Had I been more interested in a nice dinner than a photo of these stupid turkeys, I would have run them over when they ran across the street right in front of my car. Fortunately, I was not very hungry.
Today is Jeanine’s last day on the job as Executive Director of Open Table before her 3-month sabbatical begins. Yesterday when she was contemplating gift ideas to leave behind for her staff, I suggested a modern-day equivalent of the Magic 8 Ball. Her team can ask questions of this device and it will respond with pre-recorded answers from Jeanine. We made the recordings last night and I programmed them into the “Ask Jeanine” button. My favorite response; “That’s a very good question. Give me a few months to think about it.”
Maya continues to enjoy her term abroad in Amsterdam. Safe to say she has immersed herself in the culture (and fashion) of the Netherlands. The COVID-19 outbreak in Italy has curtailed her plans to visit there this weekend but we are sure she will find other ways to take advantage of her time in Europe.
Exciting news from Kyle today. He has accepted an offer from Touchplan, the software division of MOCA Systems as their Senior Business Intelligence Analyst/Developer. The company is located 3 blocks from Boston City Hall and an 18-minute walk from his Seaport District apartment. The company develops project planning and management software for the construction industry. It was a tough decision to leave Cengage where he has enjoyed great mentorship and camaraderie but the offer was too good to pass up and will allow him to more quickly advance his career objectives.
I am not one for jumping on viral social media trends but find myself compelled to do so this time. The tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, Gianna, and seven others last month has given rise to the #girldad movement, celebrating Kobe’s joy in being the father of girls and his desire that they enjoy the same rights, opportunities, and privileges as boys. So here is to my girl.
Nicolai returned last night from a week-long vacation in Colorado Springs where he was reunited with Karuna and Kubo. We have received very few details of the visit beyond this photo and can’t wait to hear more.
Jeanine and I enjoyed the afternoon outdoors taking advantage of unseasonably warm weather. We were motivated by news of river otters sightings at the Needham Reservoir. A half-mile hike around the reservoir yielded no encounters so we drove to nearby Cutler Park Reservation where we completed a 4-mile hike down to the Charles River, pictured above. Although we never spotted any otters, we did come across many swans, ducks, geese, and several water dogs.
Jeanine and I drove into Boston today to have lunch with Kyle. He is looking terrific and we used the occasion to discuss some exciting new options on his professional horizon. Jeanine spent the balance of the afternoon making plans for her three-month sabbatical which starts next Friday. Later we went to see The Call of the Wild, the release of which we have both been eagerly awaiting.
While having our weekly townhall style lunch at work today, the power suddenly went out. The interruption affected all buildings in our immediate area and lasted for well over an hour. Some employees continued to work by flashlight while others used their cell phones to illuminate the foosball table for a “night match.”
I have now lost count on how many teeth I have broken. I grind my teeth while sleeping and am apparently quite good at it. At some point, I will need to have several teeth replaced but until their loss interferes with eating, I am in no hurry.
Meet Charlotte Grace Basile-Skinner, the daughter of Jeanine’s niece, Erica. She tipped the scales at 8 pounds 9 ounces despite being a couple of weeks early. Her family calls her “Charley.” Jeanine starts a three-month sabbatical in 2 weeks and plans to travel to Kentucky for a visit with the newest member of our extended family. Charley is pictured below with her siblings, Lily and Will.
Those who know me well understand that I have a special place in my heart for quality tools. Today’s goal was to shop for a multi-tool that will permanently live in my car. It will join a small set of tools already there that will allow me to address any number of repair challenges I may encounter while on the road. After half a day of research, I settled on the Letherman Free P2 and procured one at REI. Once I had a chance to actually use it myself, I have decided to return it in favor of the Letherman Charge+. While the P2 is among the latest and greatest from Letherman, it is optimized for ease of tool deployment rather than the utility of the tools themselves. The Charge+ has better tools and hopefully, it will only be used on rare occasions so a few extra seconds to access the desired tool is of no consequence.
I spent the better part of the day making repairs and improvements to our double wall oven whose doors have not worked properly for years now. Fortunately, I was able to locate the perfectly sized platform I built when I installed the ovens some 15 years ago which made extraction from the wall relatively straightforward. When I took the oven apart, I found all four hinge/spring mechanisms had been mechanically deformed due to excessive weight having been placed on the open doors. I was able to look up the replacement part number only to find that the $200 apiece components are no longer available anywhere. This left me no choice but to repair the mechanisms which was no picnic as each contained four high force springs and a mechanical linkage that could easily amputate a finger if not handled carefully. It took me two hours to come up with a safe procedure and make the repair to the first one. I completed the remaining three in less than an hour. This improved the door closure but it was still not perfect. The problem now was that the gaskets surrounding the opening to the oven had hardened over time. A thorough cleaning helped to soften them slightly but still no joy on total door closure. I finally solved the problem with four very powerful rare earth magnets strategically placed to make a magnetic closure (similar to a refrigerator door). The doors now work better than they did when the oven was new.
Those who know me are aware that the only radio station I listen to is NPR. It is also my habit to send Jeanine a dozen roses for Valentine’s Day and to support the station’s fundraising in so doing. This year, I decided to also give Jeanine a Meyer lemon tree. The one that was passed down to her by her father did not survive an attempt to re-pot it last year and I know its loss has left an empty spot in her heart. She was as thrilled to receive it as I was to give it.
Today I consulted at Formlabs. I had a total of 17scheduled meetings and a working lunch with my prior engineering leadership team. Although I was exhausted by the end, it was also a very satisfying day. I enjoy mentoring and coaching and on this occasion feel I made a positive difference for many I met with. I returned home to a lovingly prepared Valentine’s Day dinner with Jeanine and we enjoyed a quiet evening at home. I outdid myself with a gift for her which I will cover in tomorrow’s post.
There was a lot of excitement at work today as parts for a new printer arrived. Everyone chipped in with the build effort. Unlike the high volume products I have worked on in the recent past, we build our products in house. The base and gantry pictured here weigh over a thousand pounds which necessitates some pretty interesting construction techniques.
Jeanine and I spent the night at the Elm Street Inn, a delightful bed and breakfast directly across the street from Smith College. After a fantastic breakfast, we went for a walk on campus passing by the President’s house, strolling through a small Japanese garden and visiting, at length, the Botanic Garden pictured below.
Jeanine and I traveled to Northampton, MA today to meet up with my cousin Heather and her husband Burton. They treated us to a wonderful dinner followed by a modern dance recital featuring the choreography of their daughter, Toni. The performance, which we enjoyed thoroughly, was her final project towards a Master of Fine Arts degree from Smith College.
At work, our 3D metal printers require an inert atmosphere in order to prevent oxidation. This is achieved by filling our hermetically sealed printing chamber with argon gas. We use so much of it that we have a large tank behind our facility which is replenished every time it runs low. This evening, I had a chance to watch as the “argon man” refilled the tank within the foggy mist created by the process.
I recently depleted my supply of epoxy hardener and resin while completing a project for work. The replacements I ordered online arrived in a partially crushed condition. Needless to say, I was not too pleased with this situation and have contacted the company which shipped them to me. Based on these photos, they have agreed to a partial refund.
Also discovered in my mother’s photography collection is this picture of my aunt Barbara, the second wife of my father’s brother, Ernie. The two also enjoyed a professional relationship as Barbara and Ernie, a musical duet who produced an album of the same name. My uncle was a childhood friend of and occasional guitarist for Tony Bennett who sang at his funeral. He played on numerous albums, most notably for Harry Belafonte.
My grandmother on my mother’s side was a shrewd businesswoman. Born in Ecuador, she started a transportation business with a single bus and eventually grew it into a small fleet. She then sold the buses to invest in real estate, starting with one apartment building and eventually purchased more. She then sold these to finance the move of the family to the United States where she started again with a single apartment building. There is little doubt that my business sense comes from my Abuelita. I found this picture of her in my mother’s collection.
Two is my favorite number, no doubt in part due to my training in logic design whose language of expression is binary numbers. Today, therefore, represents an unusually pleasing date for me. I assisted Jeanine on her mission to clean out the freezer by eating long ago purchased frozen pancakes for breakfast. This pushed my standard weekend fried eggs to the lunch slot and the day ended with chili, a SuperBowl Sunday standard. I spent the rest of the day organizing my shop and office with a small excursion to get my car washed and find a remotely interesting photo given the dreary grey sky.
This morning I took Jeanine to the MIT Museum for mystery date night despite the incorrect time of day. Despite working a few blocks away while at Superpedestrian, I never had an opportunity to visit. Featured for the next few months is an exhibit chronicling the history of the Polaroid camera from both the technical and artistic perspectives. We both enjoyed the visit and thought that Maya would be really interested as well. Later we enjoyed grilled cheese sandwiches at Roxy’s.