We arrived in Wanaka last night, where, for the first time, we are staying in a tiny house. Of our accommodations thus far, it is our favorite. It is nestled on a hillside overlooking Lake Wanaka with a small pond below the porch. I got up before sunrise to capture the famous Wanaka Tree. The tree started its life over 80 years ago as a willow branch used as a fence post in Lake Wanaka to keep livestock from wandering. Over time, it took root and grew into the solitary tree seen today. In 2014, a photograph of the tree by Dennis Radermacher won the New Zealand Geographic photo of the year award. The image, taken on a misty day, captured the tree’s unique appearance and set it on the path to fame as #ThatWanakaTree spread rapidly on social media.

Mou Waho is an “island in a lake, on an island in a lake, on an island in the ocean.” It contains Arethusa Pool, a small lake near its peak that itself has a tiny island, creating a rare recursive landform. It was our destination this morning via speedboat (the 25 minute ride each way was an experience in and of itself). The island is predator-free and serves as a sanctuary for native wildlife, including the endangered Buff Weka, pictured below.

In the afternoon, we visited a Lavender Farm, which was as picturesque as it was fragrant. The working farm was also home to a couple of alpaca who were kind enough to pose for me.

In news from the US, Nico was featured in a segment on WBZ News (CBS affiliate). The story can be found at https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/nico-calabria-us-new-england-amputee-soccer-team/