Clips & Knives

2011-10-04 072017 092.JPG

Mothers and daughters I am coming to understand share many seemingly insignificant rituals which form a very deep and altogether different bond than fathers and daughters. The pinning up of hair is one such enterprise. Using an antique clip, mother assists child with hair bun “winding”, clip placement and bobby pinning. This by way of contrast to my bonding activities with Maya. After months of asking for her own camping/hunting knife, I escorted her as she picked out a very serious looking knife with a 4″ blade and a single handed open and close design. I remember the feeling I had when I received my first knife and I saw the same look in her eyes. Priceless.

Note to future boyfriends. Maya has harvested (nice word for cutting the heads off) two chickens and is now armed with her own a seriously sharp weapon. Keep all your digits and appendages in their proper place and do not act like a chicken.