Anchorage / Homer

Our travels today take us to the Kenai Peninsula via Anchorage. Our first stop is in the Dena’ina Athabascan village of Eklutna with a population of 70. It lies 24 miles northeast of Anchorage two miles from the mouth of the Eklutna River at the head of the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet. The last of eight villages that existed before construction of the Alaska Railroad brought an influx of American colonists around 1915. First settled more than 800 years ago, it is the oldest inhabited location in the Anchorage area. Russian Orthodox missionaries arrived in the 1840s. The melding of Orthodox Christianity and native practices resulted in the brightly-colored spirit houses which can be seen at the Eklutna Cemetery, in use since 1650 and now a historical park.

We continued on to Anchorage where we stopped for breakfast and a 2 hour tour of the Anchorage Museum, the state’s largest. Displays in the Alaska History Gallery delve into Russian occupation, the gold rush, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center provides a glimpse of the diverse culture of the Alaska Native peoples.

As we continue in the direction of Homer we stop frequently along the Turnagain Arm. Our second time on this scenic highway but the first without rain. We pause briefly at Bird Point which offers exceptional views. The mudflats of Turnagain Arm are treacherous and have caused several deaths over the years. Tides here have an extreme range of 40 ft and are among the highest in the world second only to the Bay of Fundy between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in southeastern Canada.

We frequently encounter the Russian River, which is of a color I have never seen before and is accurately represented in the photo.

Homer, our destination for the evening, also known as the “Cosmic Hamlet by the Sea” is located on the shores of beautiful Kachemak Bay. Nestled among rolling hills, this seaside and truly seagoing community of 5000 is comprised of artistic and outdoorsy types. The Homer Spit is a geographical landmark which distinguishes the town. The spit is a 4.5-mile long, narrow strip of land jutting out into Kachemak Bay.