Sunday Smorgasbord

Something I have been meaning to do for some time now is to replace our mailbox with a more substantial one and to replace the cross members on the post we share with neighbors. The old ones were rotting and not level. The new box is more in keeping with the modern design of our house and I like the way the large numbers appear on the door.

During one of my many trips from the mailbox to my shop for a forgotten tool or needed fastener, I encountered this Eastern Milk Snake crossing the driveway. These snakes are non-poisonous, non-venomous, have tiny teeth, and are docile unless provoked. It was odd to encounter one during the day as they are primarily nocturnal hunters. They are a welcome member of our local ecosystem feeding primarily on mice, other small mammals, snakes, birds, bird eggs, slugs, and other invertebrates.

We hosted a Euro Cup finals viewing party in the afternoon with the kids. Maya came with her boyfriend, Owen, and flatmate Zoe. Nicolai arrived with amp soccer teammate Musa, and Kyle was solo. Jeanine was only slightly interested in the match but did think to take a picture of the assembled group. While studying the image, I have tried with no success to locate Owen’s head. His left foot can be seen in a black sock.