I have spent a considerable amount of time evaluating different options for lighting and lighting control for the River House. I have settled on Leviton Decora Smart Wi-Fi Motion Sensing Dimmers for control. 36 of the 38 lighting circuits in the house will be fitted with this switch. The device is highly programmable and can be configured as a regular dimmer switch, an occupancy dimmer, or a vacancy dimmer. Every light will be controllable from my phone, the internet, or any of the voice assistants (Siri, in our case). The switches can communicate with each other as well (motion at the top of the stairs turns on lights at the bottom of the stairs). 36 motion sensors spread throughout the house also make for one hell of a security system. I also spent several days evaluating recessed LED lighting fixtures and have selected the 4″ Halo HLB4069FS1EMWR which will be used in 76 places. I down selected from over a dozen units based on the following characteristics: cost, appearance, total lumens, lumens/watt, color temperature, ability to dim, color rendition index, beam angle, ability to use in showers, ability to use in contact with insulation, size of the connection box, style of connectors, ability to daisy-chain, built-in wire clamps. I then ordered one of each of the top three choices. I then wired them up to my chosen dimmer switch and tested them for: flicker, acoustic anomalies (hum or buzz at all lighting levels), ability to dim to near zero, ability to mount directly under a ceiling joist, spring tension to hold fast to ceiling, quality of diffused light (analyzed the shadows, looked for hot spots), mounted on the ceiling and observed light spread to determine optimal spacing.
Some people (including close family members) think I am insane for investing this kind of effort for something as mundane as lights and switches. The fact is, I enjoy doing this type of research and investigation. Moreover, the investment in time now will pay dividends in the future. I will be happy every time a light in an unoccupied room turns itself off and when I tell Siri to turn off all the lights in the house when going to bed or to set the lighting scene for a dinner party with one command.