More than any other photo I have taken in Nicaragua, the one above best captures the essence of the country for me. Happy, proud, and friendly people with close family bonds and strong work ethic. Dusty and rock-strewn dirt roads traveled by more horses than cars. This mother and her daughters seemed to be chasing to catch up with the truck I was riding in on the way to the Telica Volcano for a sunset crater ascent. From the top, you can see a dozen or so of the volcanic peaks that form the Ring of Fire within Nicaragua. I actually found the moonrise to be more photogenic than the sunset and the view of the magma to be less than impressive. Still, I enjoyed the climb and the company of a family from Sweden who made up the rest of our group.
The descent by flashlight was trying on my knees but otherwise uneventful until our guide spotted a scorpion. The first I have ever encountered in the wild you know I had to stop for a photo.
Earlier in the day I drove to the coastal towns of Poneloya and Las Peñitas where I found beautiful beaches, abundant birdlife, and laid-back beach bars and beachgoers (all 5 of them).