Locust Borer Beetle


From time to time, I get in the mood to address small home maintenance issues in need of attention. Today that list included fixing the door latch to the closet where we store our luggage and camping gear, installing a vented hood to the exterior exhaust from our cooktop downdraft ventilator, fixing two toilet valves that didn’t seal fully, finished the door trim around the sun porch door to the deck, and refitted my home built kayak carriers with better protective foam. I also attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate a leak in Maya’s shower which is causing damage to the ceiling on the first floor below it. To reward my efforts, I treating myself to some raspberries from our garden where I noticed this adult Locust Borer Beetle (Megacyllene robiniae) resting on one the leaves. He was still there when I returned with my camera and I was able to get this shot before Jeanine scared him off in her fevered pursuit of ripe raspberries. Nico hosted a small group of friends who played several rounds of a strategy game called The Settlers of Catan while Jeanine and I slipped out for a quick ice cream date at Bedford Farms.