420 Miles

For the second time in as many years (March 6, 2015) I visited the New Croton Dam. This time as a waypoint on a 420 mile one-day road trip from Concord to Little Neck, NY and then on to Schenectady, NY.  Technically, it was more of a bus/delivery service than a road trip.  My mother asked if I could drive her back to her home from NYC. Her last trip on the bus did not go very well and she also wanted me to transport a few pieces of furniture back to her home. Croton-on-Hudson was not too far out of the way and I needed something to break up all the driving. During the second leg of the journey I used the time to quiz my mother about our family history.  I learned that my maternal grandfather remarried after divorcing from my grandmother and had 5 children with his second wife.  I only knew about one of them so this trip netted me several new step aunts and uncles.