The third Mughal Emperor, Akbar the Great (1555–1605), commenced the construction of his own tomb in around 1600. It was completed by his son after his death. Today the Tomb of Akbar the Great serves as much as a wildlife sanctuary. Deer roam openly and birds of every variety can be found singing in the trees.

I had originally planned to spend Holi in Mathura. Virtually everyone I met with advised against this because my safety could not be assured. Mathura is where the hardcore come to celebrate and drink. Think spring break. I still wanted to see the city so we stopped there on the drive back to Delhi. The birth place of Lord Krishna, Mathura is an ancient city of India known for its various monasteries of the Hindu religion and various pilgrim spots and temples. Most archeological sites are closed on Fridays but I did manage to find a massive reservoir that was pretty interesting.

With a check-in time of 1:30am for a 4:30am flight, I decided to sleep in the airport rather than stay in a hotel for a few hours. Kuldip, my faithful driver, dropped me at the airport. Even though we had only exchanged a couple dozen words over the past week (he spoke very little English) it was funny how well we had got to know each other. I have enjoyed my time traveling but am happy to be headed for home.