Ever since purchasing a new sofa for the River House, there has been nothing but complaints from Jeanine and the kids. When Jeanine and I made the selection last year, it met all of the requirements we had established at the time: part of an arrangement to seat five, organic shape, low profile, and sized to fit our space. We forgot to consider sprawl, however. Our kids grew up with a Thayer Coggin couch on which all three could lay down and nap simultaneously. Even though that sectional was still in good condition, it was too large to fit in the new house and we were fortunate to sell it with our last house. Today, I acquiesced to the relentless pressure and began the search for a new sectional sofa. I am doing the leg work while Jeanine is busy with her volunteer work. She and the kids will all be required to sign an acceptance agreement before we buy the replacement. For the record, the new couch will allow for the sprawl of only two adults. A third adult can sprawl on the sofa in the adjacent home theater.