Let me explain how is is possible to start the day contemplating a trip to Iceland and end it with the purchase of a bicycle.
I would like to take a quick photo excursion before I start my new job. Iceland is on my bucket list and early June offers good weather and relatively few tourists. Waterfalls there are abundant and beautiful but most good photographic angles require that you setup in the water. Thus began my search for a pair of hip waders. I started in Concord with our local fly fishing outfitter. They had chest waders but they were overkill for my needs. They sent me to the Natick Outdoor Store which had waders but only a left boot in my size (don’t ask). Next, I was directed to Dick’s Sporting Goods which had both rubber and PVC waders in my size. After trying them on, I decided there was no way I was going to trudge into the wilderness with these things on. Perhaps REI, which was just around the block, would have something more minimalist. They did not. They did, however, have bicycles; plenty of them with many on sale. Even so, I could not find a hybrid in my size that was not painted like a Hells Angels motorcycle. Now smitten with the notion of a new bike, I headed over to Wheelworks in Belmont where I found what I was looking for. Why then does today’s post not feature a picture of said bicycle. Because I encountered something even more interesting when I returned home. This hummingbird must have collided with a window because I found him resting on our deck this evening. I find birds much easier to photograph when they are semiconscious and not flying, so I took advantage of the opportunity. Fortunately, the little fellow regained composure a few minutes after I got the shot and flew away.