Kyle started his new job with Touchplan yesterday as a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst/Developer. He has transformed the music room into an office with a line of sight from my office. Who would have ever guessed that we would be “working together” like this? Through the other door to my study, I have a line of sight to Maya who is completing her study abroad course work in the kitchen breakfast nook. Meanwhile, Nicolai is teaching classes via Zoom using the dining room as his base of operations. It is not uncommon for at least three of us to be on a Zoom conference call at any given time which has necessitated upgrading the internet bandwidth to our home. Jeanine has been relegated to the living room and is not all that happy with her sabbatical “office.” Now that the kitchen makeover is essentially finished, she may choose to return to her desk that is built in there.

Jeanine and I got out for a nice 4-mile walk, taking advantage of the perfect spring weather. Rain is forecast for the next couple of days so we were keen on making good use of the opportunity which took us past a number of interesting scenes in the nearby town Lincoln.