “early” (6PM) to attend a family dinner birthday celebration at Besito in Burlington, I mentioned to my new boss that I would be giving Maya a toolbox, explaining that she had the makings of a talented engineer. He then remembered that Maya had built her own kayak and asked is she could CAD (i.e. design 3D objects on a computer). When I said yes, he said we should bring her in as a summer intern, a recommendation I intend to pursue. Maya learned to use SolidWorks in one of her high school engineering courses and now she will have a chance to put those skills to work.
My mother arrived today in advance of Maya’s 16th birthday and was immediately put to work altering a dress for the birthday girl. In engineeringterms, I believe what we are seeing here is the use of a granite reference plane for validation of uniform hem length. My mom is looking great and still has the energy of a woman half her age.
Now my third day on the job, I am still drinking from a fire hose. In addition to my responsibilities as head of engineering, I have also been asked to run operations and customer service. Our 3D printer, the Mark One, has been selling very well creating a challenge to keep up with demand for the consumables they use.
sNicolai has been back from Colorado College for a couple of weeks now but I have hardly seen him. Between my trip to Iceland and his camping, kayaking, and music festival excursions we have had little time together. This evening Nico was here with Karuna and a bunch of their friends to watch the Women’s World Cup match between the US and Nigeria. Jeanine and I joined the group as did Maya who for reasons unknown seemed quite intent on pulling the ears off of Nala.
Jeanine received nice coverage in the Concord Journal last week for her keynote presentation at the Class Act Awards ceremony. We are all very proud of her volunteer work for the community and it is nice to see that recognized in the local media.
I left the house at 7 am and returned by 9 pm for my first day on the job at MarkForged. I can tell already tell this is going to be a very fun ride.
Today was the last regulation soccer game of the spring season for my team. We had to leave Concord at 6 am to make an 8 am kick-off in Fairhaven, MA. We came away with a 7-3 win which secured our position as Regional Division 1 champions. The top two teams in each of the north and south regions will now compete for overall honors in a single elimination playoff tournament starting with the semi-finals next weekend. I missed last week’s game while traveling in Iceland. Apparently, the referee suspended play late in the second half when the game got out of control. Pictured here is the aftermath of an injury sustained by one of my teammates. Believe it or not, this was not the worst injury on our team. Three of our guys were banged up by the same opponent who was eventually red-carded and ejected from the game.
I spent the entire day processing photos from my trip to Iceland and thought I would share a few more related to my driving experiences on the island. Pictured above is a map of where I took photos (minus the first three days before I enabled GPS tagging on my first camera and minus the first seven days on my second camera). If you plan to visit anything off the main Ring Road (i.e. most of the good stuff) you will absolutely need a high ground clearance 4×4. Even the main roads have sections which are gravel. Most of the secondary roads are gravel and any road number starting with an “F” is restricted to 4 wheel drive vehicles. Many of them are only suitable for the so-called super jeeps (normal jeep on steroids). The higher you go in altitude the worse the roads get. I rented the Subaru below which served me very well.
Iceland has as many waterfalls as Minnesota has lakes. For every waterfall there is either a bridge to cross or a stream to ford. 90% of all bridges are one lane and you are as likely to share it with livestock as with another motorist (first come, first served in both cases).
Before fording a stream it is best to get out and make a thorough inspection. I made great use of my waders to check depth before crossing.
When crossing over mountain passes visibility is often reduce to 10 or 20 feet as you literally drive through the clouds which are often present.
Falling rock zones are to be taken VERY seriously. The rocks pictured below were not on the road when I passed this way 1 hour earlier.
I drove a total of just over 2,000 miles during my ten day visit and managed to avoid any serious incidents. I would not, however, describe it as a stress free experience.
Maya turns sixteen next Friday. Today her friends threw her a surprise party which she absolutely loved. Jeanine and I were in charge of on time delivery of the birthday girl and stayed on to watch the fun from an acceptable parental separation distance. We will be celebrating her birthday again on the actual day with family.
Before leaving for Iceland, Jeanine asked that I take pictures of some Icelandic horses. I am honoring that request with today’s post featuring several of the more beautiful horses I encountered. I was amazed by the diversity of mane hairstyles that were to be found.
I spent my final night in a Reykjavík hostel and slept in until 9am at which time I left to track down a pair of hand knit Icelandic sweaters for Jeanine and Maya. I found a nice little shop with the genuine article which happened to be on the same street as the Hallgrímskirkja Lutheran Church, a most impressive work of architecture. I arrived at the Blue Lagoon at noon for my scheduled visit and let my weary muscles soak in the geothermal, mineral enriched, 100°F sea water. I spent 15 minutes under a massive waterfall letting it pound the tension out of my neck and back. Then I tried a silica mud mask which left my face and scalp feeling totally rejuvenated. A perfect way to end a perfect photo adventure.
As a bonus treat, my return flight to Boston took us over Greenland which is anything but green. I may have to add it to my bucket list.
I spent my last full day in Iceland touring the Snæfellsnes Peninsula starting with Mount Kirkjufell, one of the more photogenic mountains I have ever encountered. The lighthouse at Ondverðarnes overlooks the western tip of the peninsula where the mighty Atlantic pounds the cliffs of lava.
Djúpalón is a small cove surrounded by extraordinary lava formations and known by Icelanders for its black pebbles, called “djúpalón-pearls” and giant sea stacks jutting out into the ocean.
Hellnar is another small (seal bearing) cove where the ocean has carved out holes, narrows and arches in the interesting lava tile rock formations.
The harbor at Arnarstapi is very picturesque with sea stacks rising from the ocean brimming with birdlife.
It seemed fitting to end the day at this small black church in Buðir. When photographed from the right perspective (which took me an hour to find in the adjacent lava fields) it provides a dramatic foreground to Mount Helgrindur in the background.
Hraunfossar (“lava waterfalls”) gets its name from the countless streams of clear water which emerge from under the edge of the lava field Hallmundarhraun and cascade into the river Hvítá (“White River”). Hvítá actually has a very nice turquoise colour. The lava is quite porous so rain seeps through until it meets a more dense rock layer, then runs between the lava layers, eventually emerging to form almost a kilometer long series of falls.
When the soft morning rain turned into a torrential downpour, I tried to think of an indoor photographic activity I could undertake during the afternoon. I remembered hearing about a brand new attraction (opened just a week earlier) called “Into the Glacier,” featuring Europe’s largest man-made ice caves and tunnel. Set high on Langjökull, Iceland’s second largest ice cap, and stretching 1/3 mile into solid glacier ice at 100 feet below the surface. What I failed to consider was what a torrential downpour at low altitude would translate to at an altitude of 4000 feet. The answer is a zero visibility blizzard with winds that will knock you off your feet. First, let me share photos of the interior and tell you that it is a very beautiful destination, if a bit tourist oriented.
Now let me share the story of the journey to the cave which was worth the price of admission alone and probably my most intimate encounter with the deadly force of nature. At a rally point several miles from the entrance to the cave, we (about 15 guests) boarded a massive 20 ton, 8 wheeled super truck designed specifically to traverse glaciers. Visibility was about 50 feet and winds were averaging 20 knots (pictured below). As the truck began ascending the glacier, winds increased and visibility decreased until we were in the middle of a complete white out (zero visibility). The driver is now navigating by GPS alone and must find the tiny opening to the cave and his two colleagues who are madly shoveling snow to keep it open without driving into a crevasse. When we arrive, we are told that we must walk the final 20 feet in groups of five led by a guide wearing goggles and a special face mask. Until we get outside we think they are joking when they say that you must hold the hand of the person in front and back of you or risk being lost in the storm. The second we exited the truck cabin into the 50 knot wind carrying sleet and snow it became infinitely clear that you were hanging on for dear life. You had to turn your face away from the wind or risk having it sand blasted by ice crystals. Walking that last 20 feet through the deep snow and gale force winds seemed like it took an eternity. When we reached the opening to the tunnel we crawled through the opening and tumbled like Winnie the Pooh down the snow bank, one on top of the other. In an instant it was quiet, warm (32F), and there was no wind. The next 90 minutes were serene and it was hard to imagine that just 100 feet above us a massive blizzard was raging. Fortunately, by the time the tour ended the blizzard had abated significantly making our return to the truck a much less harrowing experience although the additional snow fall meant that we had to climb an 8 foot snow bank and crawl out of the tunnel through the remaining two foot opening.
For a change of pace today, I decided to join a whale watching tour out of Húsavik aboard the good ship Nattfari. It was a lucky decision. The beautiful scenery would have been reason enough to get out on the water. Our first sighting was a small pod of white beaked dolphins.
When the crew of our boat became hyper excited it was clear we were in for a rare treat. They had spotted a blue whale of which estimates place the total North Atlantic population at between 600 and 1,500. At 100 feet in length and 200 tons or more in weight, it is the largest extant animal and among the heaviest that have ever existed. Our whale dove for about ten minutes at a time and then surfaced to blow its spout two times before diving again without showing its tail fluke. Spotters would look for the first spout (~40 foot high) and then we would race nearer to the whale. With luck you could get a shot of the second spout (~30 feet high) which I was fortunate to do.
Our final sighting of the day was a humpback whale which was far easier to track and photograph.
Hvítserkur is a basalt rock rising about 15m just off the coast of Vatnsnes peninsula in the north of Iceland. The birds, which rest and nest on the rock have deposited quite a few droppings, colouring the rock largely white, hence the name hvít-serkur which means “white- shirt”. Sea erosion has carved out two holes in the rock‘s foundation, giving it distinct features resembling a petrified monster, an animal of some sort or a troll. An old tale says Hvítserkur was a troll from the Westfjords planning to break a church bell in a fjord a little further east but was caught by the sun and turned to stone.
On the way to Hvítserkur I encountered a beautiful church and a nice lighthouse …
… and about a dozen horses blocking a one lane bridge I needed to traverse. Unmotivated to move by the approach of my rented 4×4 Subaru, several of the horses began licking the hood. Naturally, I rolled down the windows so that I might better photograph this strange behavior (I think they were after the salt spray residue which had accumulated while I was parked by the ocean earlier in the day). I became less amused when one horse began nibbling at my windshield wiper and down right worried when he poked his head inside the car for a look around. When he started to abscond with my camera bag, I decided it was time to nudge may way through the impetuous gang who continued to block the bridge.
Krafla and Leirhnjúkur are volcanoes east of Lake Mývatn. I climbed to the top and around the rim of Krafla whose caldera is now filled by a lake. Regrettably it was still frozen and covered by snow. Fortunately, the lake in the adjacent Viti explosion crater had thawed, revealing the beautiful aquamarine water. It took another hour to hike mostly through deep snow to a vantage point on the rim of the Leirhnjúkur (“clay peak”) crater, a rhyolite formation, rising about 50 m above the surrounding lava field to photograph its lake passing some interesting volcanic fissures and craters along the way.
Game of Thrones fans may recognize Grjótagjá as the place where John Snow is, ahem, deflowered by Ygritte. It is a wonderful little subterranean cave that has a geothermal pool within.
The nearly symmetrical crater of Hverfell demanded that I make the 1500 foot ascent to see what was inside. The effort was well worth it, offering views of both the colder and surrounding mountains.
Goðafoss means “Waterfall of the gods” and the waterfall got its name in the year 1000 when Iceland converted from the old ásatrú-religion (norse heathenry) to Christianity. According to the Book of Icelanders, the local chieftain and lawspeaker, Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, was given the authority to decide whether Christianity was to be adopted in Iceland. After the decision was made, it is said, he threw his statues of the old Viking gods into the waterfall, as a symbol that the old religion had been discarded.
Aldeyjarfoss, about 45km upstream of Goðafoss on the Skjálfandafljót River, falls in a rather narrow but powerful current into a large round basin framed by impressive rows of hexagonal basalt columns. It was one of my favorite destinations because of its isolation. Unlike the other falls, I had this one to myself with not another soul to be found for ten miles.
Puffins are so charming that I could watch them for hours and that is exactly what I did this morning at their colony in Hafnarhólmi. They are only one of many different bird species which can be seen in the eastern fjords region.
Seyðisfjörður is a small town/artist community at the end of one of the more scenic fjords. I paused here for lunch and enjoyed exploring the town which features a beautiful blue church and a working telephone booth sculpture built into the side of a mountain.
Working my way around to the northern region by afternoon, I visited the falls of Dettifoss and Selfoss. The former is 330 ft. wide and has a drop of 150 ft. down to the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon. It is the largest waterfall in both Iceland and all of Europe in terms of volume discharge, having an average water flow of 193 m3/s. Although it is quite impressive, Selfoss located a few hundred meters upstream is actually the more photogenic.
Sunset happens at about midnight at this time of year (with sunrise at 3:30am) making for a very long photographic day. My destination for the evening is Lake Myvatn. Despite a very late arrival, the area was still being bathed in golden light and I decided to make a quick tour at the Hverir geothermal area to wrap up the day.
I encountered more frozen water than falling water today as I traversed the southeast corner of Iceland with stops at the Svínafellsjökull glacier tongue and the glacial lagoons of Fjallsárlón and Jökulsárlón. Recent volcanic eruptions are evidenced by the amount of ash that can be observed everywhere. The Jökulsárlón lagoon empties into the ocean through a river which is only a couple of hundred meters long. Icebergs formed by the calving glacier float out to sea where many wash up on the black sand beaches creating a veritable museum of ice sculptures.
My final destination for the day is the Stokksnes peninsula where winds shape the landscape and wildlife of all manner can be found.
Today’s itinerary included visits to several waterfalls including, in order of appearance, Skógafoss (200 ft.), Seljalandsfoss (200 ft.), Gluggafoss (shot from behind the falls) , and Gljúfrabúi (from above and from below). The shot from above required scaling a very steep 180 foot spire and climbing the pictured ladder and shooting down the sheer cliff on the other side. The shot from below was taken by wading into a mist filled canyon at the base of the falls. I either use slow shutter speeds to render the moving water as silky strands or fast speeds to freeze every drop in mid air.
By evening, I found myself visiting the costal sites of Reynisdrangar and Dyrhólaey where the water moves horizontally rather than vertically.
Spring in Iceland this year is colder than usual. That was less of an issue than the wind and midnight summer as far as sleeping last night was concerned. A constant 20mph wind buffeted my tent all night and the sky never grew dark. Despite little rest, I found my way to the Brúárfoss (any name ending in “foss” is a waterfall) for morning light and then on to Gullfoss and Hjálparfoss by midday. Gulfoss is part of the popular Golden Circle tour that many visitors take. I found it to be unimpressive photographically speaking even after making a 30 minute drive and one hour hike to view it from the east side bank. I arrived at the oasis of Gjáin and spent the rest of the day there enjoying absolute serenity. My new hip waders proved invaluable as I navigated through and across the rivers for optimal angles and access.
I decided to navigate the Ring Road which goes around the entire island in the counter clockwise direction to give a few more days for the northern regions to get warmer.
I covered a lot of ground on my first full day in Iceland. I started from Keflavik where I spent the night and made stops at the Blue Lagoon, Krysuvikurburg Cliffs, the Seltun geothermal area, Kliefarvatn Lake, Þingvellir National Park, Geysir, and back to Þingvellir where I pitched my tent. Pictured above is the Strokkur geyser located 50m from Geysir, the first known to Europeans and after which all others have since been named. Geysir erupts infrequently now whereas Stokkur goes off every 4-8 minutes when a telltale dome of water rises under the pressure of steam from below.
This website is dedicated to sharing, with family and friends, the day-to-day adventures of the Calabria family.