Whenever I venture off the beaten path I invariably find some of my most interesting photographic opportunities. I continued working with my mother on her house this morning and left for the return drive to Concord shortly after noon. I have made this trip several dozen times but with no particular deadline to meet I decided to explore nooks and crannies along the way. Above is the Grafton Peace Pagoda, one of two in the United States, built in 1993 under the guidance of Buddhist nun, Jun Yasuda. In 1978 she walked from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. with Native Americans as part of the “longest walk,” a coordinated peace movement and since then has walked cross-country several times in the name of peace.
Below is a building on the RPI campus which I believe is some type of entrepreneurial business incubator. It is an amazing photographic subject that left me with more than a dozen unique perspectives and compositions.