Range Anxiety

For the second time in as many weeks, I arrived home with 1 mile of range left on my BMW i3.  The last time it was anticipated because I did some additional driving beyond my normal roundtrip to Somerville.  Today it was a function of the brutally cold temperatures that affected my normal commute.  My round trip distance is 38 miles which meant that my range today was 39 miles.  The car is rated for a range of 81 miles. When I left this morning at 6:20AM the temperature was 1 degree F and when I returned at 8PM it was 3 degrees F.  I am not at all pleased with this situation and have contacted BMW and will be insisting they replace the battery.  Loss of capacity over time is to be expected.  Reduced capacity at low temperatures is to be expected.  But getting less than half the advertised range in any scenario is simply not acceptable.