What a difference a day makes. Clear skies and unlimited visibility have been replaced by thick clouds and the threat of rain. Determined to reach home in time for the World Cup finals, I skip breakfast and break camp before dawn. In my haste, I managed to miss the turn for the Zealand Hut and found myself atop South Twin Mountain. I was in no mood to retrace several hours of my climb and decided to continue over North Twin and back to civilization via Haystack Road. I was extremely fortunate to meet a trio of Tufts students at the end of the trail who were kind enough to drive 30 minutes out of their way to return me to my car. I made a beeline for home and only missed the first 5 minutes of the game, which I watched, flanked on either side by my visiting nieces. The extremely rocky trails, four 4000 footers and a total of 16 hours of climbing have left me very sore but equally happy.