I had a doctor’s appointment this morning which is located a couple of blocks from the Audi dealership through which I ordered my e-tron. I stopped in to get a status update on my car which has been sitting at the Davisville port in Rhode Island since June 3. I counted 8 e-trons on the lot, none of them mine which only adds insult to injury given that I know for a fact that my reservation was placed before all of these cars. After receiving exactly zero help from my salesperson, I reached out to a dealer I know in California. He was able to look up my order and discovered that the dealership had placed my name in the “notes” field of the order form rather than the “customer’s name” field which is where it belongs. He believes this explains the hold up. Learning this I was fit to be tied. On a positive note, I have had some very serious nibbles on my i3 which I am selling privately.