
As the sun was setting, this pair of swans gracefully swam past the house. It is the first time I have seen them in several months. Shortly after this sighting, Jeanine and I went out for a short walk and spotted a large barred owl silently gliding through the air. We watched it for several minutes as it flew from perch to perch, presumably in pursuit of dinner.

I spent a good part of the day researching and test-riding electric bikes. Having just sold my non-functioning one, I am in the market for a replacement. I have learned a great deal about the latest bike tech and also that Sept/Oct is the time of year when manufacturers introduce their new models. It may be prudent to wait a few weeks, either to get a good deal on last year’s models or to see what next year’s models have to offer.

While I am enjoying the process, I have to admit that it is sobering to realize this will probably be the last bike I purchase and that I need to consider what features will serve me best as I approach my 70s. Let’s just say that drop handlebars are out.