A very busy day at work started with a visit to a battery pack manufacturer in Billerica followed by my first all-hands Engineering meeting which went very well. By late afternoon I was helping out with photography for a set of instructions on how to replace the rim on our Copenhagen Wheel and then a meeting to prepare for a job fair we will be participating in at Harvard next week. Before I knew it the day was over and I was on my way home. One of the things I enjoy most about working at a startup is the number of different hats you get to wear.
Monthly Archives: January 2018
Super Blue Blood Moon
Unfortunately, we on the East Coast only got to witness two of the three attributes of this evening’s super blue blood moon. It set just before starting to be eclipsed which would have produced the blood (red tint) feature. We did get super (the closest orbit to the Earth making it visibly larger and brighter) and blue (the second full moon in a calendar month). I shot this handheld from our farmer’s porch while shivering in my bathrobe which speaks well of the image stabilizer system of my lens and camera.
Walden’s Tiny House
This replica of Thoreau’s cabin on Walden Pond reminds us that the tiny house movement is not a new thing. I passed by it on my way to the dentist this morning and paused for a quick photo. Had I lingered to enjoy the setting and perhaps a lap around the pond, I would have missed my appointment and the discovery of two broken fillings and one broken tooth which will need to be addressed next week.
Twenty Foot Journey
For the second time this week, it was necessary to relocate the tiny house. This time because it was blocking a window used for loading hay into the horse barn next to which it currently resides. The hour-long process to move it less than 20 feet was nerve-racking but ultimately successful. We are hoping that Olin College will agree to Maya’s request to store it on campus so that she can complete the interior construction as part of an independent study. The design of multi-purpose, space-efficient furniture and storage space would be a perfect project for any mechanical engineering student.
Mystery Date
For some time now, Jeanine and I have been taking turns at what we call “mystery date.” Each of us gets to choose a date activity which remains a secret from the other until the last minute. Today I sprung a multi-part date that started with breakfast at the Clover Food Lab in Cambridge followed by a scavenger hunt/walking tour of historic Boston (www.urbanadventurequest.com), a tour of Superpedestrian headquarters, a visit to REI to purchase a warm winter coat for Jeanine, and a late lunch/early dinner at Seta’s Cafe in Belmont. The scavenger hunt was very entertaining for both of us and we completed the tour in 2hrs15min with a score of 520 of a possible 525, good enough to place us atop the 30-day leader board for Boston.
Action Shadows
Maya shared this photo, part of a team project she is working on for a course in entrepreneurship called Products and Markets. Their first assignment was to create value from Post-It Notes. Her team has created shadow templates of iconic images (women’s marches, in the case above), and projected them onto campus buildings to provoke discussions about current affairs. She says it has become more of a social action artistic endeavor than an actual product development but it sounds like a fantastic outcome to me and I am delighted she is having these types of learning experiences.
To Hell and Back
One of only two remaining advertising signs of its type in the area, the other being the Citgo sign in Boston, I pass this Shell sign when I return from work late at night. Located adjacent to Memorial Drive since 1944, it was built in 1933 and originally located on the Shell Company building on Commonwealth Avenue. In 2001 it was on the verge of collapse and looked like HELL (the “S” lamps had burned out). In 2005 it was turned off for good. After two failed attempts, the Cambridge Historical Commission eventually designated the sign a Cambridge landmark and in 2011, a replica, built using LED technology instead of neon and incandescent bulbs, replaced the original and has been enjoyed by all but its closest neighbors since.
Winter Home
After much preparation and several weather-related delays (deep snow on one occasion, black-iced roads on another) Maya’s tiny house finally left our driveway on its maiden voyage late this evening. The driver I hired on Craig’s List proved to be very capable and expertly backed the trailer into a very tight spot located next to a barn on a nearby farm. Not shown in the picture (which was taken the day after) is a truck that blocked access to the road. Had I rented a truck to drive myself, as was the plan at one point, I am certain I would not have been skilled enough to thread the trailer into this spot. The tiny house will live her through the end of May when we plan to move it to a more permanent location.
With Maya and Nico both back at school now, Kyle too has returned to his studies. He has passed the midway point in his data science programming course and appears to be on track to finish this spring. He reminds me a lot of my father who was very disciplined in his study habits, whether it was research for his books or practicing the guitar.
Draw Bar & Hitch
Finding a suitable tow vehicle for the tiny house has proven to be just as difficult as locating a suitable location to store it. Most rental trucks do not support heavy-duty towing. The ones that do are very expensive to rent and must be picked up/dropped off far from our home. Professional towing companies are not that interested in a 1.7-mile haul. Turning to Craig’s List was the answer. Within hours of my posting, I had four suitable truck owners willing to tow the house for a modest fee. The only thing needed for this plan to work was a drawbar and ball hitch of suitable capacity to connect the truck to the trailer. Pictured are the assembled components, rated to match the 14,000 pound trailer. As it stands, I estimate the weight of the house to be less than 10,000 pounds.
One of Few
I spent a good portion of the weekend culling some 3000 photos from my collection of 100,000. I covered two years, deleting weak photos, making edits to improve “keepers”, and adding ratings/keywords to make future searching more efficient. It is only when I make such comprehensive reviews that I realize how few good photos I have of myself. Fortunately, there are some, and of them I liked this one the most.
New Home Scouting
Moving the tiny house has proved to be a complicated affair. Our first storage destination proved to be too uneven to safely park the trailer. Our attempt to move there was delayed by a massive snowstorm which in retrospect was a blessing in so much as it forced us to look for a more appropriate location. Jeanine saved the day by connecting Maya and I with Steve Verrill who has generously offered to let us store the tiny house on his property. Maya and I carefully covered the 1.7 mile route to his farm measuring each power line and low tree limb to ensure that our 13′-6″ tall house would not get snagged on anything. Several passing motorists were not sure what to make of me standing in the middle of the road with my tape measure.
New Keys
While he was back for the holidays, we agreed to help Nico with the purchase of a weighted keyboard/synthesizer so that he could practice while at school and perform with his friends. Within days of returning to Colorado, he located a lightly used high-end Roland on Craig’s List. Of our three children, Nico has taken the keenest interest in music and it is a pursuit we are delighted to support.
Creative Juices
Superpedestrian’s CEO leading an industrial design discussion in the middle of a hallway. To say we have a casual work environment would be an understatement. I spent several hours yesterday working on something of a mechanical puzzle related to our next-generation product. None of those ideas were as good as the one I had while driving to work this morning. By noon I fashioned a working prototype constructed from foam core insulation (easily cut and shaped with a knife). There is almost nothing I enjoy more than coming up with a clever solution to a challenging problem and then reducing it to practice. It was a very good day.
Farewell Drums
Snow today during commuting hours had me working from home. We only received about 3 inches of the 5 inches forecasted but that was just fine by me. Normally I wait for the snow to stop before clearing it but needed to make sure Maya could get out for a job interview, doctor’s appointment, and trip to New York City to visit her friend Sarinnagh. The house was empty for most of the day and the lack of distractions helped me to focus on a tricky mechanical challenge that my team is working on. This evening I sold Nico’s drum kit which has been sitting idle since he left for college. Little by little we are clearing out all items which will not be joining us when we move to a smaller house at some point in the future. Not for sale is the framed cymbal and drum sticks, signed by Alex Van Halen with a dedication to Nico, a gift when he received the Shane’s Inspiration Award in 2008.
B&W Baker
Barely Visible
Most mornings I leave Concord very early to avoid traffic. When I arrive in Cambridge, my first priority is breakfast which involves a one-mile roundtrip walk into Central Square. I have already photographed most things along the route of photographic interest. This morning I encountered a small addition to the normal scenery that was “barely” visible.
Ready to Move
We had planned to move the tiny house to a new winter home last week but the snow made that impractical. With most of it melted, Maya and I readied the tiny house for towing and completed a number of small interior projects (installed door and window trim, and the shower head and toilet valve and some caulking and varnishing). The house is tight as a drum and quite toasty with the heat turned on. Neither Maya or I will have time to work on it again until the summer at the earliest and our HOA rules preclude us from keeping it on our property.
Rain vs Snow
HDR Revisited
I recently started working with a new image processing program that has a rather nice HDR (high dynamic range) merge function. The idea is that you take multiple exposures of a scene while mounted on a tripod, underexposing one, overexposing another, and properly exposing the last. The software then combines the shadows from the overexposed image with the highlights from the underexposed image with the mid-tones of the properly exposed image to create a single high dynamic range picture. I decided to reprocess some images I shot back in 2009 and was very pleased with the results.
No Shadow Practice
The Kensington
Constructed in 1902 for a cost of $40,000 the Kensington, located a few blocks from my office, is now a condominium with 49 units. A three bedroom, 1,500 sqft. condo is listed at $1.3M and has a $550 monthly homeowners association fee. In 2015 the same unit sold for half the price. To say that the Boston real estate market is hyper-inflated would be a huge understatement. The situation is only going to get worse if Amazon selects Boston for its HQ2. At $250K, a helicopter is starting to sound like a good alternative to solve my commuting woes.
Snow Parking
Long Version
In response to popular demand, I am embedding the longer version of the tiny house time-lapse video in today’s post. This is the same exact material from the shorter version but slowed down so that you can see some of the more detailed construction steps.
Tiny Time Lapse
I was finally able to upload a time-lapse video of Maya’s tiny house construction. It only covers eleven days of construction but you will be amazed at how much we accomplished in that time. In addition to construction, you will see visits from neighbors and friends and a “loft raising” party which includes several of Maya’s friends. I prepared two versions of the time-lapse, a short version (3 minutes) which is the most fun to watch, and a longer version (9 minutes) which allows you to appreciate all the details of the project.
Palanquin Home
With record-low temperatures, Nala is all too happy to curl up in her “dog house,” an antique Japanese palanquin with one of the doors removed. Palanquins were used as transportation during the Tokugawa period of Japanese history, which ended in 1868. High-ranking Japanese nobility sat in the fancy compartments, and as many as six bearers would carry them through the streets.
Centripetal Force
Snow crews did an excellent job clearing the streets after more than a foot of snow fell in Boston yesterday. My drive to work was a breeze. The same cannot be said for my return. A driver trying to negotiate the roundabout at Harvard Square wound up in a snowbank. Had I left work 20 seconds earlier, he might have crashed into me. Fortunately, the driver was not injured.
Explosive Cyclogenesis
I had never heard the phrase explosive cyclogenesis before this week. Now I understand the phenomenon in very tangible terms (think winter time hurricane). We received a little over a foot of snow and intense winds. Using a snowblower in high winds is an exercise in futility and the best you can hope for is getting 90% of the snow up. Fortunately, I have a cab on my snowblower which made the task much less disagreeable.
Olin Baja Club
We received this holiday card in the mail today and were thrilled to add it to our collection. One of the walls in our kitchen has an undercoat of magnetic paint and this is where we display our cards (held up by small magnets) from now until new ones arrive next year. Maya (Where’s Waldo) is a member of the Olin Baja Racing Team which designs, builds, tests, and races their off-road vehicle in competition with other colleges. Members of the team can be viewed on the Olin Baja website.
-12 F
The Northeast is currently experiencing an extended cold spell. When I left for work at about 6:30 AM the temperature in Concord was minus 12 degrees Fahrenheit. I have never been so thankful for heated seats. The cold weather is expected to continue and has been a real impediment to further work on the tiny house. Even though we can heat the house up, we cannot do the same for the yard or garage area where some of the work needs to be done.
Good Start
What better way to start the new year than with a proper breakfast? Nicolai invited several of his friends over for brunch which included buttermilk pancakes from scratch, eggs, and bacon. I was a happy beneficiary of their culinary efforts. Maya was interested in making candles which she did with Karuna and Caleb’s sister, Sara. They mixed ice into their melted candle wax which gradually melted leaving behind voids to create interesting three-dimensional patterns. I spent several hours compiling a time-lapse movie of the tiny house construction from thousands of stills. The 45-minute movie is fun to scrub through but too large for me to upload to my Vimeo account. Once I figure out a work around I will be sure to post a link to it here.