It has been over a year since my last kidney stone. Earlier this week, I began passing another. I have tolerated the pain for almost five days but this evening it reached a peak and even double doses of Ibuprofen would not do the trick. I headed for the emergency room at about 11 PM and several hours later learned by way of a CAT scan that I was simultaneously passing two stones, 3mm on the left and 2-3mm on the right side. Armed with this knowledge and a shot of Toradol, high dose Ibuprofen administered by injection, I returned home in the early hours of the morning to continue the waiting game. The doctor also informed me that the radiologist had identified more than a dozen stones currently rattling around in my kidneys that will each one day try to make the great escape. Not the best news after 5 days of relentless pain. On a less depressing note, let me know if you can spot a Harry Potter character in my CAT scan.