Nicolai, Maya, and I spent a few hours at the Natick Mall this morning shooting video segments for a project Nico is working on for SideStix. The series will demonstrate basic forearm crutching techniques (walking, opening, and passing through a door, using an escalator, and negotiating a revolving door). Many things we take for granted are much more difficult when using crutches. In addition to teaching these basic techniques, Nico will mix in some humor and endorsements for SideStix. We managed to locate an exit-only door with no exterior means for opening it. We came up with a pretty funny sequence using this prop. Maya, our grip, also made several really good suggestions for vignettes to shoot and camera angles. Despite getting politely ejected from two malls (they don’t permit videotaping) we had a great time and enjoyed a celebratory lunch at Panera’s Bread after we got the last take. I will post the final videos when Nicolai has completed the editing work.