The Bonds

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On the advice of a colleague who is an avid White Mountain climber, I am headed for Bondcliff today.  Located in the middle of the Pemigewasset  wilderness, this very remote 4,265 ft. high peak offers a pristine 360 degree view of the Whites.  I start from the Zealand trailhead at 6:30am arriving at the Guyout tent site five and half hours later. Here I pause for lunch and to setup tent (the yellow one) on the provided wooden platforms (3 to a site to accommodate the maximum number of campers).

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With a much lighter pack I departed camp at 1:30pm reaching Bondcliff by 3:30pm after a leisurely stop on top of 4698 ft. Mount Bond.
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The view from Bondcliff was spectacular and I could not have asked for better weather conditions.  If not for my fear of heights, I would have ventured out onto the small rock platform atop the cliff edge for a truly memorable selfie but had to settle for the less dramatic version below. On my return to Guyout, it was my plan to take the spur trail to West Bond for the sunset.  My water ran out about the same time my legs did and I thought the better of finishing the day hiking by headlamp.

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