What’s wrong with this picture? Well, let’s see. We have boxes that have markings for fragile contents and this side up. Apparently, these symbols are of little significance to delivery people. This morning we received a shipment of 8 dining room chairs that Jeanine and I picked out while visiting Minnesota. Fortunately, they arrived unscathed despite the improper handling. They are destined for the River House but we decided to purchase them right away concerned that we might not be able to get them later on. They will work nicely in the Road House until then.
Earlier this week, I proposed an idea to one of my new clients for a lower costs wireless electric vehicle charging solution. It is not practical for a number of reasons but, as is often the case, has led me to an even better idea that I will propose when I meet with them again next week.
Between meetings with clients, I spent some time adding color and framing details to the River House model I built last week. I find it much easier to visualize the final house with these added details. As a result of the exercise, we will be making some very minor adjustments to the window placements. The solid black areas represent portions of the siding that will be vertically oriented in contrast to the horizontal orientation used elsewhere on the house. These “panels” also represent an architectural nod to the original home design as seen below.
Since the beginning of our River House project, Jeanine has wanted to have a place to feature “found objects” from nature as you enter the home. For months, we have had a placeholder in the floor plans for such a feature but had no concrete concept of what form it would take. Today, I proposed the idea of a wall with illuminated niches and it resonated with both of us. Even better, the location of the wall in the entryway simplified the structural support of the roof in that area and eliminated the need for a steel beam. Illustrated above is one concept of dozens we found when searching for art niche walls. With agreement on this feature, I believe the floor plans are now officially done. Subtle refinement of the window sizes and placement are all that remains to be finalized.
This evening, I was invited to a company team dinner by one of my clients. It is a small startup on the verge of launching its first product. The dinner was the first non-virtual gathering of the entire team. After making a big deal about the importance of taking photos of the early days, I proceeded to take the worst team photo of my life. No amount of post-processing can make up for an out-of-focus image or poor composition. Earlier in the day, I had been working on a project that required me to switch my lens into manual focus mode and I failed to switch it back to autofocus. As luck would have it, the focus distance was close enough that I did not notice the problem when I checked the photograph in my viewfinder after taking it. When viewed at full resolution on my computer monitor, however, the missed focus was apparent. Making matters worse, the composition is all wrong. I should have intervened and asked the larger men to stand in the back row and added a third chair to the front row for the smaller individuals. Fortunately, the dinner and conversation were most enjoyable and my epic fail has seared the lessons learned into my brain. (1) Don’t rush: check all camera AND LENS settings, (2) Zoom in to check focus on all faces, and (3) Take charge of composition, even with people you do not know well.
Today, I got to preview an 8-minute video created by Grammy and Academy Award-nominated film producer Geoff McClean of Nico and the US Amputee Soccer team while at the World Cup Qualifier in Mexico. It is absolutely amazing. Geoff would like to make a film about the team’s journey to the World Cup and will use a version of this video to pitch the project to NetFlix executives. Some of the captured dialog quality was less than ideal and Geoff asked Nico to re-record the audio for those segments. To that end, I fashioned a make-shift recording studio in the River House using moving blankets suspended from the ceiling. The acoustics proved to be excellent and the resulting audio clips turned out very well. We are keeping our fingers crossed hoping the project will get greenlit. Stay tuned.
Sundays in the spring and fall mean soccer for this old man. In this morning’s match, I had three assists and got cleated in the ankle for my trouble. Two of the plays were nearly identical and less than five minutes apart. I ran onto a pass behind the sweeper and carried the ball all the way down to the end line and crossed it sharply back to the top of the 6-yard box where our center forward knocked it in with his head on the first goal and a volley on the second. My new teammates really appreciated the quality of these plays and I got some really nice compliments after the game.
After grabbing lunch and a hot shower, I went to Kyle’s house to help with his ongoing basement renovation. When I arrived, I was so tired and relaxed that I had to take a 40-minute power nap. When I arose, I found Kyle had prepared green tea and a small dose of chocolate to revive me. It did the trick.
Jeanine and her sisters enjoyed playing some pickleball as part of Susan’s 70th birthday celebration weekend. I can’t wait to hear how the match went. I spent the entire day doing a spring cleanup at the River House. Not the most enjoyable work but at the end quite satisfying to see the result and a pretty decent workout as well.
Nicolai is in Cincinnati this weekend on amputee soccer business and was able to connect with one of Jeanine’s dearest childhood friends, John Albachten. He also managed to recruit two future amp soccer stars.
Jeanine’s sister, Lauren, flew into Boston this morning for a long weekend visit. For dinner, we were joined by Maya and the three women prepared an exquisite Khao Tom (Thai Rice Soup) dish according to the guidance provided by an online Milk Street Cooking Class, a present from Lauren for Jeanine’s birthday. Jeanine and Lauren will drive to Burlington, VT tomorrow morning to visit their third sister, Susan who will be celebrating her 70th birthday over the weekend.
This is the last model (1/48 scale) I will build of the River House. There have been no material changes since the beginning of the year. Because the house has a walk-out basement, I have only included that face rather than the entire basement so as not to exaggerate the perceived size of the house. Once we have decided on siding materials and orientation, I will try and paste full-color overlays onto the base structure.
I had really hoped to attend the Boston Marathon and/or the local Patriot’s Day reenactments but various work and River House meetings fragmented the day such that I could not break away. I did find time to have my second Covid booster, something I decided to do after my mother tested positive last week. She is tough as nails despite her tiny 80-pound frame and I don’t think she is going to let Covid stand in the way of her Tango dancing for long. My brother’s cooking has proven curative while my sisters ride shotgun on her caregivers to make sure she is getting everything she needs to recover.
The family gathered for brunch at the ArtBar in the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge this afternoon. We did so to celebrate Jeanine’s birthday as a group. The food was great and Jeanine received some very thoughtful gifts from the kids. Later we walked to North Point Park where we strolled among the blooming daffodils and weeping willows.
Today, there was no doubt that spring has arrived. I spent most of the day at the River House working both inside and out. As our demolition date approaches, there still remains a few items I need to remove so they can be recycled; the bathroom pedestal sink and commode, certain flooring materials, and a number of light fixtures and doors. Even though the house is coming down, it does not change the need for maintenance of the grounds which occupied the bulk of my time and contributed most to my sore muscles.
Mercifully, my kidney stone passed last night (kidney to bladder). It will probably hang out there for a couple of weeks before completing the remainder of its journey. Fortunately, the last leg is usually quick and almost pain-free by comparison to the week of agony I have just been through. With my mood lifted immeasurably, I was able to meet with 4 different clients over the course of the day and finished editing photos from our recent trip to visit my brother in Minnetonka. Pictured above is their dog, Luna. She is one of the smartest and most playful dogs I have ever met. The full set of photos from the weekend can be found here.
I spent the entire day preparing our 2021 tax returns. Having moved twice in as many years, I have not been able to keep records as well organized as in years past. That combined with the fact that I received income from three different employers (one full-time, two consulting) last year did not make things easier. Still, I muddled through it and was left wondering, as I do every year, why our tax code is so complicated.
As I turned the corner to go upstairs to our bedroom for the evening, I was startled by the silhouette of someone standing outside our living room window. I froze in my tracks and in doing so took a few more seconds to realize I was looking at my own motionless shadow. You may think that you would have figured this out sooner, but I think not. At first glance, it is only logical to assume this shadow is produced by a backlit figure standing outside the window. In reality, it was the result of a car’s headlight from across the street shining through our dining room window and projecting my image onto the living room window curtains.
Today is Jeanine’s 59th birthday. After work, we visited with our good friend Aliza for cheese and crackers and to see her new house. Construction was recently completed and all that remains is to work through a punch list of small touchups. We will more fully celebrate Jeanine’s birthday with the kids on Easter Sunday. Jeanine worked all day as did I, meeting with a current client in the morning and a new one all afternoon. With my kidney stone episode in full swing, I struggled to get through the day and by the time we got home, all I could do was collapse on the couch. I am afraid I was not a good birthday spouse this time around and hope to make it up to Jeanine with a trip to see “Fallingwater,” arguably architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s most celebrated design. It is located about 70 miles southeast of Pittsburgh and is listed among Smithsonian‘s “Life List of 28 Places to See Before You Die” and wasdesignated a National Historic Landmark in 1966.
For the last three days, I have been passing a kidney stone, something I have become all too accustomed to over the years. An undeniable pattern has begun to emerge. Whenever I fly, there is a high probability I will start passing a stone within 48 hours. Such has been the case on 3 out of my last 4 flights. I decided to try and figure out why this might be so. My first theory was that it had something to do with the change in gravitational force at high altitude. When I started researching the subject, I discovered that this was just the tip of the iceberg. Below, I have copied excerpts of a Quora posting by avid traveler and airline pilot Bruno Gilissen. I found it absolutely fascinating but also concluded that these effects were not sufficient in magnitude to trigger kidney stone passage. Later in the week, I will investigate the effects of cabin pressure change for a possible clue.
Assuming you know already that there’s a difference between mass (amount of matter) and weight (the force of gravitational pull), we’ll assume that your mass would remain constant during the measurements. Of course, in reality, anything you consume makes you gain mass, anything you do in the toilet makes you lose it, and sweating and breathing make you lose mass too.
There are two ways to weigh yourself then:
by using a mechanism of balancing weights
by using a mechanism of resistance, usually a spring
(When using method 1, in different environmental conditions, whatever happens on one side of the scale also tends to happen on the other side. With method 2 you’re relying on a spring that is calibrated for a fixed set of conditions and those conditions aren’t necessarily the same everywhere.)
Let’s see what forces these scales will be measuring, and deduct how they each will be affected.
I. Gravity, obviously
As per Newton’s law of gravity, applied to our planet:
For both the conditions on the ground and on an airplane, the mass of the earth (𝑀𝑒Me), and the gravitational constant (𝐺G) remain the same. We also assume your mass (𝑚2m2) stays the same. So the only change here depends on the distance between the center of mass of earth and yourself, squared (𝑟2r2).
That distance 𝑟r would entirely depend on where the airplane is in the world and on the height above the earth.
(Earth bulges around the equator and is flattened a bit at the poles. The 6371 km Google will reveal as our planet’s radius, is only based on that formula in red.)
When you’re flying a polar route and you’re close to the north-pole, you’ll be closer to earth’s center of mass than when you’re flying near the equator.
Checking out how much this matters:
(Comparing different scenarios, you’ll notice that our weight will stay well within a percent difference, no matter where on earth or how high the airplane is. This table is normalized for someone who weighed himself at sea level at the equator first.)
(A table normalized for people who weighed themselves at a more average latitude at sea level first. You’ll start weighing more at the poles, less at the equator, and less the higher you fly.)
In an average scenario where you’re in an airliner cruising around 10 km high, you can perhaps lose up to half a percent of weight due to gravity. That may become even up to a full percent if you’ve first weighed yourself somewhere far up north like in Barrow (Alaska, USA) or Thule (Greenland) and you’re flying now very high in a private jet over Ecuador. (Private jets tend to cruise higher than airliners.)
Now, obviously, if you stand on a scale that’s based on a counterweight, the weights doing the countering are subject to the same reduction or gain you’re getting on the one side. So that gets you nowhere. The difference then is zero.
But if you took the home scale from in your bathroom, and check the difference, then you’ll notice you perhaps lost or gained a few hundred grams. Someone who’s 70 kg can realistically lose up to 350 grams. If you want to lose a tad more, then you need to get on a private jet.
II. Apparent forces because of movement and frame of reference (even when flying straight and level):
II.A. First the easy one: the movement of the airplane itself, in relation to its immediate environment.
You’ll know from that funny feeling you get in an old elevator that your apparent weight can change due to an acceleration. After all, when weights on a scale are accelerated upwards or downwards, that acceleration converts to a force that either pushes more or less on the scale. We don’t need Einstein’s general relativity to understand that, I hope, but if you doubt it I suggest you try it next time you take an elevator.
The home scale you stand on in the plane may similarly reflect the accelerations of the ship. You’ll understand that the movements of the needle during turbulence will swing further than the half percent from the previous example. For a scale based on balancing weights there will also be sideways accelerations in the horizontal plane that skew measurements (by changing the arm), even though theoretically purely vertical accelerations should have no effect on this device.
Not only turbulence will affect this. The pilots or the autopilot will continuously make small inputs that may cause your scales to deflect too. Or large inputs, of course, when turning or changing level for example. To take it to an extreme example: check out parabolic flight, which they use with astronauts to simulate weightlessness.
II.B. The rotation and frame of reference of the earth: coriolis effect.
Because the earth rotates, and we therefore use a rotating big ball in space as if it’s our own frame of reference, some apparent forces exist; apparent forces that can also influence our measured weight.
(At the pole you’d only turn around your own axis in 24 h while standing still, while at the equator you’ll have followed the path of a giant circle of more than 40,000 km in that time. The researcher at the pole doesn’t move while the explorer at the equator, unconscious of it, travels bloody fast to do all that distance in that time. That has consequences.)
The effect of a rotating earth is that for us on earth, it seems to bend things off. Seen from far away in space, those things don’t violate Newton’s laws: they still want to continue their paths straight and at constant speed unless acted upon by a force. But if you stand on that rotating circle, what’s straight for an astronaut’s point of view is not going to remain straight for you; and similarly your straight path will seem curved from Major Tom’s point of view.
(What seems to move logically in a straight line for the astronaut, has to look bent-off on earth.)
Unfortunately this effect, called coriolis effect (some physics books dislike the term “force” because it’s not a basic force of nature but a consequence of frame-of-reference-changes), is often misunderstood. Most people think it only works in a horizontal sense because they’ve learned that it happens when you travel from a place on our surface where earth rotates faster to where it turns around slower, or vice versa.
But there’s a vertical aspect too. If you move 10 km up into the air, you are also increasing your distance to earth’s center by 10 km, so if you don’t “catch up” with the surface, you’ll be 10 km behind at the end of the day (times 2 pi, times the cosine of your latitude, to be correcter). That means there’s an apparent force that bends you off against the direction of earth’s rotation if you climb. Similarly, if you descend you’re going to have to adjust speed and course ever so slightly to not miss the point you were aiming for, because you’re reducing the radius to earth’s center.
(The plane that took off flies further away from the center of rotation after it climbed, so it needs to travel a bit further now to keep up. It looks as if there’s a mysterious force that makes it want to stay behind, compared to earth’s surface.)
The coriolis effect exerts this apparent force on the scales:
𝐹𝑐→=2𝑚Ω⃗ ×𝑣𝑎→Fc→=2mΩ→×va→
For an airliner cruising at 480 knots groundspeed (𝑣𝑎va), that translates to something like maximum 0.04 𝑚/𝑠2m/s2. It would depend on the direction of travel and the latitude (cross-product of vectors, whereby Ω⃗ Ω→ is earth’s rate of rotation; and – if you want to calculate it – consider a sidereal day). Flying at the equator that acceleration is purely vertical, with no horizontal component, and opposing the weight: that makes you lighter.
On the balance-style scale this would not matter. But on the scale with the calibrated spring this will affect the measurement. If it is calibrated for an average gravitational acceleration of 𝑔=9.80𝑚/𝑠2g=9.80m/s2, then the 0.04 𝑚/𝑠2m/s2 is just over 0.4% of that. The largest difference is if you weigh yourself first at the surface and then compare it to what’s on that scale at the moment you overfly the equator.
(Difference-table for someone who weighed himself at rest on earth first. The faster you fly, and the closer to the equator you are, the bigger the difference.)
Taking again the example of someone who’s 70 kg, the scale may show a weight loss of less than 300 grams thanks to coriolis.
II.C. The curved path around earth of the airplane: centrifugal and Euler-force
You have to counter the fact that you follow earth’s curvature too. That means that from the astronaut’s point of view, you are constantly accelerating a smidgen downwards (your downwards, on earth). That makes you, flying curved on earth, feel a fictitious centrifugal force, which has a vertical component that opposes your weight.
(Because you follow a curved path there is an acceleration required to keep it curved. From the perspective of the one in a vehicle that makes this curve, there’s an apparent force making him fly outwards… like when you turn in a car and you slide to the outside of the curve.)
The magnitude of that centrifugal “effect” can be calculated with this formula:
Where 𝜔ω and 𝑟r depend on the latitude and course of the airplane.
The maximum possible values for all the factors will happen when both turn radius and angular velocity are greatest. For earth that means for example flying perfectly east at the equator. Therefore, you could feel an acceleration upwards up to (2𝜋𝑇)2𝑟(2πT)2r = 0.03 𝑚𝑠2ms2. That’s for a flight at 14 km or almost 43,000 ft high, the ceiling of an Airbus A350.
Again, compared to a 𝑔g of 9.80 𝑚/𝑠2m/s2 that’s about 0.3%. For our volunteer of 70 kg, it may make him up to 240 g or so lighter… provided he uses the bathroom scale, not the balance.
Additionally, there’s also an ever so slight apparent force when 𝜔ω changes, for example by suddenly altering course and/or latitude. But that is really so small that it’s not worth considering. The force is called Euler force (or “-effect”, contingent on who wrote the book) and can be calculated with this formula:
where 𝑑Ω𝑑𝑡dΩdt is the change of of angular speed around the point considered. Since we’re not really going to change that factor anywhere near significant, forget that. It would only come into play on “the day the earth stood still” or possibly when doing a very quick course reversal in equatorial regions. Unrealistic.
II.D. Other accelerations you forgot about: Eötvös effect
From the astronaut’s viewpoint, it also matters whether you’re flying east or west.
Suppose that you are over the very north of Canada, flying perfectly west at a speed just countering earth’s rotation. That would look like you’re stationary to the astronaut.
(Our astronaut would see the red airplane 1 as if it remains stationary while earth rotates under it. He would see the purple airplane 2 fly with a very fast rotational speed.)
Important side note! Please please please people, do not confuse this with the ludicrous idea that you can just take off, hover in the air stationary, and arrive somewhere west of that without using energy! I cannot stress enough how often I’ve heard that silliness. Attempting to do that will require lots of fuel, since we need – from the astronaut’s point of view – to “stop” the motion the earth gave us already in the first place. From our perspective on earth, you are actively flying west. Don’t forget you’re changing frame of reference here! The laws that govern our universe still apply. Walk upstairs on a downward moving escalator for a whole day so that it looks you remain stationary to your friend sitting in the bar nearby, to test if that was energy-free, if you don’t believe me.
But back to the point.
When the astronaut would see you in a for him stable location there, your angular velocity 𝜔ω is zero. On the other hand, when you fly east at the equator, your velocity has to be added to the earth’s and your 𝜔ω increases. You’ll speed up for the astronaut, even though for you on earth it may look equivalent.
You hopefully see that it follows then that the velocity in your east-west direction matters. Also, don’t confuse it with the Euler force mentioned before, which is because of a change in angular velocity (angular acceleration) 𝑑Ω𝑑𝑡dΩdt. Here we’re talking not about a sudden change, but a stable velocity 𝑢u, which is purely the east-west speed and direction.
The formula for the acceleration due to Eötvös effect is:
where ΩΩ is the rotation rate of the Earth, 𝑢u is the east-west velocity, 𝑣v is the north-south velocity, and 𝑟r is the radius.
The consequence is that westward-travelling people will feel heavier due to a downward acceleration, while flying eastbound gets them deflected upwards and thus measure lighter. But only on the spring-powered scale again. The balance-scale, once more, will not be affected because it happens on both sides of the balance-point equally.
(The change in indication on the bathroom-style scale if stationary at the equator is the reference. Poles aren’t calculated because there’s no east-west there; at the north pole everything lies south.)
So our subject of 70 kg, having left Quito in Ecuador and now flying full cruise speed towards Belém (Brazil) in the east, will feel some 300 g lighter. When he travels westbound at the same speed instead, he’ll feel 190 g heavier. It’s not symmetrical because earth’s rotation has to be taken into account, with westbound subtracted from it and eastbound added.
In effect, you are correcting your rotational speed with a term in this Eötvös effect: what you either counted too much or not enough when you only considered earth’s rotation. After all, for the astronaut your rotational speed is either more or less than the rate of rotation from our planet, if you’re moving east or west.
III. Archimedes force, or boyancy
Next, let’s have a look at Archimedes force. The issue here is that at higher altitudes the pressure differential between your feet and head (simplified) will not be the same than the differential at sea level.
(Something submerged in a fluid – or gas, like air – experiences a net upwards force due to the submersion. That’s because the pressure under the thing is higher than the pressure above it, so it gets pushed upwards. It’s why you and heavy ships float on water: density, or pressure, is high under you, while low above.)
Indeed, at altitude the pressure differential below and above you would be ever so different. That’s because the pressure of the air doesn’t evolve linearly with altitude, but quasi-logarithmic.
(If you go higher (right in the graph), then air pressure drops. But the difference in pressure per unit becomes less and less, as it’s not linear. Near the surface (left side of the graph) it falls quickly per altitude unit. High up (right side) it drops a lot slower.)
The misconception here may be that you’re exposed to those very low pressures. You’re not. You fly in a pressurized tube so you can still breathe. An airliner’s cabin pressure is usually maintained at something around a 6,000 up to 8,000 ft equivalent, following a programmed schedule that looks at the plane’s altitude and length of flight (which has to do with cycles of pressurizing it and structural fatigue).
So what you need to consider then, regarding Archimedes force, is the variation of pressure difference between your feet and head (simplified) at sea level and at say 7,000 ft; even though you may be actually cruising at 40,000 ft.
(The Archimedes force pushing someone up at sea level, versus at 7,000 ft cabin altitude (which is not real altitude you fly at!))
So there’s a difference of give or take 3 Newton, depending on how high our person is and how broad his shoulders and belly are, I guess.
3 Newtons is calibrated on the scales as 300 g, give or take. Again, we’re in the same order. Not all our cross section’s surface is of course at feet-level and head-level, so an educated guess of mine is that it would rather be half of that… but I stand corrected if you know better.
This time though, take note that the pressure differential will happen on your body, but it may not on the balance-style scale. It would depend on how large the counterweights are. Realistically they are not tall enough to matter, but if you are balanced by another person, then it may more or less even out again.
Therefore, realistically this difference will apply to all types of scales.
Rose has become quite an accomplished volleyball player. Her team competed today in an all-day tournament winning 10 out of 10 matches to claim the championship. Rose is a powerhouse at the service line where she launches serves with such force that most cannot be returned by her opponents. She also has cat-like reflexes and is able to “dig” the ball when it seems all but a lost cause.
After the tournament, my mother treated the entire family to a wonderful dinner out bringing the extended weekend to a very happy close.
Every parent of an exhausted teenager will recognize the posture above. Sophia has returned from a very arduous gymnastics training session and seeks the comfort of her mother’s lap. Since last we saw them, Sophia and Rose have matured into young women both taller than their older cousin Maya and no longer sized to curl up in the same chair with their mother.
For dinner, we were joined by Mario and his ever-delightful, long-time girlfriend, Brook. Mark carved the brisket he has been cooking for the last 48 hours and served it with baked potatoes the size of your head.
Later in the evening, Jeanine, Maya, and I stepped out with my 93-year-old mother to go dancing. Maya has clearly inherited Angela’s grace, poise, and aptitude for dance. Led by a female instructor, Maya looked like a pro in her first-ever exposure to the Tango, one of the most difficult of the ballroom dances.
While investigating kitchen cabinets, Jeanine and I both found ourselves attracted to ones made of bamboo. It is a sustainable species, wears like iron, and is naturally light-colored. We were particularly impressed with one manufacturer that uses a very thick veneer (~1/4 inch) over a laminated core. yielding a very stable structure (will not warp) and the ability to refinish multiple times without sanding through the outside layers. The company that makes these cabinets is located in Plato, Minnesota, less than 45 minutes from where we are staying. Jeanine, Mark, and I drove over to see their showroom and cabinet-making shop this afternoon. I think Mark and I enjoyed the factory tour as much as looking at the cabinet on display.
In the evening, Mark, Marie, Jeanine and I went out for a very nice dinner while Maya hung out with her cousin Mario and his girlfriend Brook.
Maya, Jeanine, and I arrived in Minneapolis this afternoon. We rented a car and drove to Minnetonka where my brother Mark and his family live. High on the priority list was the preparation of a brisket to be served over the weekend. Here, Mark is seen trimming the fat from an enormous slab of beef before placing it in a 5-gallon drum with a sous vide submersion cooker where it will tenderize for the next 48 hours. In case it is not immediately apparent, my brother takes food preparation as seriously as I do photography. We were joined later in the day by my mother and nieces, Sophia and Rose. I enjoyed sharing our house plans with everyone and Mark had some really good suggestions to optimize the kitchen which we will incorporate.
I found time this evening after a very long day of consulting work to finalize the HVAC trunk line routing for the River House. Normally, this is not an especially difficult task but I wanted a design with no protruding ductwork in the basement and no routing in exterior walls or the ceiling. Those constraints made it a much more challenging task. I am pleased with the result and hope the plan will stand up to scrutiny from our architect, builder, and HVAC contractor. Also shown are the intake and exhaust pipes for the ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilation system) that we will be installing.
One of the biggest challenges in the design of our new home is how to handle seating in the living area. With spectacular views out of both the east and south-facing windows, it makes sense to orient seating to look out over the river but that is at odds with fostering social interaction which favors seating that has people facing each other. Furthermore, we will have a second large flat-screen TV in the living area for when the family gathers and wants to watch a soccer match together for example. That screen is oriented opposite the river. Today, I happened on what I believe will be the perfect solution, one Jeanine was already thinking about. Instead of couches, we will have chairs that swivel. This way you can pivot to look across the river, down the river, make eye contact with a guest, or watch TV. It is really the perfect solution. Of the swivel chairs I looked at, the one pictured above is my favorite (perhaps in a different fabric). It is described as very cozy and I love the simple lines and organic form. Best of all, four of these organized in a partial arc around a coffee table fits exactly into the space we have available and centers perfectly on the windows.
The spring soccer season kicked off this morning, and for the first time in many years, I am playing for a new club. I have graduated from the over-56 age group to the over-62 league. Since I am one of the oldest players on my Concord United team, I am generally the first to move up an age bracket. In 2 or 3 years, the rest of my former teammates will move up and I will rejoin them. Until then, I will be playing for Boston Villa. We started our season on a positive note with a 4-0 win including a goal I scored from the wing midfield position. I made a far-post run and received a perfect pass about 25 yards from the goal. I really concentrated on my first touch which set me up nicely as I dribbled in on the keeper. When I reached the top of the box he started to cut off my angle to the right and I calmly slotted the ball past him into the lower left-hand corner. It never hurts to score a goal on your first outing with a new team.
For some time now, Nicolai has been organizing a New England Amputee soccer team. This evening they played an abbreviated match at Gillette Stadium during halftime of the Revolution-Red Bulls match. Nico had a hat trick in the 3-2 win and both teams received a standing ovation from the crowd of 16,000+. I know this because one of my teammates was at the match and called me to share this information. Best of all, many of Nico’s students and colleagues were in attendance after the Principal at the school where he teaches arranged for discounted tickets and bus transportation to the stadium. I am hoping someone took photographs during the game and will share them in a future post if I can find any.
With many of the large-scale design features of the River House starting to settle down, I have turned my attention to the kitchen details. Since Jeanine is the master of this area, I have been very careful to address her every wish. I am happy to report that she seems very pleased with the way things are shaping up. Here is a partial list: ample room around the island for multiple cooks to work at the same time, a large galley style sink (46″) with cutting board and colander accessories overlooking the river, a dedicated drink/coffee nook, a dishwasher adjacent to both the sink and storage for flatware, dishes and glasses, pull out bins for trash, compost, paper, and metal/glass recycling located next to sink, large landing zones for the refrigerator, double oven, dishwasher, cooktop and sink, island seating for four with views of the river, ability to see the TV from either the sink or cooktop, a walk-in pantry (not shown), pots and pans storage under the cooktop, and easy access to the dining room table. Some details remain to be worked out but I think the basic layout is looking really solid.
This website is dedicated to sharing, with family and friends, the day-to-day adventures of the Calabria family.