Healthy Heart

After my brother’s recent sudden cardiac arrest, I have invested in a full cardiac work up to identify possible risks I might be facing.  I have had one treadmill EKG, one static echocardiogram, one treadmill echocardiogram, and one treadmill nuclear imaging test. I wore a loop recorder for 24 hours, have been measuring my blood pressure every day for two months (charted above), and have had my blood work done twice. Today I met with my cardiologist for the results. Drum roll, please….. I have a healthy heart with no detected anomalies in structure or electrical function and good blood profusion to the heart muscles.  My average blood pressure is in an acceptable range (136/82) and my ejection fraction is 65%.  I do have high cholesterol which I will attempt to regulate with more exercise and a better diet before considering other alternatives.