Wednesday means soccer practice for Maya and her friend Sarinnagh. Never has so much toughness been packed into two little girls. Maya insisted on demonstrating a proper shoulder charge for the rest of her team. Carl is enjoying coaching the team and likes it when Maya calls him “coach”.
Digital Convert
Jeanine has taken the digital leap. She has abandoned her 48 pound paper Day Runner in favor of computer based PIM (personal information manager). Now she is after me to pick up a PDA (personal digital assistant) so she can download and go. With one glance, she now informs me that she is not getting enough exercise (the bars on her weekly calendar view for exercise time are not big enough).
Baked Delights
Tennis Babe
Finger Prints
Last night was family night and Carl did elected fingerprinting as the activity. We captured all five fingers of each family member’s right hand and compared them to each other. It was totally fascinating. Each child has one or two fingers that closely match Carl, one or two that match Jeanine, and one or two that are totally unique.
Pests or Pets
This group of deer have established their sleeping quarters in our backyard field causing a fair amount of family controversy. Nicolai would like to refine his archery skills by using them for targets. Jeanine supports this notion because they are eating the heads off all of her flowers. Maya simply wants to play with them. Normally they lay down in the tall grass with just their heads showing. Here they are standing to better observe Maya as she approaches.