11 Years Old

2005-05-13 180423 9

For 11 years now I have been posting a photo and short message every day on this blog.  It all started with the photo of Maya above taken when she was 5 years old.  According to my website this is the 6,194th post I have made.  There have been many days when I struggled to find the inspiration or energy to create an entry. Fortunately, I managed to persevere and am very proud of the journal I have created for the benefit of my family and friends. At some point, when Maya graduates high school perhaps, I imagine I may scale back to weekly postings. I am also starting to look for some software that can convert this blog into a PDF book. When I am long gone and no one is left to maintain this website, I’d like to ensure that there is a permanent record of this photo journal for my kids and theirs.