Today we received our Certificate of Compliance (CoC) from the Concord Natural Resources Commission officially closing the final permitting chapter of our new home construction project. This document confirms that we satisfied our obligations under the Order of Conditions, allowing us to build a new house on the old footprint. Because of our proximity to the Sudbury River, we were subject to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act which has very strict and prescriptive requirements for any construction within 200 feet of a river or wetlands. Negotiating this very official process has been expensive and time-consuming. On the flip side, it is this same process that will preserve the health of the river and the views we now enjoy. By filing the CoC with the Registry of Deeds the lien on the house held by the Natural Resources Commission will be released.

It is hard to imagine how the day could have been any better but we also signed the final Purchase and Sale Agreement on our Road House paving the way for closing on September 9th.

And now for the best part. My brother and sister-in-law will arrive late this evening to spend the weekend with us.