Concord History Tour

Our close friend Stephanie (yellow blouse) gave us a private walking tour of historic downtown Concord this morning. Our group included my brother and sister-in-law, visiting for the weekend, and our neighborhood friends Dave and Patricia. We learned many things about the start of the Revolutionary War that you will not find in the history books and the reason why so many famous authors made Concord their home. Mark and Marie are visiting from Minnesota to extend the celebration of her 60th birthday. After the tour, I drove Marie into Sommerville to have lunch with Maya. The two are cut from the same cloth and it appears that Maya is on a similar career trajectory. After returning to Concord, we collected Mark and Jeanine and drove to Kyle’s house in Medford for appetizers on his newly constructed patio. Then it was back to Concord for steaks on the grill, freshly picked corn on the cob, and a delicious salad. We were joined by Kyle, his roommate Heloisa, and Nicolai.