Collapsible Cup

2015-10-21 100004 018

Last week my tool holder with embedded magnets received but a single vote during Part of the Week. I believe this was a clear signal that everyone at work is tired of my variations on the tool holder theme. Last night I decided to pick an object at random and design it for printing. With my eyes closed, I opened a camping equipment catalog to an arbitrary page and there found a collapsible cup. Today when I arrived at work, I started printing it and four hours later I was drinking water from my creation (while much of it dribbled through the seams into the sink over which I wisely conducted my first test). Normally, I would go back to the drawing board and refine the design but I had an idea for a more relevant work project and will be moving on to that. Despite the leaks, the geometry worked out perfectly including the retention features I employed to lock the cup into its extended position.
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