Not the most attractive addition to Maya’s tiny house, an essential component nevertheless, the external half to the mini-split system that will heat and cool the interior. With the addition of a pan heater that I installed, it is rated for operation down to -15F. Mounting it high will protect it from incidental damage and allow for operation with snowfalls up to 6 feet. Although this is the front of the trailer, it is the back of the house and the least objectionable location we could come up with.  Today was our last day working on the house together. Maya leaves for college on Saturday and needs the day off tomorrow to pack. Our ambitious goal for the day was to complete the interior ceiling and we managed to do so thanks to the efficiency of my new track saw and Maya’s clever idea for templating the triangular dormer side walls.

Over the course of the summer, Maya has developed from a good craftsman to an exceptional one.  Pictured below she proudly shows off the hand-cut circle she cut in one of the ceiling panels for a light fixture. I don’t think many professional woodworkers or builders could match her precision. She brought this level of craftsmanship to every aspect of her work and I took great pleasure bearing witness to her development.